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A Docker image to run Soap UI non-regression.

To be used as an alternative of SoapUI official docker image which requires Soap UI Pro floating licence:

We built a custom soap-ui docker image using soap-ui binaries:

which is strictly equivalent to the paying one, and show how to compose to simplify volume mapping (would work with official image too).

Idea and why we do that

Idea is to contenairize the SoapUI non regression so that it can be runned as a Kubernetes cronjob. It would be also possible to run the non regression as part of the continous delivery once it is dockerized (jenkins docker driver or using travis with docker or compose). See Tavis.

We show here how to use travis for CI/CD.

User guide


Image is pushed at every commit on master to Dockerhub.

We can run the image using docker run.

docker pull scoulomb/soapui-docker
docker run --privileged\
       -v $(pwd)/project_file:/project_file -v $(pwd)/test_results:/test_results scoulomb/soapui-docker -M -f /test_results "/project_file/REST-Project-2-soapui-project.xml"        
  • -v is used to bind mount a volume.
    • ./project_file contains your soapui xml project (in example xml file name is REST-Project-2-soapui-project.xml).
    • ./test_results will contain generated report

We can display the report in

cat ./test_results/test_case_run_log_report.xml
# or with docker
docker run --privileged\
       -v $(pwd)/test_results:/test_results busybox  cat /test_results/test_case_run_log_report.xml

Docker compose

It is also possible to use compose instead, this avoid manual volume mapping: This will build, map I/O volumes and run docker image with sample non regression.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dockerhub.yaml up non-regression 
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dockerhub.yaml up cat-report

Sample file

The example is using project-2 which is a successful SOAPU UI non reg. We can replace project-2 by project-1 where project-1 is failing (one test passing and one test failing).

In this a sample reports with project-2 is committed under test_results/sample


Copy your SoapUI XML file to /project_file folder, and adapt the name in command given to the docker image: "/project_file/REST-Project-2-soapui-project.xml", in docker run or docker-compose file here: command: ["-M", "-f", "/test_results", "/project_file/REST-Project-2-soapui-project.xml"]

What's next: Leverage this image and deploy it in Kubernetes

  • we can use k8s empty-dir volume (or pv, pvc) with that image or
  • Modify this image to:
    • Deliver new docker image with new non reg file (remove input volume mapping) at each non-reg delivery
    • Send report by email, or push report to a jfrog (remove output volume mapping). A side container could display report in an Apache/Nginx server.
    • In all cases rather than creating a full new image We could build a new docker image from this generic image (FROM scoulomb/soapui-docker) which is pushed in docker hub. And for instance replace volume mapping by RUN COPY or RUN CURL $RAW_XML_FILE etc.... I recommend this option as we would would do this way with the paying version!

This option is prototyped in kubernetes_integration_example.

Contributor guide

Build locally Dockerfile and run it

Same as user-guide with those modifications when running in local.


docker build . -t non-regression
docker run --privileged\
       -v $(pwd)/project_file:/project_file -v $(pwd)/test_results:/test_results non-regression -M -f /test_results "/project_file/REST-Project-2-soapui-project.xml"        

Docker compose

docker-compose up --build non-regression


If no enough disk space to build images. Do clean-up with (at your risk)

docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep '^<none>' | awk '{print $3}')
docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep 'soapui-docker-k8s-sample' | awk '{print $3}')
docker system prune

I am using in beta and not File name should be .travis.yml (not yaml)


Travis: At every push docker-compose up --build non-regression is run, to ensure build is not broken.

It also shows it is possible to use docker-soapui docker image (or image built on top of it) to have non reg fail in your own CI/CD. (so alternative to k8s cronjob)

Note we use in beta and not org.

Docker image delivery

Every time we merge to master a new docker image is delivered. We are using automated build:

And not the traditional way where CI/CD is pushing to dockerhub as done here with Travis:

We could have also used docker-compose push.

Note if we push directly to master (no PR), the build would faild and could to docker build failure on Dockerhub side.


  • Docker tag and versioned delivery


A docker image to run SoapUI test






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