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scnerd committed May 4, 2018
2 parents ce1ecab + 8ddc10a commit a56a231
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Showing 6 changed files with 348 additions and 295 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/collapse_literals.rst
Expand Up @@ -70,3 +70,4 @@ If the branch is constant, and thus known at decoration time, then this flaw won
.. todo:: Support sets?
.. todo:: Always commit changes within a block, and only mark values as non-deterministic outside of conditional blocks
.. todo:: Support list/set/dict comprehensions
.. todo:: Support known elements of format strings (JoinedStr) in python 3.6+
58 changes: 22 additions & 36 deletions docs/inline.rst
Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ Inlining Functions
Inline specified functions into the decorated function. Unlike in C, this directive is placed not on the function getting inlined, but rather the function into which it's getting inlined (since that's the one whose code needs to be modified and hence decorated). Currently, this is implemented in the following way:

- When a function is called, its call code is placed within the current code block immediately before the line where its value is needed
- The code is wrapped in a one-iteration ``for`` loop (effectively a ``do {} while(0)``), and the ``return`` statement is replaced by a ``break``
- The code is wrapped in a ``try/except`` block, and the return value is passed back out using a special exception type
- Arguments are stored into a dictionary, and variadic keyword arguments are passed as ``dict_name.update(kwargs)``; this dictionary has the name ``_[funcname]`` where ``funcname`` is the name of the function being inlined, so other variables of this name should not be used or relied upon
- The return value is assigned to the function name as well, deleting the argument dictionary, freeing its memory, and making the return value usable when the function's code is exited by the ``break``
- The call to the function is replaced by the variable holding the return value

As a result, ``pragma.inline`` cannot currently handle functions which contain a ``return`` statement within a loop. Since Python doesn't support anything like ``goto`` besides wrapping the code in a function (which this function implicitly shouldn't do), I don't know how to surmount this problem. Without much effort, it can be overcome by tailoring the function to be inlined.
As a result, ``pragma.inline`` cannot currently handle functions which contain a ``return`` statement within a bare ``try/except`` or ``except BaseException``. Since Python doesn't support anything like ``goto`` besides wrapping the code in a function (which this function implicitly shouldn't do), I don't know how to surmount this problem. Without much effort, it can be overcome by tailoring the function to be inlined. In general, it's bad practice to use a bare ``except:`` or ``except BaseException:``, and such calls should generally be replaced with ``except Exception:``, which would this issue.

To inline a function ``f`` into the code of another function ``g``, use ``pragma.inline(g)(f)``, or, as a decorator::

Expand All @@ -23,49 +23,35 @@ To inline a function ``f`` into the code of another function ``g``, use ``pragma
z = y + 3
return f(z * 4)

# ... g Becomes something like ...
# ... g Becomes...

def g(y):
z = y + 3
_f = dict(x=z * 4) # Store arguments
for ____ in [None]: # Function body
_f['return'] = _f['x'] ** 2 # Store the "return"ed value
break # Return, terminate the function body
_f_return = _f.get('return', None) # Retrieve the returned value
del _f # Discard everything else
return _f_return

This loop can be removed, if it's not necessary, using :func:``pragma.unroll``. This can be accomplished if there are no returns within a conditional or loop block. In this case::

def f(x):
return x**2

def g(y):
z = y + 3
return f(z * 4)

# ... g Becomes ...

def g(y):
z = y + 3
_f = {}
_f['x'] = z * 4
_f = _f['x'] ** 2
return _f

It needs to be noted that, besides arguments getting stored into a dictionary, other variable names remain unaltered when inlined. Thus, if there are shared variable names in the two functions, they might overwrite each other in the resulting inlined function.
_f_0 = dict(x=z * 4)
try: # Function body
raise _PRAGMA_INLINE_RETURN(_f_0['x'] ** 2)
except _PRAGMA_INLINE_RETURN as _f_return_0_exc:
_f_return_0 = _f_return_0_exc.return_val
_f_return_0 = None
finally: # Discard artificial stack frame
del _f_0
return _f_return_0

.. todo:: Fix name collision by name-mangling non-free variables

Eventually, this could be collapsed using :func:``pragma.collapse_literals``, to produce simply ``return ((y + 3) * 4) ** 2``, but dictionaries aren't yet supported for collapsing.
Eventually, this could be collapsed using :func:``pragma.collapse_literals``, to produce simply ``return ((y + 3) * 4) ** 2``, but there are numerous hurtles in the way toward making this happen.

When inlining a generator function, the function's results are collapsed into a list, which is then returned. This will break in two main scenarios:
When inlining a generator function, the function's results are collapsed into a list, which is then returned. This is equivalent to calling ``list(generator_func(*args, **kwargs))``. This will break in two main scenarios:

- The generator never ends, or consumes excessive amounts of resources.
- The calling code relies on the resulting generator being more than just iterable.
- The calling code relies on the resulting generator being more than just iterable, e.g. if data is passed back in using calls to ``next``.

.. todo:: Fix generators to return something more like ``iter(list(f(*args, **kwargs))``, since ``list`` itself is not an iterator, but the return of a generator is.

In general, either this won't be an issue, or you should know better than to try to inline the infinite generator.

