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Nick Skelsey edited this page May 12, 2015 · 86 revisions
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PointCoin is a tool to get university level students interacting and mining with a block chain based digital currency.

Here are some guides to get students up to speed:

Classes using PointCoin:

Package Documentation:

  • Each package has a link to its documentation in its readme. Here is pointcoind's.


Why did you name it PointCoin?
For every block the student mines they earn a single point on their assignment.
100 pointcoin = 100 percent!

What are the differences between Bitcoin and PointCoin?

PointCoin's block reward is a constant 10 points per block. A block difficulty retarget is every 24 blocks, which is every four hours. PointCoin addresses start with a P. Finally PointCoin's default port is 22228 and every PointCoin wire message starts with 0xbaceface instead of Bitcoin's 0xd9b4bef9.

Bitcoin's simnet genesis block is used along with the simnet proof of work limit, and the simnet genesis hash.

PointCoin has four DNS seeds:
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