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ben-509 committed Mar 27, 2011
0 parents commit 8bf71f9
Showing 1 changed file with 291 additions and 0 deletions.
291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions MP3 CD Maker.applescript
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
MP3 CD Maker
So iTunes already does this.
But, as you probably noticed, you have to convert all your songs to MP3.
Okay, that gets tedious, especially since a CD will hold 100 MP3s...
And after burning, I've got MP3 versions of my songs floating around my library.
Solution 1: ditch iTunes for a good music library.
Solution 2: this script.
This script will:
1. Step through any playlist, to include a Genius mix, or DJ shuffle.
2. Skip over songs that are already MP3s.
3. Clean up after itself as it goes.
4. Automatically bail if there are 10 failures in a row.
5. Write a log to the desktop.
6. Do a Pretty Good Job of figuring out what will fit on a CD.
(Sorry, it doesn't attempt to calculate file system overhead.)
7. Number as it goes.
You need to:
1. Set up a playlist.
2. Start iTunes playing as though you were listening to the playlist.
3. Hit pause.
4. Run the script.
5. It will prompt for a folder. Select an existing folder, or create a new one.
6. Get a blank CD, and burn the contents of the folder.
7. You're done!

-- You shouldn't change this unless you're using something
-- other than a CD or DVD. If you're writing to a disk,
-- it'd probably be 4096.
property sector_size : 2048 -- bytes per sector of a data CD or DVD

-- You can always set this to 0, and just drop a file or two.
property reserve_sectors : 2560 -- reserve this much space for filesystem and such

-- I looked these numbers up on Wikipedia. No idea how accurate they are,
-- but they pass the smell test. 700 MB is the most common CD size I've seen.

-- Just uncomment the capacity you'd like to use.

--property tgt_capacity: 333000 -- a 650 MB CD
property tgt_capacity : 360000 -- a 700 MB CD
--property tgt_capacity: 405000 -- a 800 MB CD
--property tgt_capacity: 445500 -- a 900 MB CD
--property tgt_capacity: 2298496 -- a DVD-R single layer
--property tgt_capacity: 2295104 -- a DVD+R single layer
--property tgt_capacity: 4171712 -- a DVD-R double layer
--property tgt_capacity: 4173824 -- a DVD+R double layer

-- Not commenting as much since the logging does that for us.
on run
-- Set up logging
set log_fh to my log_start((path to library folder from user domain as string) & "Logs:MP3 CD Maker.txt")
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Conversion run begins.")
my choose_playlist(log_fh)

tell application "iTunes"
set my_dir to (choose folder with prompt "Pick a target folder")
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Writing to target folder '" & (my_dir as string)) & "'"
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Target sector size is " & sector_size & " bytes.")
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Target capacity is " & tgt_capacity & " sectors.")
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Target reserved is " & reserve_sectors & " sectors.")
set sectors_used to (my calc_sectors_used_dir(my_dir))
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Existing files use " & sectors_used & " sectors.")
set track_counter to (my calc_track_num(my_dir)) + 1
set sectors_remaining to tgt_capacity - reserve_sectors - sectors_used
set conversion_errors to 0
repeat while sectors_remaining > 0
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Start track #" & track_counter)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Remaining sectors: " & sectors_remaining)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Conversion error count: " & conversion_errors)
if conversion_errors > 9 then
display alert "Bailing after 10 conversion failures in a row."
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Bailing from high conversion error count.")
exit repeat
end if

set my_track to the current track
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Working on track " & location of my_track)
if kind of my_track is "MPEG audio file" then
-- all we need to do is copy
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Track is already MP3.")
set track_file to location of my_track
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Copying to target dir.")
tell application "Finder" to set after_op to ((duplicate track_file to my_dir) as alias)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Attempting to convert " & kind of my_track & " to MP3.")
set converted_tracks to (convert my_track)
if (count converted_tracks) is not 1 then
error "Conversion returned no files. Is track protected?"
end if
set converted_track to first item of converted_tracks
set conv_file to location of converted_track
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Converted to: " & (conv_file as string))
tell application "Finder" to set after_op to ((move conv_file to my_dir) as alias)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Moved to: " & (after_op as string))
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Deleting iTunes entry.")
-- Notably, this only deletes the entry.
-- It will fail if the file is still present, but succeed even if the file was merely moved out of the iTunes folder.
delete converted_track
end if

-- Work out how much space this is using
set file_sectors to (my calc_sectors_used_file(after_op))
my log_mesg(log_fh, "File is " & (file_sectors as string) & " sectors.")
set sectors_remaining to sectors_remaining - file_sectors

-- Rename the track nicely
set new_name to (my format_track_name(track_counter, my_track))
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Renaming track to '" & new_name & "'.")
tell application "Finder"
set file_ext to name extension of after_op
set name of after_op to new_name & "." & file_ext
end tell
set track_counter to track_counter + 1

