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Data Structures and Algorithms

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Data Structures



Data Structures

Linked Lists

A data structure of linked together Node objects. The LinkedList object has one property of Head, which is a reference to the first node in the list.

  • LinkedList<T> newLinkedList = new LinkedList<T>();


  • Insert a new node at the beginning of a linked list as the new Head.
    • myList.Insert(value)
      • O(1) / O(1)


  • Search through a linked list to see if it contains a provided value.
    returns true : false
    • bool isInList = myList.Include(value)
    • O(N) / O(1)


  • Iterates through the list using a while loop, and writes the values of all nodes of a linked list to the terminal.
    • myList.ToString()
    • O(N) / O(1)


  • Iterates through the list recursively, and writes the values of all nodes of a linked list to the terminal.
    • myList.ToStringRecursive(myList.Head)
    • O(N) / O(1)


  • Append a new Node with a provided value to the end of a linked list.


  • Given a targetValue and a newValue, insert the newValue, before the target value in a linked list. If the list is empty or the targetValue does not exist throw and exception.
    • O(N) / O(1)
    • myList.InsertBefore(targetValue, newValue)


  • Given a targetValue and a newValue, insert the newValue, after the target value in a linked list. If the list is empty or the targetValue does not exist throw and exception.
    • O(N) / O(1)
    • myList.InsertAfter(targetValue, newValue)


  • Given a value for int k. Find the node that is k nodes back from the end of the list. Returns the value of the targetted node.
  • Returns -1 in the following edge cases:
    • k is not a positive integer
    • k is >= the length of the list
    • The list is empty or only had one node
  • O(N) / O(1)
  • int result = myList.KthFromEnd(int k)


A data structure that follows a "first in, last out" rule for adding and removing Node objects. The Stack object has one property of Top, which is a reference to the top node object in the stack.

  • Stack<T> newStack = new Stack<T>();


  • Return the Value of the Top Node in the Stack object.
    • var value = newStack.Peek() => The value of the Top Node object in the Stack object.
      • throw NullReferenceException if the Stack object is empty
    • O(1) / O(1)


  • Return true if the Stack object is empty.
    • newStack.IsEmpty => true : false
    • O(1) / O(1)


  • Puts a new Node onto the Stack object.
    • newStack.Push(T) => no return, adds new Node object of the given type.
    • O(1) / O(1)


  • Return the Node Value and removes the node from the stack.
    • var value = newStack.Pop() => The value of the Top Node object in the Stack object.
      • throw NullReferenceException if the Stack object is empty
    • O(1) / O(1)


A data structure that follows a "first in, first out" rule for adding and removing 'Node' objects. The Queue has two properties. The Front, which is a reference to the front object in the queue. And the Rear, which references the last object.

  • Queue<T> newQueue = new Queue<T>();


  • Return the Value of the Front Node in the Queue object.
    • var value = newQueue.Peek() => The value of the Front Node object in the Queue object.
      • throw NullReferenceException if the Queue object is empty
    • O(1) / O(1)


  • Return true if the Queue object is empty.
    • newQueue.IsEmpty => true : false
    • O(1) / O(1)


  • Puts a new Node onto the Queue object.
    • newQueue.Enqueue(T) => no return, adds new Node object of the given type.
    • O(1) / O(1)


  • Return the Node Value and removes the node from the Queue.
    • var value = newQueue.Dequeue() => The value of the Front Node object in the Queue object.
      • throw NullReferenceException if the Queue object is empty
    • O(1) / O(1)

Binary Trees

A Data Structure in which a Root node is linked to two children nodes, Left, and Right. In a binary tree each node only has two children. This makes for efficient transversal as most time will be O(logN).


Ordered Transversals

Recursively transverse the Binary Tree in a depth first fashion. Each method Checks both the Left and Right props of the current node and recursively recalls itself with the Left and Right nodes as the new root.

These methods return as array of the values in the Binary Tree or Binary Search Tree objects.

  • PreOrder()

    • root - > left -> right
    • PreOrder - stores the data, then iterates Left, then Right, storing the new nodes data each time before iterating again.
      • T[] values = myTree.PreOrder();
      • O(N) / O(N)
  • InOrder()

    • left -> root -> right
    • InOrder - iterates Left, then stores the node value, then iterates to the Right, storing the current nodes data between left and right iterations each time.
    • T[] values = myTree.InOrder();
    • O(N) / O(N)
  • PostOrder()

    • left -> right -> root
    • PostOrder - iterates Left, then Right, storing the data of the current node after both iterates have occurred and cleared from the stack.
      • T[] values = myTree.PreOrder();
      • O(N) / O(N)
  • FindMaxValue()

