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sctianwei committed Apr 18, 2018
1 parent 30a3d93 commit 5247fcc
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Showing 3 changed files with 225 additions and 20 deletions.
234 changes: 220 additions & 14 deletions examples/src/antizer_examples/om.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
[goog.object :refer [getValueByKeys]]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[om.dom :as dom]
[ :as om :refer [defui]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,14 +57,73 @@
{:message "Popup Notification"
:duration 0
:btn (ant/button {:type "primary"
:on-click (fn [] (ant/notification-close key))}
:btn (ant/button {:type "primary"
:on-click (fn [] (ant/notification-close key))}
"Click to dismiss")
:key key
:description "This notification will not close until it is dismissed"}))}
"Popup Notification"))))
(def notifications (om/factory Notifications))

(def auto-complete (om/factory
(componentWillMount [this]
(om/set-state! this {:auto-data ["om","reagent" "rum"]}))
(render [this]
(let [data (:auto-data (om/get-state this))]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h2 nil (str "Autocomplete"))
{:style {:width "80%"}
;; we need to use dataSource instead of data-source, see README.MD
:dataSource data
(fn [x]
(om/set-state! this {:auto-data
(take 3 (iterate #(str % (string/reverse %)) x))}))
:placeholder "Enter something"})))))))

(def localization (om/factory
(componentWillMount [this]
(om/set-state! this {:locale-data "en_US"}))
(render [this]
(let [locale (:locale-data (om/get-state this))]
(ant/locale-provider {:locale (ant/locales locale)}
(dom/h2 nil "Localization")
(dom/span nil "Choose a language:"
(ant/select {:default-value "en_US"
:on-change #(let [locale-val (if (= % "zh_CN") nil %)]
(om/set-state! this {:locale-data locale-val}))
:style {:padding "10px"}}
(ant/select-option {:value "en_US"} "English")
(ant/select-option {:value "es_ES"} "Español")
(ant/select-option {:value "de_DE"} "Deutsch")
(ant/select-option {:value "ru_RU"} "Русский")
(ant/select-option {:value "zh_CN"} "中文")
(ant/select-option {:value "ja_JP"} "日本語")
(ant/select-option {:value "tlh" :disabled true} "Klingon")))
(ant/pagination {:total 40 :show-size-changer true}) (dom/br nil)(dom/br nil)
(ant/date-picker {:format "ddd MMM Do YYYY" :default-value (js/moment) :style {:width "60%"} :allow-clear false :show-today false}) (dom/br nil) (dom/br nil)
(ant/time-picker {:style {:width "60%"}}) (dom/br nil)
(ant/calendar {:fullscreen false :default-value (js/moment)})
(ant/table {:columns common/columns}))))))))

(def avatar (om/factory
(render [this]
(dom/div #js {:className "avatar"}
(dom/h2 nil "Avatar")
(dom/div nil
(ant/avatar {:style {:background-color "#87d068"} :icon "user" :class "va-middle"})
(ant/avatar {:style {:color "#f56a00" :background-color "#fde3cf"} :class "va-middle"} "U")
(ant/avatar {:style {:background-color "#ffbf00"} :class "va-middle"} "John")
(ant/badge {:count 10} (ant/avatar {:style {:background-color "#108ee9"} :shape "square" :icon "user"}))))))))

(defui Carousel
(render [this]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,20 +169,168 @@
(ant/timeline-item {:color "green"} "20th June Final release")))))
(def timeline (om/factory TimeLine))

(def tree (om/factory
(render [this]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h2 nil "Tree")
(ant/tree {:checkable true :default-expanded-keys ["functional" "clr" "jvm" "javascript" "nodejs"]
:default-checked-keys ["clojure" "clojure-clr" "cljs" "lumo" "planck"]}
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "Functional Languages" :key "functional"}
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "CLR" :key "clr"}
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "Clojure CLR" :key "clojure-clr"}))
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "Haskell" :key "haskell"})
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "JVM" :key "jvm"}
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "Clojure" :key "clojure"})
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "Frege" :key "frege"})
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "Scala" :disable-checkbox true}))
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "JavaScript Engine" :key "javascript"}
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "ClojureScript" :key "cljs"}))
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "Node.js" :key "nodejs"}
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "Lumo" :key "lumo"}))
(ant/tree-tree-node {:title "Planck" :key "planck"}))))))))

