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File metadata and controls

55 lines (44 loc) · 2.26 KB


An Apache Flume Sink implementation to publish data to Google BigQuery

Configuration of Google BigQuery Sink:

Edit log4j.xml

<appender name="FlumeAppender" class="org.apache.flume.clients.log4jappender.Log4jAppender">
   <param name="Hostname" value="localhost"/>
   <param name="Port" value="8090"/>
<logger name="flume" additivity="false">
   <level value="trace" />
   <appender-ref ref="FlumeAppender" />

Edit your flume.conf:

#list the sources, sinks and channels for the agent
agent.sources = <your_source>
agent.sinks =  bigquery-sink
agent.channels = bigquery-channel

# properties of <your_source>
agent.sources.modv6-source.channels = bigquery-channel
agent.sources.modv6-source.type = avro
agent.sources.modv6-source.bind = localhost
agent.sources.modv6-source.port = 8090

# properties of bigquery-channel
agent.channels.bigquery-channel.type = file
agent.channels.bigquery-channel.checkpointDir = /data/flume-bq/checkpoint
agent.channels.bigquery-channel.dataDirs = /data/flume-bq/data
agent.channels.bigquery-channel.minimumRequiredSpace = 0

# properties of bigquery-sink = <your_channel>
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.type = BigQuerySink
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.batchSize = 100
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.clientId = <project_id>
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.clientSecret = <your_client_secret>
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.accessToken = <your_access_token>
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.refreshToken = <your_refresh_token>
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.dataStoreDir = /home/<your_home>/etc/<your_dir>
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.userId = <your_user_id>
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.datasetId = <your_dataset>
agent.sinks.bigquery-sink.projectId = <your_project_id>

Edit BigQueryManager class:

private static final String PROJECT_ID = "112233445566"; // change with your google cloud projectId
private static final String DATASET = "toto"; //change with your google bigquery dataset

Change LogField and CSVUtil classes in order to tell to the BigQuery sink what is the bq table schema