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262 lines (184 loc) · 7.53 KB
Author: Gaius Caesar
institution:Senate House, S.P.Q.R.
institution:Egyptian Embassy, S.P.Q.R.
Author: Mark Anthony
institution:Egyptian Embassy, S.P.Q.R.
Author: Jarrod Millman
institution:Egyptian Embassy, S.P.Q.R.
institution:Yet another place, S.P.Q.R.
Author: Brutus

A Numerical Perspective to Terraforming a Desert

A short version of the long version that is way too long to be written as a short version anyway. Still, when considering the facts from first principles, we find that the outcomes of this introspective approach is compatible with the guidelines previously established.

In such an experiment it is then clear that the potential for further development not only depends on previous relationships found but also on connections made during exploitation of this novel new experimental protocol.

terraforming, desert, numerical perspective


Twelve hundred years ago |---| in a galaxy just across the hill...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sapien tortor, bibendum et pretium molestie, dapibus ac ante. Nam odio orci, interdum sit amet placerat non, molestie sed dui. Pellentesque eu quam ac mauris tristique sodales. Fusce sodales laoreet nulla, id pellentesque risus convallis eget. Nam id ante gravida justo eleifend semper vel ut nisi. Phasellus adipiscing risus quis dui facilisis fermentum. Duis quis sodales neque. Aliquam ut tellus dolor. Etiam ac elit nec risus lobortis tempus id nec erat. Morbi eu purus enim. Integer et velit vitae arcu interdum aliquet at eget purus. Integer quis nisi neque. Morbi ac odio et leo dignissim sodales. Pellentesque nec nibh nulla. Donec faucibus purus leo. Nullam vel lorem eget enim blandit ultrices. Ut urna lacus, scelerisque nec pellentesque quis, laoreet eu magna. Quisque ac justo vitae odio tincidunt tempus at vitae tortor.

Of course, no paper would be complete without some source code. Without highlighting, it would look like this:

def sum(a, b):
    """Sum two numbers."""

    return a + b

With code-highlighting:

def sum(a, b):
    """Sum two numbers."""

    return a + b

Maybe also in another language, and with line numbers:

int main() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        /* do something */
    return 0;

Or a snippet from the above code, starting at the correct line number:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    /* do something */

Inline code looks like this: chunk of code.

Important Part

It is well known [Atr03] that Spice grows on the planet Dune. Test some maths, for example e^{\pi i} + 3 \delta. Or maybe an equation on a separate line:

g(x) = \int_0^\infty f(x) dx

or on multiple, aligned lines:

g(x) &=& \int_0^\infty f(x) dx \\
     &=& \ldots

The area of a circle and volume of a sphere are given as

A(r) = \pi r^2.
V(r) = \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3

We can then refer back to Equation (:ref:`circarea`) or (:ref:`spherevol`) later.

Mauris purus enim, volutpat non dapibus et, gravida sit amet sapien. In at consectetur lacus. Praesent orci nulla, blandit eu egestas nec, facilisis vel lacus. Fusce non ante vitae justo faucibus facilisis. Nam venenatis lacinia turpis. Donec eu ultrices mauris. Ut pulvinar viverra rhoncus. Vivamus adipiscing faucibus ligula, in porta orci vehicula in. Suspendisse quis augue arcu, sit amet accumsan diam. Vestibulum lacinia luctus dui. Aliquam odio arcu, faucibus non laoreet ac, condimentum eu quam. Quisque et nunc non diam consequat iaculis ut quis leo. Integer suscipit accumsan ligula. Sed nec eros a orci aliquam dictum sed ac felis. Suspendisse sit amet dui ut ligula iaculis sollicitudin vel id velit. Pellentesque hendrerit sapien ac ante facilisis lacinia. Nunc sit amet sem sem. In tellus metus, elementum vitae tincidunt ac, volutpat sit amet mauris. Maecenas [1] diam turpis, placerat [2] at adipiscing ac, pulvinar id metus.

[1]On the one hand, a footnote.
[2]On the other hand, another footnote.

This is the caption.:code:chunk of code inside of it. 🏷️`egfig`


This is a wide figure, specified by adding "w" to the figclass. It is also center aligned, by setting the align keyword (can be left, right or center). This caption also has chunk of code.


This is the caption on a smaller figure that will be placed by default at the bottom of the page, and failing that it will be placed inline or at the top. Note that for now, scale is relative to a completely arbitrary original reference size which might be the original size of your image - you probably have to play with it. 🏷️`egfig2`

As you can see in Figures :ref:`egfig` and :ref:`egfig2`, this is how you reference auto-numbered figures.

This is the caption for the materials table. 🏷️`mtable`
Material Units
Stone 3
Water 12
Cement \alpha

We show the different quantities of materials required in Table :ref:`mtable`.

This is the caption for the wide table.
This is a very very wide table

Unfortunately, restructuredtext can be picky about tables, so if it simply won't work try raw LaTeX:

Perhaps we want to end off with a quote by Lao Tse [3]:

Muddy water, let stand, becomes clear.


[Atr03]P. Atreides. How to catch a sandworm, Transactions on Terraforming, 21(3):261-300, August 2003.