(def progress (om/factory
(componentWillMount [this]
(om/set-state! this {:percent-data 50}))
(render [this]
(let [percent (:percent-data (om/get-state this))
operate (fn [operation]
(if (= :plus operation)
(if (< percent 100) (om/set-state! this {:percent-data (+ percent 10)}))
(if (>= percent 0) (om/set-state! this {:percent-data (- percent 10)}))))
status (cond
(< percent 42) "exception"
(= percent 100) "success"
:else "active")]
(dom/div #js {:className "progress"}
(dom/h2 nil "Progress")
(ant/progress {:type "circle" :percent percent :status status})
(ant/button {:icon "plus" :on-click #(operate :plus)})
(ant/button {:icon "minus" :on-click #(operate :minus)}))
(ant/progress {:percent percent :status status
:style {:width "42%"}})))))))

(defn handle-fields-change[comp]
(om/update-state! comp assoc :form (ant/get-form comp)))

(defui UserForm
(componentWillMount [this]
(om/set-state! this (-> (getValueByKeys this "props")
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true))))
(render [this]
(let [form (ant/get-form this)
display-buttons? (:display-buttons? (om/get-state this))]
(ant/form {:layout "horizontal"}
(ant/form-item (merge common/form-style {:label "Name"})
(ant/decorate-field form "name" {:rules [{:required true}]}
(ant/input {:on-change #(handle-fields-change this)})))
(ant/form-item (merge common/form-style {:label "Email"})
(ant/decorate-field form "email" {:rules [{:required true} {:type "email"}]}
(ant/input {:on-change #(handle-fields-change this)})))
(ant/form-item (merge common/form-style {:label "Address"})
(ant/decorate-field form "address" {:initial-value "Some initial value" :rules [{:required true}]}
(ant/input {:on-change #(handle-fields-change this)})))
(ant/form-item (merge common/form-style {:label "Years of Experience"})
(ant/decorate-field form "experience" {:rules [{:required true}]}
(ant/radio-group {:on-change #(handle-fields-change this)}
(ant/radio {:value 1} "1-10")
(ant/radio {:value 10} "10-30")
(ant/radio {:value 30} "30-50")
(ant/radio {:value 50} "> 50"))))
(ant/form-item (merge common/form-style {:label "Start Date"})
(ant/decorate-field form "date" {:initial-value (js/moment) :rules [{:required true}]}
(ant/date-picker {:format "MMM Do YYYY" :on-change #(handle-fields-change this)})))
(ant/form-item (merge common/form-style {:label "Accept Terms?"})
(ant/decorate-field form "accept-terms"
(ant/switch {:on-change #(handle-fields-change this)})))
(if display-buttons?
(ant/form-item {:wrapper-col {:offset 6}}
(ant/col {:span 4}
(ant/button {:type "primary" :on-click #(do(ant/validate-fields form) (handle-fields-change this))}
(ant/col {:offset 1}
(ant/button {:on-click #(do (ant/reset-fields form) (handle-fields-change this))}

(def modal (om/factory
(componentWillMount [this]
(do (om/set-state! this (-> (getValueByKeys this "props")
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true)))
(om/update-state! this assoc :modal1 false)
(om/update-state! this assoc :modal-form false)))
(render [this]
(let [modal1 (:modal1 (om/get-state this))
modal-form (:modal-form (om/get-state this))]
(dom/div #js {:className "example-button"}
(dom/h2 nil "Modal")
(ant/button {:on-click #(om/update-state! this assoc :modal1 true)} "Modal Dialog")
(ant/modal {:visible modal1 :title "Title of modal"
:on-ok #(om/update-state! this assoc :modal1 false) :on-cancel #(om/update-state! this assoc :modal1 false)}
(dom/p nil "Some content 1"))
(ant/button {:on-click #(ant/modal-confirm {:title "Are you sure?" :content "Some content"})} "Confirmation Modal")
(ant/button {:on-click #(om/update-state! this assoc :modal-form true)} "Modal Form")
(ant/modal {:visible modal-form :title "Modal Form" :width 600
:on-ok #(om/update-state! this assoc :modal-form false) :on-cancel #(om/update-state! this assoc :modal-form false)}
(ant/create-form UserForm :props {:display-buttons? false}))))))))

