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#Lab 4: Configure Neutron Networking

##4.1 Create Keypair

All actions in this lab will performed by the admin tenant in this lab. In a production enviroinment there will likely be many tenants.

source ~/keystonerc_admin

Keypairs are SSH credentials that are injected into images when they are launched. Create a keypair and then list the key.

nova keypair-add adminkp > ~/adminkp.pem && chmod 400 ~/adminkp.pem
nova keypair-list

##4.2 Set up Neutron Networking

Set up neutron networking

###Network Configuration Background

In this lab there is an existing network, much as there would be in a production environment. This is a real, physical network with a gateway and DHCP server somewhere on the network that we do not have control over. Therefore we decided to use the a private network to represent our public network. This network will be setup on a brige called br-ex which is defined in the packstack answer file with the following option:


###Create the Public Network

Create a public network with the --router:external=True option to designate it as an external network:

neutron net-create public --router:external=True

List networks after creation:

neutron net-list

More detail is available with the net-show command. If you have multiple networks with identical names, you must specify the UUID for the network instead of the name.

neutron net-show public

Create the public subnet. Also specify an allocation pool from which floating IPs can be assigned. Without this option the entire subnet range will be used. Also specify the gateway here:

neutron subnet-create public --allocation-pool start=,end= \
    --gateway --enable_dhcp=False --name public    

List the subnets:

neutron subnet-list

Show more details about the public subnet:

neutron subnet-show public

###Create Private Network

Create a private network that the virtual machines will be attached to. As this is an all-in-one configuration, use network_type local. A real production environment would use VLAN or tunnel technology such as GRE or VXLAN.

neutron net-create private --provider:network_type local

List networks after creation. This time you should see both public and private:

neutron net-list

Show more details about the private network:

neutron net-show private

Create a private subnet:

neutron subnet-create private --gateway --name private

List the subnets

neutron subnet-list

Show more details about the private subnet:

neutron subnet-show private

Create a router. This is a neutron router that will route traffic from the private network to the public network:

neutron router-create router1

Set the gateway for the router to reside on the public subnet.

neutron router-gateway-set router1 public

List the router:

neutron router-list

Add an interface for the private subnet to the router:

neutron router-interface-add router1 private

Display router1 configuration:

neutron router-show router1

Lab 4 Complete!