.. todo:: Support inlining a generator into another generator by merging the functions together. E.g., ``for x in my_range(5): yield x + 2`` becomes ``i = 0; while i < 5: yield i + 2; i += 1`` (or something vaguely like that).
.. todo:: Support inlining a generator into another generator by merging the functions together. E.g., ``for x in my_range(5): yield x + 2`` becomes ``i = 0; while i < 5: yield i + 2; i += 1`` (or something vaguely like that).
.. todo:: Support inlining closures; if the inlined function refers to global or nonlocal variables, import them into the closure of the final function.

Recursive calls are handled by keeping a counter of the inlined recursion depth, and changing the suffix number of the local variables dictionary (e.g., ``_f_0``). These dictionaries serve as stack frames: their unique naming permits multiple, even stacked, inlined function calls, and their deletion enforces the usual life span of function-local variables.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions pragma/
Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
class CollapseTransformer(TrackedContextTransformer):
def visit_Name(self, node):
res = self.resolve_literal(node)
if isinstance(res, primitive_ast_types):
return res
if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load):
res = self.resolve_literal(node)
if isinstance(res, primitive_ast_types):
return res
return node

def visit_BinOp(self, node):
Expand Down
41 changes: 27 additions & 14 deletions pragma/core/
Expand Up @@ -36,21 +36,27 @@ def function_ast(f):

class DebugTransformerMixin: # pragma: nocover
def visit(self, node):
orig_node_code = astor.to_source(node).strip()
log.debug("Starting to visit >> {} << ({})".format(orig_node_code, type(node)))
cls = type(self).__name__

orig_node_code = astor.to_source(node).strip()
except Exception as ex:
log.error("{} ({})".format(type(node), astor.dump_tree(node)), exc_info=ex)
raise ex
log.debug("{} Starting to visit >> {} << ({})".format(cls, orig_node_code, type(node)))

new_node = super().visit(node)

if new_node is None:
log.debug("Deleted >>> {} <<<".format(orig_node_code))
log.debug("{} Deleted >>> {} <<<".format(cls, orig_node_code))
elif isinstance(new_node, ast.AST):
log.debug("Converted >>> {} <<< to >>> {} <<<".format(orig_node_code, astor.to_source(new_node).strip()))
log.debug("{} Converted >>> {} <<< to >>> {} <<<".format(cls, orig_node_code, astor.to_source(new_node).strip()))
elif isinstance(new_node, list):
log.debug("Converted >>> {} <<< to [[[ {} ]]]".format(orig_node_code, ", ".join(
log.debug("{} Converted >>> {} <<< to [[[ {} ]]]".format(cls, orig_node_code, ", ".join(
astor.to_source(n).strip() for n in new_node)))
except Exception as ex:
log.error("Failed on {} >>> {}".format(orig_node_code, astor.dump_tree(new_node)), exc_info=ex)
log.error("{} Failed on {} >>> {}".format(cls, orig_node_code, astor.dump_tree(new_node)), exc_info=ex)
raise ex

return new_node
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,11 +243,12 @@ def assign(self, name, val):
log.debug("Failed to assign {}={}, rvalue cannot be converted to AST".format(name, val))

def visit_Assign(self, node):
node.value = self.visit(node.value)
node = self.generic_visit(node)
self.assign(node.targets, node.value)
return node

def visit_AugAssign(self, node): = self.visit(
node = copy.deepcopy(node)
node.value = self.visit(node.value)
new_val = self.resolve_literal(ast.BinOp(op=node.op,, right=node.value))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,40 +299,46 @@ def visit_ClassDef(self, node):

def visit_For(self, node):
node.iter = self.visit(node.iter) = self.visit(
node.body = self.nested_visit(node.body)
node.orelse = self.nested_visit(node.orelse)
return self.generic_visit_less(node, 'body', 'orelse', 'iter')
return node

def visit_AsyncFor(self, node):
node.iter = self.visit(node.iter) = self.visit(
node.body = self.nested_visit(node.body)
node.orelse = self.nested_visit(node.orelse)
return self.generic_visit_less(node, 'body', 'orelse', 'iter')
return node

def visit_While(self, node):
node.test = self.visit(node.test)
node.body = self.nested_visit(node.body)
node.orelse = self.nested_visit(node.orelse)
return self.generic_visit_less(node, 'body', 'orelse')
return node

def visit_If(self, node):
node.test = self.visit(node.test)
node.body = self.nested_visit(node.body)
node.orelse = self.nested_visit(node.orelse)
return self.generic_visit_less(node, 'body', 'orelse', 'test')
return node

def visit_With(self, node):
node.items = self.nested_visit(node.items, set_conditional_exec=False)
node.body = self.nested_visit(node.body, set_conditional_exec=False)
return self.generic_visit_less(node, 'body')
return node

def visit_AsyncWith(self, node):
node.items = self.nested_visit(node.items, set_conditional_exec=False)
node.body = self.nested_visit(node.body, set_conditional_exec=False)
return self.generic_visit_less(node, 'body')
return node

def visit_Try(self, node):
node.body = self.nested_visit(node.body)
node.handlers = self.nested_visit(node.handlers)
node.orelse = self.nested_visit(node.orelse)
node.finalbody = self.nested_visit(node.finalbody, set_conditional_exec=False)
return self.generic_visit_less(node, 'body', 'orelse', 'finalbody')
return node

def visit_Module(self, node):
node.body = self.nested_visit(node.body, set_conditional_exec=False)
Expand Down

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