    • Write an instance method called FindMaxValue. Without utilizing any of the built-in methods available to your language, return the maximum value stored in the tree. You can assume that the values stored in the Binary Tree will be numeric.
      • Iterate through the tree with a depth first method. Compare each value against the next storing the highest each time. Return highest value.
      • int largest = myTree.FindMaxValue()
      • O(N) / O(1)
  • BreadthFirst()

    • Write a breadth first traversal method which takes a Binary Tree as its unique input. Without utilizing any of the built-in methods available to your language, traverse the input tree using a Breadth-first approach, and return a list of the values in the tree in the order they were encountered.
      • Enqueue the Root node in a Queue. Iteratively go through the queue object until it's null. While Inside the loop enqueue the roots left and right nodes to iterate down all branches. Dequeue after each iteration storing the values.
      • List<T> = myTree.BreadthFirst();
        • returns List<T> of values in the tree
      • O(N) / O(N)


A sorted Binary Tree where values < Root goto the left, and values > root goto the right. Inherits from BinaryTree

  • Add()

    • Add a new Node object to the appropriate spot in the binary search tree object following the rule that lesser values go left, and greater values go right.
      • myTree.Add(value)
      • O(H) / O(1)
  • Contains()

    • Transverse the BinarySearchTree object to see if a value exists within.
    • Iterate over the tree object incursively comparing the search value to each value in the tree, return true : false.
      • bool hasValue = myTree.Contains()
      • O(N) / O(1)

K-Ary Trees

A binary tree that lets each node have a variable amount of child nodes.

  • KAryTree()


A HashMap is an array of LinkedLists called buckets, which hold KeyValuePairs. When a KeyValuePair is put into the HashMap the key is hashed into an integer within range of the array's length. The KeyValuePair is then inserted into the list in the bucket at the hashed index.
The data can later be referenced by the key creating an O(1) search time.

  • Map

    • An array of n length defined by the constructor at instantiation. This array holds our buckets.
  • Add(key, value)

    • Add a KeyValuePair to the HashMap.
    • Hashes the given key, and inserts Node(value) into the bucket at the hashed index.
  • Get(key)

    • Retrieve a KeyValuePair by key from the HashMap.
    • Checks returns the Node with the given key. Returns null if the ket does not exist.
  • Contains(key)

    • Boolean to see if a KeyValuePair exists in the HashMap.
    • Iterates over Map and each of the LinkedLists within. If the key exists in the table return true : false
  • Hash(key)

    • Helper method that hashes the key into an integer within the range of the array length.
  • Remove(key)

    • Removes a KeyValuePair from the HashMap.


A Graph is a collection of vertices, or nodes, connected, or not, by edges. A Vertex is an object that like a node that holds a value. An Edge has a Vertex and a Weight. Each Vertex is put into a Dictionary with a List of connected edges.

  • AddNode()

    • Instantiate and add a Vertex to the Graph
  • AddDirectionalEdge()

    • Add a directional edge edge between two vertices.
  • AddUnDirectionalEdge()

    • Add a nondirectional edge between two vertices.
  • GetNodes()

    • Return a collection of all vertices contained in the Graph
  • GetNeighbors()

    • Get a list a Vertex neighbors.
  • GetSize()

    • Returns the total count of vertices in the Graph
  • BreadthFirst()

    • Traverse the vertices in the Graph in a breadth first order. Return of a list of a visited nodes.


Reverse an Array

Reverse array code challenge.


Write a method to reverse an array without using any built in libraries or methods.

Approach & Efficiency

I'm using a while loop to iterate over the array, swapping the first and last indexes moving inwards. Iteration stops when it reaches the center of the array.

Insert Shift Array

insert a value into the middle index of an array


Take in an array and a value. Insert that value into the middle index of the array and return the new array without using built in methods.

Approach & Efficiency

I created a second array one index longer than the argument. Found the center based on length, then dropped the input value in the middle index. Then I iterated over the new array and using conditionals populating the first half and second half based on the mid point.

Binary Search

Find a value in a sorted array.

Challenge Description

Without using any built in C# methods take in an ordered array and a value. Return the index of the value or -1 if the value doesn't exist.

Approach & Efficiency

We tracked the start, end and mid point of the array with variables. Used a while loop to start at the middle of the array. If the value matched the mid point return the value. Or move either up or down to a new mid point in the array and do it again.

Zip List

Combine two lists together by every other item.

Challenge Description

Create a method to take in two LinkedLists and combine them alternating every other value. Return a reference to the Head of the new list. Do not use any built in methods.

Approach & Efficiency

Create a new LinkedList. Iterate through the 2 provided lists at the same time until the are both null. Use tracking variables to adjust the pointers of each node as we iterate. When both reach null return the reference to the Head of the new list.

