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Releases: scottpedia/TpoExtractor

Publication on Tieba

11 Jan 06:39
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This release is the supposedly the final release of this project before its deprecation. After this release, this repository on Github will be archived indefinitely. People interested in its source code are still welcome to clone and study the program, subject to certain terms and conditions. I will include a brief instruction to reproduce the word documents from this program in this release.

To Generate the Word Documents:

  • clone this repository.
  • make sure your computer is running a Unix-like operating system.
  • make sure your computer has the following programs installed: maven openjdk-11-jdk wget
  • enter the cloned repository.
  • enter the command ./ followed by the output directory path to store the generated documents.
  • you should see the generated output documents under the desired directory.

Database file

11 Jan 04:45
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This is the release of the database file used by this program. The word articles are to be extracted from this file. This file is originally from the macOS Application developed by The script will download the database from this release.

The General Availability

13 Jan 04:08
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This release includes the resources files in different formats as well as the pre-built runnable jar file which was generated with maven plugin assembly.


14 Oct 09:35
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Alpha Pre-release

The following package consists of the source code and the compiled runnable jar. The resulted resources are also included(The extracted tpoes). This is the first release of this program.

  • Updated: Please clone the repository and run it with maven or built it yourself from the latest source code if you want to use this. This release has been deprecated since the new one is under some critical packaging issues that I don't have time to take care of.