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Scheduled Downtime 2 Jan 2021 3 Jan 2021

Noon van der Silk edited this page Jan 3, 2021 · 27 revisions

SciRate may be down during this weekend (in GMT+0 time) for a (much-needed) upgrade! There shouldn't be anything visibly different; it's almost all behind the scenes.

After we come back, please keep an eye out for anything not working right, and please file an issue if you see something that needs fixing!

Thanks for your patience.

Upgrade beginning (Sat Jun-02 2021)


  • Take site offline
  • Backup database
  • Test restored DB locally
  • Locally run the es:migrate task, and time it ( 30 minutes )
  • Check server disk space
  • Upgrade ruby on the server
  • Install newer elasticsearch
  • Install new version of Ubuntu !! (because elasticsearch didn't install)
  • (optional) Backup old elasticsearch data
  • Uninstall old elasticsearch
  • Deploy
  • Run live migrate
  • Make site live again
  • Test things
  • Close PR
  • Put up note pointing to github
  • Relax


  • I hate rails.
  • The production environment is quite different to the dev environment, and many things didn't work.
  • I'm trying to debug the assets at the moment.

Interesting issues:

  • Font awesome change it's name to Font-Not-Awesome
  • Rails file loading is a mystery (in order for rake tasks to run I need them in ./lib/tasks, but this means I have to copy from rb files into ./lib when someone else said, if I want them to be imported, they need to be in ./app/lib)
  • strace rails c shows that ruby loads files from all gems first, which is a hilarious issue
  • I used git bisect and it was kind of fun; @JacksonBates used it to find the FontAwesome issue
  • SciRate is Haunted
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