  • O(N) / O(1)

Queue with Stacks

Create Queue behavior with two stacks.

Challenge Description

Make a class called PseudoQueue, which using two Stack objects to mimic the behavior of a Queue object. Include two methods, one to enqueue, and one to dequeue.

Approach & Efficiency

Used two stacks to slinky the nodes back and forth. Pop() all of nodes in stack1 into stack2. Peek() or Pop() the Top of stack2. Then Pop() all of the nodes back into stack1. If it's enqueue push the new value.

FIFO Animal Shelter

First in, first out principle Animal Shelter

Challenge Description

Create a class called AnimalShelter which holds only dogs and cats. The shelter operates using a first-in, first-out approach. Implement two methods, one to enqueue an animal object, and one to dequeue the first cat or dog based on input.

Approach & Efficiency

Enqueue was the same logic as the regular Queue.Enqueue with logic to validate the input object.

Dequeue utilizes a second queue that we can move objects into one by one, checking for cats or dogs. When we find the first instance of either it is stored in a variable and not put into temp queue. Set a bool to stop searching and continue moving the queue. Then move all of the objects back to the first queue and return the saved object.

  • O(N) / O(1)

Multi Bracket Validation

Validates patterns in a string

Challenge Description

Your function should take a string as its only argument, and should return a boolean representing whether or not the brackets in the string are balanced. There are 3 types of brackets.

Approach and Efficiency

Iterate over the string one character at a time. If it's an opening bracket, (, {, or [, it goes into a Stack object. If it's a closing bracket the method uses a switch conditional to check the current character against the Top Stack object. If it's not a match we return false. If it is a match Pop() the Top object and keep going. Throws exceptions for empty string and no brackets.

  • O(N) / O(1)


Challenge Description

Write a function called FizzBuzzTree() which takes a k-ary tree as an argument. Without utilizing any of the built-in methods available to your language, determine whether or not the value of each node is divisible by 3, 5 or both. Create a new tree with the same structure as the original, but the values modified as follows:

  • If the value is divisible by 3, replace the value with “Fizz”
  • If the value is divisible by 5, replace the value with “Buzz”
  • If the value is divisible by 3 and 5, replace the value with “FizzBuzz”
  • If the value is not divisible by 3 or 5, simply turn the number into a String.

Approach and Efficiency

Iterate through the tree in a breadth first fashion. At each node check it's value and change it to the appropriate fizz buzz replacement. Return tree of new values.

  • var fizzedTree = myTree.FizzBuzzTree(myTree.Root);
  • O(N) / O(N)


Challenge Description

Create a method which takes in an array of integers, and sorts them, in place, into ascending order based on value.

Approach and Efficiency

Iterate over the array starting at index[1]. During each iteration loop down through the array comparing each value to it's previous, always swapping the greater value up.

  • InsertionSort.Sort({3, 7, 1, 7, 4}) => {1, 3, 4, 7, 7}
  • O(N) / O(1)
  • Time: Iterate over the array (N)
  • Space: Change in place, no return (1)


Challenge Description

Create a method which takes in an array of integers, and sorts them, in place, into ascending order based on value, using a separate and conquer approach.

Approach and Efficiency

We select an element as pivot, partition the array around pivot and recur for subarrays on left and right of pivot.

  • QuickSort.Sort({3, 7, 1, 7, 4}) => {1, 3, 4, 7, 7}
  • O(NlogN) / O(1)

Repeated Word

Challenge Description

Create a method which takes in a lengthy string phrase and returns the first word that repeats.

Approach and Efficiency

Normalize the string by removing punctuation and changing it all to lower case. Then split the string into an array of words. Iterate over the array checking to see if the current word has been saved to a Hashmap. If it has return that word, if not set it in the HashMap.

  • string result = RepeatedWord.RepeatWord(inputString);
  • O(N) / O(N)

Tree Intersection

Challenge Description

Write a function called tree_intersection that takes two binary tree parameters. Without utilizing any of the built-in library methods available to your language, return a set of values found in both trees.

Approach and Efficiency

Take in two binary trees. Traverse the first tree putting its values into a HashMap. Then traverse the second tree checking for collisions. If a value is repeated add it to a list. Return the list of intersecting values.

  • list<int> list = Intersection(tree1, tree2);
  • O(N) / O(N)

Left Sort

Challenge Description

Given a left and right table, return a list of all key/value pairs in the left table, along with any values that match the same key in the right table.

Approach and Efficiency

Iterate over the left table. At each populated bucket check to see if the right table contains the key. If so put left key/value and right value into an object and into a list. If there is no match put the left key/value and null into the object.

  • list<Object> list = LeftSort(leftTable, rightTable);
  • O(N logN) / O(N)

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