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300 lines (229 loc) · 8.34 KB

File metadata and controls

300 lines (229 loc) · 8.34 KB


layman -f
layman -a scrill


app-admin {

  reprepro {
    version     => "4.3.0-r1",
    description => "Debian repository creator and maintainer application",
    homepage    => ""

  aws-sns-tools {
    version     => "",
    description => "Command Line Interface Tool for Amazon Simple Notification Service",
    homepage    => ""

  aws-cw-tools {
    version     => "",
    description => "The API tools serve as the client interface to the Amazon CloudWatch web service",
    homepage    => ""

  aws-elb-tools {
    version     => "",
    description => "The API tools serve as the client interface to the Elastic Load Balancing web service",
    homepage    => ""

  aws-as-tools {
    version     => "",
    description => "The API tools serve as the client interface to the Auto Scaling web service",
    homepage    => ""

  aws-cfn-tools {
    version     => "1.0.9",
    description => "The command line tools serve as the client interface to the AWS CloudFormation web service",
    homepage    => ""

  puppet-lint {
    version     => "0.1.12",
    description => "Checks your Puppet manifests against the Puppetlabs style guide and alerts you to any discrepancies",
    homepage    => ""

  aws-rds-tools {
    version     => "1.8.002",
    description => "The Command Line Toolkit for the Amazon Relational Database Service",
    homepage    => ""

  puppet-module {
    version     => "0.3.4",
    description => "The Puppet Module Tool creates, installs and searches for Puppet modules",
    homepage    => ""

  aws-iam-tools {
    version     => "1.5.0",
    description => "The Command Line Interface (CLI) for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service",
    homepage    => ""

  aws-cfn-bootstrap {
    version     => "1.1",
    description => "Bootstrap scripts for AWS CloudFormation",
    homepage    => ""

  amazon-ec2-init {
    version     => "20110331",
    description => "Init script to setup Amazon EC2 instance parameters",
    homepage    => ""


app-crypt {

  tpmmanager {
    version     => "0.8.1",
    description => "TPM management software providing an easy to use graphical user interface",
    homepage    => ""


app-editors {

  komodo-edit-bin {
    version     => [ "6.1.3-r1", "7.0.0" ],
    description => "Freeware advanced editor for dynamic and Web languages",
    homepage    => ""

  geppetto {
    version     => "2.1.0",
    description => "An integrated toolset for developing puppet modules and manifests",
    homepage    => ""

  sublime-text {
    version     => "2181",
    description => "Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose",
    homepage    => ""


app-laptop {

  lenovo-sl-laptop {
    version     => "9999",
    description => "Linux kernel support for the Lenovo SL series ThinkPads",
    homepage    => ""


app-misc {

  tnote {
    version     => "0.2.1",
    description => "A small note taking program for the terminal",
    homepage    => ""


app-shells {

  zsh-completions {
    version     => "9999",
    description => "Additional completion definitions for Zsh",
    homepage    => ""


dev-perl {

  Log-LogLite {
    version     => "0.82",
    description => "The Log::LogLite class helps us create simple logs for our application",
    homepage    => ""


dev-ruby {

  fog {
    version     => "1.1.1",
    description => "The Ruby cloud services library",
    homepage    => ""

  excon {
    version     => "0.7.6",
    description => "EXtended http(s) CONnections",
    homepage    => ""

  zabbixapi {
    version     => "0.1.4-r1",
    description => "Ruby module for work with Zabbix API",
    homepage    => ""

  formatador {
    version     => "0.2.1",
    description => "STDOUT text formatting",
    homepage    => ""

  zabbix {
    version     => "0.4.0",
    description => "Send data to Zabbix from Ruby",
    homepage    => ""

  aws-ses {
    version     => "0.4.3",
    description => "Client library for Amazon's Simple Email Service's REST API",
    homepage    => ""


kde-misc {

  kaption {
    version     => "0.1.1",
    description => "A KDE utility similar to Jing or Skitch not yet as powerful as them",
    homepage    => ""


media-gfx {

  yed {
    version     => "3.9",
    description => "Powerful diagram editor that can be used to generate high-quality drawings of diagrams.",
    homepage    => ""

  splash-themes-livecd {
    version     => "2010.0",
    description => "Gentoo theme for gensplash consoles",
    homepage    => ""


net-im {

  qutim {
    version     => "0.2.0-r4",
    description => "New Qt4-based Instant Messenger (ICQ).",
    homepage    => ""

  nagzilla {
    version     => "2.0",
    description => "Jabber Relay Bot - for monitoring and any other sort of alert needs you have",
    homepage    => ""


net-misc {

  udpxy {
    version     => "1.0.21-r2",
    description => "Daemon to relay multicast UDP traffic to client's TCP (HTTP) connection",
    homepage    => ""

  rabbitmq-stomp-plugin {
    version     => [ "2.5.1", "2.6.1" ],
    description => "RabbitMQ STOMP plugin.",
    homepage    => ""

  mirall {
    version     => "1.1.0-r1",
    description => "Synchronization of your folders with another computers",
    homepage    => ""


virtual {

  aws-tools {
    version     => "0",
    description => "Virtual for AWS tools",
    homepage    => ""


x11-misc {

  nevernote {
    version     => "0.99",
    description => "An open source Evernote clone",
    homepage    => ""

  qomodoro {
    version     => "0.1-r1",
    description => "Cross-platform pomodoro timer written in C++ using Qt4",
    homepage    => ""


x11-themes {

  milky {
    version     => [ "2.0-r1", "2.0_alpha2-r1" ],
    description => "Icon theme for KDE 4 designed by Banu Onal",
    homepage    => ""

  qutim-kolobok {
    version     => "0.0.2",
    description => "Kolobok smile pack for net-im/qutim",
    homepage    => ""
