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SCI32: Fix QFG4 guild secret passage
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Fixes the walkable polygon not changing when it's revealed, bug #9894
  • Loading branch information
Vhati authored and bluegr committed Feb 13, 2019
1 parent a6bcf88 commit 603115d
Showing 1 changed file with 259 additions and 1 deletion.
260 changes: 259 additions & 1 deletion engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
Expand Up @@ -161,9 +161,11 @@ static const char *const selectorNameTable[] = {
"plane", // RAMA
"state", // RAMA
"getSubscriberObj", // RAMA
"approachVerbs", // QFG4
"cue", // QFG4
"heading", // QFG4
"moveSpeed", // QFG4
"obstacles", // QFG4
"sayMessage", // QFG4
"setLooper", // QFG4
"setSpeed", // QFG4
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,9 +255,11 @@ enum ScriptPatcherSelectors {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -9990,6 +9994,254 @@ static const uint16 qfg4StuckDoorPatch[] = {

// In the thieves' guild (room 430), the tunnel is not immediately walkable
// when it is revealed (by moving a barrel and solving a puzzle). Hero must
// re-enter the room to update the polygon.
// Curing Chief *will* immediately replace the polygon. However, most players
// will lack the item necessary on the first visit. Meeting Chief is how they
// learn about the item. If they go get it, they'll re-enter the room.
// The room's init has a cond block to check plot flags and declare one of 3
// polygons. The 3rd condition also inits secritExit, an invisible Feature
// that sends hero out of town when walked upon.
// Patch 1: Other patches ensure the passage will be walkable the moment it is
// revealed. Chief is standing inside it. We skip the original code that would
// set up the passage as he gets cured. It is redundant now. If hero can reach
// him, the passage is already revealed. We won't let secritExit init twice.
// Patch 2: We free bytes in rm340::init() by condensing Feature inits with a
// loop. Stack up their addresses. Pop & send repeatedly. Then we declare a
// subroutine that disposes any existing obstacles, jumps into the cond block
// to declare the 3rd poly, jumps back, passes it to addObstacles(), and inits
// secritExit.
// When the cond block's 3rd condition runs, we immediately call our
// subroutine to do everything and end the cond, leaving the original polygon
// declaration intact below the jump.
// Patch 3: The passage starts opening at sBarrelMove state 8. We need more
// room than case 8 can offer, so we arrange for *multiple* cases to run
// during state 8 - by omitting the final jump that would short-circuit.
// Cases 1-5 have derelict code, once intended to move the barrel back and
// forth, now only left. This is because barrel::doVerb(4) schedules
// sBarrelMove in the absence of flag 254 and sets register=1 if the barrel is
// in the left position already. Case 0 uses the same criteria in deciding to
// skip to state 6. Thus cases 1-5 never see register==1. The barrel never
// moves back, and bytes predicated on register==1 are available.
// We reduce case 2 to only the necessary ops and splice in a new case that
// runs during state 8 as a prologue to the original case 8. Our prologue
// calls the subroutine to add the 3rd polygon. This patch has two variants,
// toggled to match the detected edition with enablePatch() below. Aside from
// the call offset, they are identical.
// Applies to at least: English CD, English floppy, German floppy
// Responsible method: sChangeThief::changeState() in script 340
// Fixes bug: #9894
static const uint16 qfg4GuildWalkSignature1[] = {
0x38, SIG_SELECTOR16(dispose), // pushi dispose
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+20), // ... (dispose and null global[2]'s "obstacles" property)
0x4a, SIG_UINT16(0x0006), // send 6d
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+85), // ...
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+238), // ... (secritExit init and addObstacle)
0x4a, SIG_UINT16(0x00a6), // send 166d (polygon init)
0x36, // push
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+5), // ... (global[2] addObstacle: polygon)

static const uint16 qfg4GuildWalkPatch1[] = {
0x32, PATCH_UINT16(0x0017), // jmp 23d (skip obstacles disposal)
0x32, PATCH_UINT16(0x00f4), // jmp 244d (skip secritExit and polygon)

// Responsible method: rm340::init() in script 340
static const uint16 qfg4GuildWalkSignature2[] = {
0x38, SIG_SELECTOR16(init), // pushi init
0x76, // push0
0x38, SIG_SELECTOR16(approachVerbs), // pushi approachVerbs
0x78, // push1
0x39, 0x04, // pushi 4d
0x72, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // lofsa steps1
0x4a, SIG_UINT16(0x000a), // send 10d

SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+10), // ... (similar inits follow)
0x72, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // lofsa steps2
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+13), // ...
0x72, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // lofsa barrels1
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+13), // ...
0x72, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // lofsa barrels2
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+13), // ...
0x72, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // lofsa crack1
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+13), // ...
0x72, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // lofsa crack2
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+13), // ...
0x72, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // lofsa pillar

SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+26), // ... (global[78]::add() steps1 and steps2)

SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+459), // ... (cond block for polygons)
0x32, SIG_UINT16(0x00f7), // jmp 247d [end the cond] (2nd condition done)

// (else condition)
0x38, SIG_SELECTOR16(init), // pushi init
0x76, // push0
0x72, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // lofsa secritExit
0x4a, SIG_UINT16(0x0004), // send 4d
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+4), // ... (addObstacle and its arg count)
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+228), // ... (3rd Polygon type, init, and push)
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+5), // ... (end of the polygons cond)

0x38, SIG_SELECTOR16(init), // pushi init (super init:)

static const uint16 qfg4GuildWalkPatch2[] = {
0x3f, 0x02, // link 02 (set up loop vars, op affects the stack)
0x74, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16(11), // lofss steps1
0x74, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16(27), // lofss steps2
0x74, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16(43), // lofss barrels1
0x74, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16(59), // lofss barrels2
0x74, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16(75), // lofss crack1
0x74, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16(91), // lofss crack2
0x74, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16(107), // lofss pillar
0x35, 0x08, // ldi 8d (decrement and send 7 times, while != 0)
0xa5, 0x00, // sat temp[0]
0xe5, 0x00, // -at temp[0]
0x31, 0x13, // bnt 19d [on 0, end the loop]
0xad, 0x01, // sst temp[1] (pop the next object into a temp var)
0x38, PATCH_SELECTOR16(init), // pushi init
0x76, // push0
0x38, PATCH_SELECTOR16(approachVerbs), // pushi approachVerbs
0x78, // push1
0x39, 0x04, // pushi 4d
0x85, 0x01, // lat temp[1] (accumulate the object)
0x4a, PATCH_UINT16(0x000a), // send 10d
0x33, 0xe9, // jmp -23d [loop]

0x33, 0x33, // jmp 51d [skip subroutine declaration]
0x38, PATCH_SELECTOR16(obstacles), // pushi obstacles (look up "obstacles", might be null)
0x76, // push0
0x81, 0x02, // lag global[2]
0x4a, PATCH_UINT16(0x0004), // send 4d
0x31, 0x11, // bnt 17d [skip disposal and nulling]
0x38, PATCH_SELECTOR16(dispose), // pushi dispose
0x76, // push0
0x4a, PATCH_UINT16(0x0004), // send 4d ((global[2] obstacles?) dispose:)
0x38, PATCH_SELECTOR16(obstacles), // pushi obstacles (null the "obstacles" property)
0x78, // push1
0x76, // push0
0x81, 0x02, // lag global[2]
0x4a, PATCH_UINT16(0x0006), // send 6d
0x38, PATCH_SELECTOR16(addObstacle), // pushi addObstacle
0x78, // push1
0x32, PATCH_UINT16(0x020f), // jmp 527d [3rd polygon type, init, and push]
// (That will jmp back here)
0x81, 0x02, // lag global[2]
0x4a, PATCH_UINT16(0x0006), // send 6d
0x38, PATCH_SELECTOR16(init), // pushi init
0x76, // push0
0x72, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16(605), // lofsa secritExit
0x4a, PATCH_UINT16(0x0004), // send 4d
0x48, // ret

0x33, 0x07, // jmp 7d [skip waste bytes, to (global[78] add: steps1)]
0x5c, // selfID (waste 1 byte)
0x76, // push0 (0 call args, clobber the old secritExit init)
0x40, PATCH_UINT16(0xfdd6), PATCH_UINT16(0x0000), // call 0d [-554] (the subroutine does everything)
0x32, PATCH_UINT16(0x00ee), // jmp 238d [end the cond]
0x5c, // selfID (waste 1 byte)
PATCH_ADDTOOFFSET(+228), // ... (3rd polygon type, init, and push)
0x32, PATCH_UINT16(0xfd0a), // jmp -758d [back into the subroutine]
0x35, 0x00, // ldi 0 (erase 2 bytes to keep disasm aligned)

