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scratch LN

Provide an textual representation of the blocks from scratch 3.0. This text can be used within an html document and using some javascript magic this wil be converted to scratch blocks. Also some function to indicate certain blocks are provided.


If you are not a developer, you can use the instructions below to use this in your projects. An example can be found: scripts.

The javascript file ScratchLN.js can be found in the dist folder. It is explained below how to use it.

Scratch 3.0 needs the files inside static/blocks-media to render the greenflag,arrows, etc correctly. Therefore, the media property must be set correctly, see below.

Basic scratchify

In the header of the html file add the following.

  <script type="text/javascript" src="ScratchLN.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  window.onload = function() {

In html use the code like this:

<pre class="scratch">
when greenflag clicked
set [teller] to {4}
go to x: {0} y: {0}
pen down
repeat (counter)
move {100} steps
turn cw {({360}/{(counter)})} degrees
pen up

When you open the page with a browser it will be rendered as Scratchblocks.

scratchify with arguments

The scratchify-function takes 2 arguments. First, the selector see: for all possible options. Second a properties object, which can overwrite the default properties of the workspace. The default properties are given below.

    //this is exactly the same as blockly/scratchblocks properties
    readOnly: true,
    toolbox: '<xml></xml>',
    scrollbars: false,
    trashcan: false,
    comments: true,
    media: '/static/blocks-media/', //location of the images, sounds, etc.
    colours: {
        fieldShadow: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)' //workspace color
    zoom: {
        startScale: 0.5    //zoomlevel
    //extra locale
    locale: "en",  //natural language of the blocks

This are the properties for the workspace as defined in Scratchblocks. An extra property locale is added, to define the language of the blocks.

In html some of these properties can be overwritten, namely the locale i.e. the natural language of the blocks, and
the scale this is the size of the blocks. An example:

<code class='scratch' blocks-locale="nl" blocks-scale="1">
    say "hello"
    say {1222};
    say {(varie)};

Getting Started - development

  1. open a terminal and clone this project.

  2. run npm install

  3. run npm start

  4. in the webbrowser go to:

    • localhost:8008 : live preview: debug
    • localhost:8008\test.html : list of text and the result
    • localhost:8008\blocks.html: generates Scratch-LN text from blocks
    • localhost:8008\example.html : example exercise (teken het cdj logo)
    • localhost:8008\simple.html : simple html

Running tests

  1. go to the root folder
  2. run npm install
  3. run npm test

Generating dist

  1. go to the root folder
  2. run npm install
  3. open webpack.config.js
  4. comment the first part of the export and uncomment the second part.
  5. run webpack


  • Ellen Vanhove


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the file for details