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266 lines (240 loc) · 17.1 KB

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266 lines (240 loc) · 17.1 KB


  • Upgraded to scodec-bits 1.1.0


  • Added new bitsRemaining codec, which decodes true if a non-empty vector is encountered.
  • Fixed bug in listOfN/vectorOfN such that decoding now fails if less than n elements are decoded.
  • Added framing to CoproductCodecBuilder, allowing a CodecTransformation to be applied to all cases.
  • Added support for deriving recursive case classes and ADTs.
  • Added support for as combinator on Encoder and Decoder.
  • Added support for packed decimals (pbcd, vpbcd).
  • Added sizedList/sizedVector codecs, which encode/decode collections of a statically known size.
  • Fixed bug in variableSizeBytes where, if the wrapped codec generates a vector which has a size not evenly divisible by 8, the vector was truncated to next lowest byte boundary.


  • Restored support for Android 4.3 and lower.
  • Deprecated DecodingContext, as it is equal in power to flatMap on Codec/Decoder.
  • Added bind method to Discriminated, allowing less boilerplate in creating Discriminator instances.
  • Fixed bug in listDelimited codec.
  • Minor optimizations, including faster UUID codec and upgrade to scodec-bits 1.0.10, which has additional performance improvements.


  • Added xmapc, exmapc, narrowc, and widenc methods to Codec and other types with Transform instances. These methods are curried versions of their non-curried counterparts, allowing the resulting type to be inferred based on result of first function. For example, bits.xmap[ByteVector](_.bytes, _.bits) can now be written as bits.xmapc(_.bytes)(_.bits).
  • Added vint, vintL, vlong, and vlongL codecs, which encode integers in a variable number of bytes.
  • Fixed source links in ScalaDoc.
  • Upgraded to scodec-bits 1.0.9, shapeless 2.2.4, scala 2.11.7, and scala.js 0.6.4.


  • Added support for Scala.js.
  • Changed DiscriminatorCodec#typecase to take a ClassTag instead of a Manfiest.
  • Changed Codec#{upcast,downcast} to take a Typeable instance instead of a Manifest, in order to avoid Java reflection.
  • Changed withToString to take its argument by-name, so that string formatting/interpolation only occurs when toString is called.
  • Added vectorMultiplexed/listMultiplexed combinators, for creating a Codec[Vector[A]]/Codec[List[A]] from a Codec[A] and custom multiplexing/demultiplexing logic.
  • Added vectorDelimited/listDelimited combinators, for creating a Codec[Vector[A]]/Codec[List[A]] from a Codec[A] and a delimiter, expressed as a BitVector.
  • Added cstring codec, for encoding/decoding US-ASCII strings that are terminated by a NUL (0) byte.


  • Added byteAligned combinator, which right pads a Codec[A] such that the binary size is always evenly divisible by 8.
  • Added decodeValue back to Decoder, Codec, and GenCodec.
  • Added limitedSizeBits and limitedSizeBytes combinators, which behave like fixedSizeBits/fixedSizeBytes but perform no padding.
  • Added support for value codec framing to DiscriminatorCodec and auto-generated coproduct codecs. See TlvExample for usage.
  • Added fallback and discriminatorFallback combinators.
  • Added variableSizePrefixed{Bits,Bytes} and variableSizePrefixed{Bits,Bytes}Long combinators for working with binary shapes like size ++ prefix ++ value where size encodes the length of value.
  • The .as[CaseClass] syntax now automatically drops unit values from the HList representation.
  • Improved support for derived fields in HList codecs -- fields which appear in the binary format but should not appear in the HList type. See ProductExamples.
    • Added derive[A].from(f) syntax on Codec[L] for some L <: HList to simplify working with fields whose value are derived from other fields.
    • Added consume(f)(g) syntax on Codec[A] as an alias for the pattern flatPrepend(f).derive[A].from(g).
  • Added filtered combinator, which allows post-processing of encoded binary and pre-processing of to-be-decoded binary.
  • Added checksummed combinator, which allows simpler checksumming than working with signature codecs.