(def form-example (om/factory
(render [this]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h2 nil "Form")
(ant/create-form UserForm :props {:display-buttons? true}))))))

(defn add-actions-column [columns comp]
(conj columns
{:title "Actions"
#(ant/button {:icon "delete" :type "danger"
(fn []
(om/update-state! comp assoc :data
(remove (fn [d] (= (get (js->clj %2) "id")
(:id d))) (:data (om/get-state comp)))))})}))

(def datatable (om/factory
(componentWillMount [this]
(om/set-state! this {:data common/people}))
(render [this]
(let [data (:data (om/get-state this))]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h2 nil "Data Table")
{:columns (add-actions-column common/columns this) :dataSource data
:pagination common/pagination :row-key "id"
#(let [selected (js->clj %2 :keywordize-keys true)]
(ant/message-info (str "You have selected: " (map :name selected))))}})))))))

(defn render-example
"Render each example within a bordered box"
;; we need to generate a different key for each react element
(ant/col {:span 12}
(for [example examples]
(dom/div #js {:className "box"}
(dom/div #js {:className "box" :key (random-uuid)}
(dom/div #js {:className "box-content"}

(defn render-full-row
(ant/col {:span 24}
(dom/div #js {:className "box"}
(dom/div #js {:className "box" :key (random-uuid)}
(dom/div #js {:className "box-content"}

Expand All @@ -131,13 +339,11 @@
(render [this]
(ant/layout-content {:class "content-area"}
(ant/row {:gutter 12}
(render-example [carousel buttons messages timeline])
(render-example [card tooltip notifications])
;(render-example [carousel buttons messages timeline tree progress])
;(render-example [card tooltip notifications auto-complete localization modal avatar])
(render-example [carousel buttons messages timeline tree progress modal])
(render-example [card tooltip notifications auto-complete localization avatar])
;(render-full-row form-example)
;(render-full-row datatable)
(render-full-row form-example)
(render-full-row datatable)

(def content-area (om/factory ContentArea))
Expand All @@ -152,10 +358,10 @@
(ant/menu-item "Item 1")
(ant/menu-item "Item 2"))
(ant/menu-item {:disabled true} "Menu with icons")
(ant/menu-item [:span {:key "s"} (ant/icon {:type "home"}) "Menu Item"])
(ant/menu-sub-menu {:title [:span (ant/icon {:type "setting"}) "Sub Menu"]}
(ant/menu-item [:span {:key "s"} (ant/icon {:type "user"}) "Item 1"])
(ant/menu-item [:span {:key "s"} (ant/icon {:type "notification"}) "Item 2"])))))
(ant/menu-item (dom/span #js {:key "s"} (ant/icon {:type "home"}) "Menu Item"))
(ant/menu-sub-menu {:title (dom/span nil (ant/icon {:type "setting"}) "Sub Menu")}
(ant/menu-item (dom/span #js {:key "s"} (ant/icon {:type "user"}) "Item 1"))
(ant/menu-item (dom/span #js {:key "s"} (ant/icon {:type "notification"}) "Item 2"))))))
(def side-menu (om/factory SideMenu))

(defui RenderLayout
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/antizer/macros.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
`(do ~@(map define-rum-component antd/components)))

(defmacro export-om-components []
`(do ~@(map define-rum-component antd/components)))
`(do ~@(map define-om-component antd/components)))

; (defn define-component [component]
; `(defn ~(get-symbol-name component) [& args#]
Expand Down

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