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See: webpack-contrib/html-loader#405

This repository is intended to demonstrate a possible bug (or documentation error) when using html-loader and extending the default sources with a custom option.sources.list.


According to the README, the documentation for options.sources.list makes the following two statements:

Using "..." syntax allows you to extend default supported tags and attributes.


If the tag name is not specified it will process all the tags.

This implies that the two loader configs below should be equivalent:

		<img my-custom-src="./puppy.jpeg">
// Version 1: Without `tag'
options: {
	sources: {
		list: [
			{ attribute: "my-custom-src", type: "src" }
// Version 2: With `tag`
options: {
	sources: {
		list: [
			{ tag: "img", attribute: "my-custom-src", type: "src" }

Expected result

According to the documentation, both of the configs above should process the my-custom-src attribute of the <img> tag, and the cute puppy image should be included in the final bundle.

Actual result

When tag: "img" is not specified, the custom attribute is not processed.

When tag: "img" is specified, the custom attribute is processed.

But isn't there already a test for this?

I looked at the tests, and sure enough there is an existing test for:

it("should handle all src sources in all HTML tags when tag is undefined")

However, what I discovered is that this test doesn't use the "..." option to extend the default sources.

In fact, all existing tests that do use "..." also explicitly specify a tag for the overrides.

There are no tests where "..." is specified and a custom attribute without a tag is used.

If we remove "..." from our config, then both versions of the config do work as expected.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone this repository (git clone
  2. Change into the directory (cd webpack-html-loader-custom-source)
  3. Install dependencies (npm install)
  4. Bundle (webpack)
  5. Inspect the contents of /dist and note the following:
    • There is no *.jpeg file present
    • The index.html module in main.js still has the original <img my-custom-src="./puppy.jpeg"> markup
    • The console.log() statement in the filter() does not appear anywhere in the CLI output
  6. Uncomment tag: "img" (line 20 in webpack.config.js)
  7. Bundle (webpack)
  8. Inspect the contents of /dist and note the following:
    • There is a *.jpeg file present
    • There is a puppy.jpeg module in the main.js bundle
    • The index.html module in main.js now loads the puppy.jpeg module
    • The console.log() statement in the filter() appears in the CLI output
  9. Remove the "..." (line 18 in webpack.config.js)
  10. Repeat steps 4-8 (with/without tag: "img"), and obverse that both work as expected.



  1. The README should be updated to indicate that if "..." is used, tag must be specified, or
  2. The code should be fixed to allow tag to be omitted when using "..."


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