  • Added string32, ascii32, and utf8_32 codecs, which encode a 32-bit 2s complement big endian size field before the string encoding.
  • Added various combinators for logging results of encoding/decoding -- logBuilder, logFailuresBuilder, logSuccessesBuilder, logToStdOut, and logFailuresToStdOut.
  • Added zlib combinator, which compresses the results of another codec.
  • Fixed bug where the contents of the scodec-bits jar was included in the scodec-core jar.


  • Group id (ivy organization) changed from org.typelevel to org.scodec.
  • Upgraded to Shapeless 2.1 and removed the dependency on Scalaz. Users must use Shapeless 2.1.x, as the 2.1 series is not binary compatible with the 2.0 series.
  • As a result of the Shapeless 2.1 upgrade, Scala 2.10 users are required to use the Macro Paradise compiler plugin. Scala 2.11 users do not need Macro Paradise. For cross builds, the following SBT setting will add the plugin to only your 2.10 build:
   // Shapeless 2.1.0 on Scala 2.10 requires macro paradise
   libraryDependencies ++= {
     if (scalaBinaryVersion.value startsWith "2.10") Seq(compilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.0.1" cross CrossVersion.full)) else Nil
  • Derived codecs now work for arbitrarily complex structures. In previous versions, deriving codecs for some complex types would result in implicit divergence, requiring, for instance, users to manually define implicit codecs for each component type before deriving a product codec. These limitations have been removed.
  • Related to the fixes for derivation of complex structures, the ImplicitCodec and DerivedCodec types have been removed in favor of shapeless.Lazy[Codec[A]]. If authoring combinators that require implicit codecs, use Lazy[Codec[A]] instead of Codec[A] or ImplicitCodec[A]. The same advice holds for implicit encoders and decoders -- use Lazy[Encoder[A]] and Lazy[Decoder[A]].
  • All uses of scalaz.\/ were replaced with scodec.Attempt, which is isomorphic to Err \/ ?. See the ScalaDoc for Attempt for combinators. Some specific notes:
    • The return type of encode has changed from Err \/ BitVector to Attempt[BitVector].
    • The return type of decode has changed from Err \/ (BitVector, A) to Attempt[DecodeResult[A]]. DecodeResult is a case class that contains both the A value as well as the remainder BitVector. It contains two useful methods, map and mapRemainder, which makes it nicer to work with than Tuple2.
    • Replace codec.encodeValid(a) with codec.encode(a).require
    • Replace codec.decodeValid(a) with codec.decode(a).require
    • Replace codec.decodeValidValue(a) with codec.decode(a).require.value
  • Scalaz type class instances moved to the scodec.interop.scalaz package, in the scodec-scalaz library. This library contains additional conveniences for Scalaz users, like syntax for converting between Attempt[A] and Err \/ A. In general, you should import scodec.interop.scalaz._.
  • Another new interop library is available as of scodec-core 1.7 -- scodec-spire, which provides codecs for unsigned numeric types.
  • scodec.DecodingContext is significantly faster. If you previously avoided using it due to performance overhead, retest the new implementation.
  • Dramatically improved compile time of dropUnits
  • Introduced new codec.flattenLeftPairs combinator, which converts a Codec[(((A, B), C, ...)] to a Codec[A :: B :: C :: ... :: HNil]
  • Introduced new combinators for building Tuple3 through Tuple12 codecs and binding the results to case classes. Calling a ~~ b where a: Codec[TupleM[...]] results in a Codec[TupleN[..., B]] where N = M + 1. The ~~ operator differs from ~ in that it returns a codec for a tuple of one higher arity than the left hand side codec. And specifically, it returns a scodec.codecs.TupleNCodec, where N is replaced by the arity. To bind a TupleNCodec to a case class, call widenAs(Foo.apply, Foo.unapply). The advantage of using ~~ is that a TupleN is created directly when decoding, avoiding the nested Tuple2 instances generated by ~.
  • Introduced a new abstract method on Encoder -- def sizeBound: SizeBound, which provides lower and upper bounds on the size of the encoded binary. If a definition for sizeBound does not apply to a codec, define the method as def sizeBound = SizeBound.unknown. The built-combinators have been updated to compute size bounds correctly, even for product and coproduct types.