-- only count failures in a row
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Operation successful.")
set conversion_errors to 0
on error e
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Error: " & (e as string))
set conversion_errors to conversion_errors + 1
end try
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Attempting to move to next track")
next track
on error e
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Error: " & (e as string))
display alert "Could not get next track, probably at end of playlist, bailing."
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
end tell
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Rezeroize track names.")
my rezeroize_tracks(my_dir, track_counter)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Conversion run terminated successfully.")
end run

-- You might want to customize this
-- Track is a track object
-- The caller handles the file extension, ignore that.
on format_track_name(num, the_track)
tell application "iTunes"
set the_track_name to name of the_track
end tell
return (num as string) & ". " & (the_track_name as string)
end format_track_name

-- Most CD players sort 3 after 20. So we pad with zeroes.
-- This is ugly, but should be pretty reliable.
on rezeroize_tracks(target_dir, track_count)
set target_path to quoted form of POSIX path of target_dir
if track_count > 9999 then
error "Ai Carumba, that's a lot of tracks!"
else if track_count > 999 then
do shell script "cd " & target_path & ";" & Â
"for i in [0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 000\"$i\";" & Â
"done;" & Â
"for i in [0-9][0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 00\"$i\";" & Â
"done;" & Â
"for i in [0-9][0-9][0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 0\"$i\";" & Â
"done; exit 0"
else if track_count > 99 then
do shell script "cd " & target_path & ";" & Â
"for i in [0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 00\"$i\";" & Â
"done;" & Â
"for i in [0-9][0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 0\"$i\";" & Â
"done; exit 0"
else if track_count > 9 then
do shell script "cd " & target_path & ";" & Â
"for i in [0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 0\"$i\";" & Â
"done; exit 0"
end if
end rezeroize_tracks

-- Calculate the sectors used by all files in a directory.
on calc_sectors_used_dir(target_dir)
tell application "Finder"
set the_sizes to size of entire contents of target_dir
end tell
set the_sum to 0
repeat with a_size in the_sizes
set the_sectors to (a_size / 2048) as double integer
-- Strangely enough, simple inequality doesn't work even if you take care
-- to cast both sides.
if (the_sectors * 2048) < a_size then
set the_sectors to the_sectors + 1
end if
set the_sum to the_sum + the_sectors
end repeat
return the_sum
end calc_sectors_used_dir

-- Only change is to the 'cut' command, use field 1 instead of 2.
-- That's because there's no "total" line for a single file
on calc_sectors_used_file(target_file)
tell application "Finder"
set the_size to size of target_file
end tell
set the_sectors to (the_size / 2048) as double integer
if (the_sectors * 2048) < the_size then
set the_sectors to the_sectors + 1
end if
return the_sectors
end calc_sectors_used_file

-- Figure out the current track number.
-- Output is either the number or a blank string
on calc_track_num(target_dir)
set target_path to quoted form of (POSIX path of target_dir)
do shell script "/bin/ls " & target_path & Â
" | tr -c '[0-9]\\n' '\\t'" & Â
" | cut -f 1" & Â
" | sort -nr" & Â
" | head -n 1"
-- tr replaces one set of characters with another
-- the -c complements the first set, so everything that isn't a number or newline becomes a tab
-- cut is extracting certain fields, by default splitting on tabs.
-- Now we've just got a list of numbers. sort -nr will do reverse numeric sort
-- head -n 1 grabs the first line, which is the maximum.
end calc_track_num

-- Convenience method to pick a playlist, and gives an unsuspecting
-- double-clicker a chance to back out.
on choose_playlist(log_fh)
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is in {playing, fast forwarding, rewinding} then
end if
set blurb to "Choose a playlist to convert to a folder of MP3s."
if player state is paused then
set current_name to {"Current player state"}
set blurb to blurb & (ASCII character 13) & "The default is to continue conversion at the current track."
set current_name to {}
end if
set choice_names to (current_name & (name of playlists))
set choices to (choose from list choice_names Â
with title "Choose Playlist" with prompt blurb Â
OK button name "Convert" default items ((first item of choice_names) as list) Â
without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed)
if (count choices) is 0 then
error "User cancelled operation."
end if
set choice to first item of choices
if choice is "Current player state" then
my log_mesg(log_fh, "User selected currently playing playlist, doing nothing.")
my log_mesg(log_fh, "User selected playlist '" & choice & "'.")
set the_playlist to (playlist named choice)
play the_playlist
reveal the_playlist
end if
end tell
end choose_playlist

-- Simple logging facility
on log_mesg(fh, the_mesg)
-- Call the date function to format its output
-- The first part formats the date and time, and then we tack on our
-- message to the formatting.
do shell script "echo `date '+%F %T '` " & (quoted form of the_mesg) & " >> " & (quoted form of fh)
end log_mesg

-- So, I figured that if I'm calling a subshell to figure out the date
-- why bother opening a file for access at all?
on log_start(the_log_file)
tell application "Finder"
open the_log_file using (path to application "Console")
end tell
return POSIX path of the_log_file
end log_start

-- Just note the fact that the log closed properly in case I decide to
-- use AppleScript file handling in the future.
on log_end(fh)
my log_mesg(fh, "Log closed correctly.")
do shell script "echo >> " & (quoted form of fh)
end log_end

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