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Add a script to profile online em
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cournape committed Dec 6, 2006
1 parent f0dca2e commit a59190e
Showing 1 changed file with 241 additions and 0 deletions.
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions Lib/sandbox/pyem/profile_data/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# /usr/bin/python
# Last Change: Wed Dec 06 08:00 PM 2006 J
import copy

import numpy as N

from gauss_mix import GM
from gmm_em import GMM

def _generate_data(nframes, d, k, mode = 'diag'):
w, mu, va = GM.gen_param(d, k, mode, spread = 1.5)
gm = GM.fromvalues(w, mu, va)
# Sample nframes frames from the model
data = gm.sample(nframes)

# Approximate the models with classical EM
emiter = 5
# Init the model
lgm = GM(d, k, mode)
gmm = GMM(lgm, 'kmean')

gm0 = copy.copy(
# The actual EM, with likelihood computation
like = N.zeros(emiter)
for i in range(emiter):
g, tgd = gmm.sufficient_statistics(data)
like[i] = N.sum(N.log(N.sum(tgd, 1)), axis = 0)
gmm.update_em(data, g)

return data, gm

nframes = int(5e3)
d = 1
k = 2
niter = 1

def test_v1():
# Generate test data
data, gm = _generate_data(nframes, d, k)
for i in range(niter):
iter_1(data, gm)

def test_v2():
# Generate test data
data, gm = _generate_data(nframes, d, k)
for i in range(niter):
iter_2(data, gm)

def test_v3():
# Generate test data
data, gm = _generate_data(nframes, d, k)
for i in range(niter):
iter_3(data, gm)

def test_v4():
# Generate test data
data, gm = _generate_data(nframes, d, k)
for i in range(niter):
iter_4(data, gm)

def iter_1(data, gm):
"""Online EM with original densities + original API"""
from online_em import OnGMM

nframes = data.shape[0]
ogm = copy.copy(gm)
ogmm = OnGMM(ogm, 'kmean')
init_data = data[0:nframes / 20, :]

# Forgetting param
ku = 0.005
t0 = 200
lamb = 1 - 1/(N.arange(-1, nframes-1) * ku + t0)
nu0 = 0.2
nu = N.zeros((len(lamb), 1))
nu[0] = nu0
for i in range(1, len(lamb)):
nu[i] = 1./(1 + lamb[i] / nu[i-1])

# object version of online EM
for t in range(nframes):
ogmm.compute_sufficient_statistics_frame(data[t], nu[t])
ogmm.update_em_frame(), ogmm.cmu, ogmm.cva)
print ogmm.cmu
print ogmm.cva

def iter_2(data, gm):
"""Online EM with densities2 + original API"""
from online_em2 import OnGMM

nframes = data.shape[0]
ogm = copy.copy(gm)
ogmm = OnGMM(ogm, 'kmean')
init_data = data[0:nframes / 20, :]

# Forgetting param
ku = 0.005
t0 = 200
lamb = 1 - 1/(N.arange(-1, nframes-1) * ku + t0)
nu0 = 0.2
nu = N.zeros((len(lamb), 1))
nu[0] = nu0
for i in range(1, len(lamb)):
nu[i] = 1./(1 + lamb[i] / nu[i-1])

# object version of online EM
for t in range(nframes):
ogmm.compute_sufficient_statistics_frame(data[t], nu[t])
ogmm.update_em_frame(), ogmm.cmu, ogmm.cva)
print ogmm.cmu
print ogmm.cva

def iter_3(data, gm):
"""Online EM with densities + 1d API"""
from online_em import OnGMM1d

#def blop(self, frame, nu):
# self.compute_sufficient_statistics_frame(frame, nu)
#OnGMM.blop = blop

nframes = data.shape[0]
ogm = copy.copy(gm)
ogmm = OnGMM1d(ogm, 'kmean')
init_data = data[0:nframes / 20, :]
ogmm.init(init_data[:, 0])

# Forgetting param
ku = 0.005
t0 = 200
lamb = 1 - 1/(N.arange(-1, nframes-1) * ku + t0)
nu0 = 0.2
nu = N.zeros((len(lamb), 1))
nu[0] = nu0
for i in range(1, len(lamb)):
nu[i] = 1./(1 + lamb[i] / nu[i-1])

# object version of online EM
for t in range(nframes):
#assert is
#assert ogmm.cva is ogmm.pva
#assert ogmm.cmu is ogmm.pmu
a, b, c = ogmm.compute_sufficient_statistics_frame(data[t, 0], nu[t])
##ogmm.blop(data[t,0], nu[t])
ogmm.update_em_frame(a, b, c), ogmm.cmu, ogmm.cva)
print ogmm.cmu
print ogmm.cva

def iter_4(data, gm):
"""Online EM with densities2 + 1d API"""
from online_em2 import OnGMM1d

#def blop(self, frame, nu):
# self.compute_sufficient_statistics_frame(frame, nu)
#OnGMM.blop = blop

nframes = data.shape[0]
ogm = copy.copy(gm)
ogmm = OnGMM1d(ogm, 'kmean')
init_data = data[0:nframes / 20, :]
ogmm.init(init_data[:, 0])

# Forgetting param
ku = 0.005
t0 = 200
lamb = 1 - 1/(N.arange(-1, nframes-1) * ku + t0)
nu0 = 0.2
nu = N.zeros((len(lamb), 1))
nu[0] = nu0
for i in range(1, len(lamb)):
nu[i] = 1./(1 + lamb[i] / nu[i-1])

# object version of online EM
def blop():
#for t in range(nframes):
# #assert is
# #assert ogmm.cva is ogmm.pva
# #assert ogmm.cmu is ogmm.pmu
# #a, b, c = ogmm.compute_sufficient_statistics_frame(data[t, 0], nu[t])
# ###ogmm.blop(data[t,0], nu[t])
# #ogmm.update_em_frame(a, b, c)
# ogmm.compute_em_frame(data[t, 0], nu[t])
[ogmm.compute_em_frame(data[t, 0], nu[t]) for t in range(nframes)]
blop(), ogmm.cmu, ogmm.cva)
print ogmm.cmu
print ogmm.cva

if __name__ == '__main__':
#import hotshot, hotshot.stats
#profile_file = ''
#prof = hotshot.Profile(profile_file, lineevents=1)
#p = hotshot.stats.load(profile_file)
#print p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(20)

#import hotshot, hotshot.stats
#profile_file = ''
#prof = hotshot.Profile(profile_file, lineevents=1)
#p = hotshot.stats.load(profile_file)
#print p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(20)

import hotshot, hotshot.stats
profile_file = ''
prof = hotshot.Profile(profile_file, lineevents=1)
p = hotshot.stats.load(profile_file)
print p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(20)

import hotshot, hotshot.stats
profile_file = ''
prof = hotshot.Profile(profile_file, lineevents=1)
p = hotshot.stats.load(profile_file)
print p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(20)

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