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Core Classes

Next to the sub packages provided, this contains three core frameworks / facilities.

  • Auto Setup Facility
    Executes all AutoSetupRules on startup if sirius.autoSetup is set to true in the system configuration. These rules should check the system consistency and create missing data objects if necessary (e.g. system tenants).

  • Start/Stop Facility
    All startable tasks will be started on system startup. All stoppable tasks will be invoked on system shutdown. Once completed, all killable tasks will be invoked to really stop them if they didn't respont to their stop call.

  • Docker Facility
    Starts/Stops docker containers. This is mainly used for test- and development systems and cann start required docker containers (databases, storage systems ..).
    Use docker.file to specify a docker-compose file which will be started. Specify a docker.project so that all containers keep their name (for dev environments). Otherwise each start will launch a new set of containers which is suitable for test runs.
    Note that this provides a PortMapper so that ports in the system configuration can automatically mapped to the ports dynamically assigned by docker-compose.