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Scrapy release procedure

Adrián Chaves edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 82 revisions

Scrapy Release Procedure

This page outlines the procedure used to release a new version of Scrapy.

You will need bump2version installed.

Release notes

First the release notes page of the documentation must be udpated to include an entry for the new version. Do this in the target branch, which will be master if you are releasing a major or minor version, or a version-specific branch in case of a patch version.

A pull request for this can be created at any point, to allow for discussions, and updated as new changes are accepted into the target branch. Once the code is frozen and the release date set, the pull request can be updated accordingly and merged into the target branch.

Version and git branch

Note: The code below assumes that the Scrapy repository is configured as the upstream remote in your local clone, which you can do with: git remote add upstream

If you are releasing major version 1.0.0:

git checkout master
git pull --ff-only upstream master
git log -1  # Check that the last commit is the release notes update
bump2version major
git checkout -b 1.0
git push upstream master 1.0 1.0.0

If you are releasing minor version 1.2.0:

git checkout master
git pull --ff-only upstream master
git log -1  # Check that the last commit is the release notes update
bump2version minor
git checkout -b 1.2
git push upstream master 1.2 1.2.0

If you are releasing patch version 1.2.3:

git checkout 1.2
git pull --ff-only upstream 1.2
git log -1  # Check that the last commit is the release notes update
bump2version patch
git push upstream 1.2 1.2.3

Python Package Index

New Scrapy versions are automatically deployed on the Python Package Index through Travis CI, at the end of the Python 3.7 job of the tag build.

Read the Docs

For new major and minor versions:

Github release

Create a Github release entry, with a description including the highlights from the release notes and a link to the release notes of the new version in Read the Docs.

This step can be skipped in the case of new tags created just to trigger re-packagings in the Python Package Index. website

Update scrapy versions

Send announcements

In the case or major and minor versions, or patch versions that users should install with urgency (e.g. patch versions fixing security issues):

Update Conda packages

Create a pull request in against master which updates recipe/meta.yaml as follows:

  1. Update the version string.

  2. Update the sha256sum from the PyPI's source release tarball.

  3. Reset the build/number to 0. This number is only increased when we re-build a package with no version change.

  4. Update the requirements if needed. This can be done by checking the requirements declared in

The pull request will trigger builds in Travis CI, Circle CI and Appveyor. This may take a while depending on the conda-forge build queue. Once builds are OK, the pull request is ready to merge and packages will be uploaded to the conda-forge channel automatically.

Alternatively, you can wait for to create such a pull request, and just edit it as needed (you should be able to commit directly to it, even though the GitHub online editor).

Cherry-pick into master

If you’ve released a patch version, you should cherry-pick the required commits into master (exclude version-bumping changes).

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