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OCR service


Running as a docker container


Currently there are several environment variables that have to be set before the docker container starts. These can be set in docker-compose.yml environment section:

  • WORKER_ID=1 - Can be set to any value that can identify the worker, in cases when there are multiple workers spawned.
  • OUTPUT_PATH=/storage - A path that is accessible by the worker to be used to write the output PDF files.
  • SLEEP_TIME=10 - This is the amount of seconds to sleep when encountering an error or when no more documents are left to be processed.
  • LOG_LEVEL=INFO -Log level, recommended to be INFO
  • MAX_NUM_PAGES=2000 - Maximum document length to process. Otherwise will return failure. This is more of a safety parameter to avoid ingesting documents if very large sizes. If not set, by default is 75600 the time to process a document for one week 75600*8 / 60/60/24 with one CPU (8 seconds per page).
  • NUM_PROC=2 Number of parallel processes to run jobs on. If the container has more than one CPU available, this could drastically increase performance.
  • API_ENDPOINT=http://{} - Represents the endpoint that feeds the worker with documents.
  • SPACY_MODEL=ro_legal_fl - default is custom floret legal embeddings; used for word representations and for lemmatization; can be anything from here
  • VECTOR_SEARCH=True - if enabled, it will highlight with blue semantic similarly phrases

The HTTP server must implement two endpoints /next-document to return a document of the following form:

    "id": "3b4d634d-8616-4809-9c68-2e2c923d1e1a",
    "storagePath":  "/opt/storage/3b4d634d-8616-4809-9c68-2e2c923d1e1a.pdf",
    "status": "downloaded"
  • depending on the status of the document, the worker might process or skip the doc
  • ! one must ensure that the storagePath provided through the API is accessible by the worker

And /ocr-updates where the worker will post the results of the document processing. An example body response is here:

Show json response
    "worker_id": 1,
    "id": "3b4d634d-8616-4809-9c68-2e2c923d1e1a",
    "status": "ocr_done",
    "message": "",
            "worker_version": "0.5.2",
            "input_file": "nlp/documents//normal.pdf",
            "ocr_file": "nlp/documents/normal/normal_ocr.pdf",
            "ocr_quality": 96.25,
            "text_file": "nlp/documents/normal/normal_ocr.txt",
            "text": "..(to be deprecated)..",
            "statistics": {
                "num_pages": 3,
                "num_ents": 0,
                "num_kwds": 3,
                "num_wds": 988
            "highlight_file": "nlp/documents/normal/normal_highlight.pdf",
            "highlight_metadata": [
                    "keyword": "proiect",
                    "occs": [
                            "page": 0,
                            "location": {
                                "x1": 366.0708923339844,
                                "x2": 394.4169921875,
                                "y1": 641.0471801757812,
                                "y2": 652.0478515625
                    "total_occs": 1
                    "keyword": "termen",
                    "occs": [
                            "page": 2,
                            "location": {
                                "x1": 379.7745361328125,
                                "x2": 406.9278259277344,
                                "y1": 114.33213806152344,
                                "y2": 125.33673095703125
                    "total_occs": 1
                    "keyword": "produse",
                    "occs": [
                            "page": 2,
                            "location": {
                                "x1": 151.5498809814453,
                                "x2": 183.67770385742188,
                                "y1": 214.6649169921875,
                                "y2": 226.669921875
                    "total_occs": 1
            "processing_time": 7.217

The possible statuses of a document are:

class Statuses:

Starting the container

Once these environment variables have been set, one can simply start the container using:

# make sure to pull the latest changes
docker compose pull
# start services
docker compose up -d
# close services
docker compose down

Building it from scratch

# either via docker build
docker build -t readable/ocr:main -f ./Dockerfile .

# or via docker compose
# build services
docker compose -f docker-compose_dev.yml build

# run services
docker compose -f docker-compose_dev.yml up -d

# stop services
docker compose -f docker-compose_dev.yml down

# run tests
docker compose -f docker-compose_dev.yml exec ocr bash -c "./scripts/"

Installing locally on the host OS

The following steps are valid for an Ubuntu system.

Create virtual env

python3 -m venv .env
# load the env
source .env/bin/activate

Install pre-commit hooks

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Install tesseract

apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
  software-properties-common gpg-agent
add-apt-repository -y ppa:alex-p/tesseract-ocr-devel
apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
  ghostscript \
  jbig2dec \
  img2pdf \
  libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev \
  pngquant \
  tesseract-ocr \
  tesseract-ocr-ron \

Install OCRmyPDF

git clone
cd /OCRmyPDF
pip install --no-cache-dir .

Install app requirements

# make sure you are in the root dir
cd ..

# basic dev requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# for running tests
pip install -r test_requirements.txt

Download models

# download models to nlp/resources

# copy tesseract model to TESSDATA dir
cp nlp/resources/tessdata/* /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/5/tessdata/

Run tests

# either run the script

# runs flake8 to test python code standards
flake8 .

# and pytest unittests
pytest --cov-branch --cov-report term --cov-report html:coverage -rfExX --color=yes .

Run performance test

# 1. get a dataset to run the performance test on

# 2. run the performance test
docker compose -f docker-compose_perf.yml pull && \
docker compose -f docker-compose_perf.yml up -d

docker compose -f docker-compose_perf.yml logs


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