  • CoproductCodecBuilder now supports arbitrary orderings of component types. This is especially useful when creating a CoproductCodecBuilder for a sealed class, because the order of subtypes in the coproduct representation is chosen by the compiler. See example.
  • Introduced the Transform typeclass, which abstracts the ability to exmap and provides derived implementations for xmap, pxmap, widen, narrow, and as, including Shapeless integration with as.
  • Provided instances of Transform for both Codec and CoproductCodecBuilder.
  • Added various combinators to Codec:
    • upcast
    • downcast
    • toFieldWithContext
  • Introduced KnownDiscriminatorType[D] mixin.
  • Modified discriminated coproduct codecs and DiscriminatorCodec to raise KnownDiscriminatorType[D]#UnknownDiscriminator errors.
  • Added scodec.codecs.hlist(l) combinator for converting an HList of shape Codec[X0] :: Codec[X1] :: ... :: Codec[Xn] :: HNil to Codec[X0 :: X1 :: ... :: Xn :: HNil]. Also available via syntax enrichment, toCodec, on HLists of proper shape.


  • Due to diverging implicit errors introduced by 1.4.0, the derived codec support was refactored. For non-generic uses, the syntax is the same -- call Codec[Foo] to auto-derive a codec for Foo. For generic uses, combinators should be changed to take an implicit ImplicitCodec[A] instead of an implicit Codec[A]. See the issue for more details on the problem and the PR for more details on the new structure.
  • Fixed a bug in ushort8 where it was treating binary as a signed short8.
  • Added withContext to Codec -- this is an alias for "context" | codec.


  • Breaking Change - Changed error type from String to scodec.Err. Err is a non-sealed class, allowing codecs to return custom subtypes describing domain specific errors. This allows dispatching on those domain specific errors. To upgrade, instead of returning a string, wrap the string with Err(str). See the PR for details.
  • Added Codec.coproduct, which helps create Coproduct based codecs. See CoproductsExample.
  • Added support for automatically deriving codecs, based on Codec.product and Codec.coproduct. See DerivedCodecExamples.
  • Added scodec.codecs.implicits, which provides implicit codecs for primitive values and collections.
  • Updated paddedFixedSize{Bits,Bytes}Dependent combinator for building PKCS5/PKCS7 style padding.


  • Added flatAppend and flatConcat to HList based codecs.
  • Added Codec.product, which automatically generates HList based codecs for case classes and HList types if all component types have implicit codecs available. See ProductsExample.
  • Added the toField combinator to Codec, allowing creation of Shapeless field codecs from value codecs. That is, toField[K] on Codec converts a Codec[A] to a Codec[FieldType[K, A]]
  • Added variableSize{Bits,Bytes}Long as alternatives to variableSize{Bits,Bytes}, where the size is encoded/decoded via a Codec[Long] instead of a Codec[Int].


  • Added support for Shapeless coproduct codecs. See CoproductCodecTest for examples.
  • Added exmap to Codec, emap to Decoder and econtramap to Encoder
  • Added narrow and widen to Codec
  • Added ability to lift an Encoder to a Codec via encodeOnly and a Decoder to a Codec via decodeOnly
  • Added paddedFixedSize{Bytes,Bits} combinators
  • Added numeric codecs for Short and Byte
  • Fixed bug in constantLenient where decoding wasn't lenient


  • Changed dropLeft/~> and dropRight/<~ to require a Codec[Unit] on the dropped side. Previously, the requirement was a Codec[X] and an implicitly available Monoid[X]. To convert a Codec[X] to a Codec[Unit], use the unit combinator.
  • Changed size based codecs to use Long instead of Int sizes.


  • Added support for Shapeless coproduct codecs. See CoproductCodecTest for examples.
  • Added exmap to Codec, emap to Decoder and econtramap to Encoder
  • Added narrow and widen to Codec
  • Added ability to lift an Encoder to a Codec via encodeOnly and a Decoder to a Codec via decodeOnly
  • Added paddedFixedSize{Bytes,Bits} combinators
  • Added numeric codecs for Short and Byte
  • Fixed bug in constantLenient where decoding wasn't lenient


  • Added fail combinator
  • Added mappedEnum combinator
  • Added vector and list combinators and deprecated repeated
  • Added vectorOfN and listOfN combinators for count encoded values
  • Added unit and unitM combinators to convert a Codec[A] to a Codec[Unit]
  • Added scodec.codecs.literals._ for implicitly converting literal values to constant codecs.
  • Added constantLenient codec that's equivalent to constant but does not validate that the decoded bits equal the constant value
  • Improved support for as method:
    • Better compiler error message when an implicit CodecAsAux is not found
    • Support for reverse bindings (e.g., Codec[Point3D].as[Int :: Int :: Int :: HNil])
    • Support for singleton bindings without having to first lift Codec[A] to Codec[A :: HNil] (e.g., case class Foo(x: Int);[Foo])
  • Added optional combinator
  • Added withDefault and withDefaultValue combinators
  • Added recover and lookahead combinators
  • Added dropUnits combinator for HList codecs, greatly simplifying creation of codecs that have unit values due to use of constant or ignore. For example, (uint8 :: ignore(4) :: uint4 :: ignore(3) :: uint5).dropUnits results in a Codec[Int :: Int :: Int :: HNil]
  • Added support for xmapping polymorphic functions via polyxmap and polyxmap combinators
  • polyxmap takes 2 polymorphic functions, forward and reverse
  • polyxmap1 takes 1 polymorphic function that's used in both directions
  • both combinators work on HList codecs and value codecs


  • Upgraded to Scalaz 7.1.0
  • Published ScalaDoc links in POM so that other projects can link to ScalaDoc


  • Upgraded to Shapeless 2


  • Added endiannessDependent combinator
  • Used scodec.bits.ByteOrdering instead of a boolean for indicating big endian vs little endian
  • Significant performance improvements


  • Upgrade to scodec-bits 1.0.0-RC2


  • Added bits and bytes codecs that behave like bits(size)/bytes(size) but with no size constraint
  • Replaced discriminator support with new implementation that is much more general (thanks to Paul C)
  • Removed Codec.{ encode, decode } overloads that aliased Codec#{ encode, decode }
  • Introduced encodeValid, decodeValue, and decodeValidValue methods on both the Codec class and object
  • Added new combinators (lazily, complete, compact)
  • API docs


  • Removed unnecessary dependencies from pom


  • Changed group id from com.github.scodec to org.typelevel
  • Changed artifact id from scodec to scodec-core
  • Deprecated scodec.{ BitVector, ByteVector } in favor of scodec.bits.{ BitVector, ByteVector }
    • Deprecated forwarders will be removed in M3
  • Reduced public API
    • made many types package private
    • removed methods from Codec companion that existed directly on Codec


  • JAR restructuring
    • scodec-bits: no dependency JAR containing BitVector, ByteVector, and supporting types
    • scodec: dependds on scodec-bits and adds encoding/decoding capabilities
    • See scodec-bits for list of improvements to BitVector and ByteVector
  • Package restructuring
    • scodec.bits package contains BitVector, ByteVector, and supporting types
    • scodec package contains main abstractions of encoding/decoding
    • scodec.codecs package contains reusable codecs
  • Encoder, Decoder, and GenCodec abstractions, which allow simpler transforms if a full Codec is not required