// Applies to at least: English CD
// Responsible method: sBarrelMove::changeState(2) in script 340
static const uint16 qfg4GuildWalkCDSignature3[] = {
0x30, SIG_UINT16(0x0032), // bnt 50d [next case]
0x35, 0x02, // ldi 2d (case 2 label)
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+26), // ... (register branch and derelict say())
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+19), // ... (else, the rest of case 2 is a necessary say())
0x32, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // jmp ?? [end the switch]

static const uint16 qfg4GuildWalkCDPatch3[] = {
0x31, 0x15, // bnt 21d [next case]
0x38, PATCH_SELECTOR16(say), // pushi say
0x39, 0x05, // pushi 5d
0x39, 0x06, // pushi 6d
0x39, 0x04, // pushi 4d
0x39, 0x13, // pushi 19d
0x76, // push0
0x7c, // pushSelf
0x81, 0x5b, // lag global[91]
0x4a, PATCH_UINT16(0x000e), // send 14d
0x32, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16ADJUST(51, +30), // jmp ?? [end the switch]

0x3c, // dup (case 8 prologue)
0x35, 0x08, // ldi 8d
0x1a, // eq?
0x31, 0x06, // bnt 6d [next case]
0x76, // push0 (0 call args)
0x40, PATCH_UINT16(0xf592), PATCH_UINT16(0x0000), // call [-2670], 0d (patch 2's subroutine)
0x33, 0x10, // jmp 16d [skip waste bytes]
PATCH_END // (don't end the switch, keep testing cases)

// Applies to at least: English floppy, German floppy
// Responsible method: sBarrelMove::changeState(2) in script 340
static const uint16 qfg4GuildWalkFloppySignature3[] = {
0x30, SIG_UINT16(0x0032), // bnt 50d [next case]
0x35, 0x02, // ldi 2d (case 2 label)
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+26), // ... (register branch and derelict say())
SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+19), // ... (else, the rest of case 2 is a necessary say())
0x32, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+2), // jmp ?? [end the switch]

static const uint16 qfg4GuildWalkFloppyPatch3[] = {
0x31, 0x15, // bnt 21d [next case]
0x38, PATCH_SELECTOR16(say), // pushi say
0x39, 0x05, // pushi 5d
0x39, 0x06, // pushi 6d
0x39, 0x04, // pushi 4d
0x39, 0x13, // pushi 19d
0x76, // push0
0x7c, // pushSelf
0x81, 0x5b, // lag global[91]
0x4a, PATCH_UINT16(0x000e), // send 14d
0x32, PATCH_GETORIGINALUINT16ADJUST(51, +30), // jmp ?? [end the switch]

0x3c, // dup (case 8 prologue)
0x35, 0x08, // ldi 8d
0x1a, // eq?
0x31, 0x06, // bnt 6d [next case]
0x76, // push0 (0 call args)
0x40, PATCH_UINT16(0xf5a8), PATCH_UINT16(0x0000), // call [-2648], 0d (patch 2's subroutine)
0x33, 0x10, // jmp 16d [skip waste bytes]
PATCH_END // (don't end the switch, keep testing cases)

// script, description, signature patch
static const SciScriptPatcherEntry qfg4Signatures[] = {
{ true, 0, "prevent autosave from deleting save games", 1, qfg4AutosaveSignature, qfg4AutosavePatch },
Expand All @@ -10008,6 +10260,10 @@ static const SciScriptPatcherEntry qfg4Signatures[] = {
{ true, 270, "fix town gate after a staff dream", 1, qfg4DreamGateSignature, qfg4DreamGatePatch },
{ true, 320, "fix pathfinding at the inn", 1, qfg4InnPathfindingSignature, qfg4InnPathfindingPatch },
{ true, 320, "fix talking to absent innkeeper", 1, qfg4AbsentInnkeeperSignature, qfg4AbsentInnkeeperPatch },
{ true, 340, "CD/Floppy: fix guild tunnel access (1/3)", 1, qfg4GuildWalkSignature1, qfg4GuildWalkPatch1 },
{ true, 340, "CD/Floppy: fix guild tunnel access (2/3)", 1, qfg4GuildWalkSignature2, qfg4GuildWalkPatch2 },
{ false, 340, "CD: fix guild tunnel access (3/3)", 1, qfg4GuildWalkCDSignature3, qfg4GuildWalkCDPatch3 },
{ false, 340, "Floppy: fix guild tunnel access (3/3)", 1, qfg4GuildWalkFloppySignature3, qfg4GuildWalkFloppyPatch3 },
{ true, 440, "fix setLooper calls (1/2)", 1, qfg4SetLooperSignature1, qfg4SetLooperPatch1 },
{ true, 475, "fix tarot 3 queen card", 1, qfg4Tarot3QueenSignature, qfg4Tarot3QueenPatch },
{ true, 475, "fix tarot 3 death card", 1, qfg4Tarot3DeathSignature, qfg4Tarot3DeathPatch },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -11888,9 +12144,11 @@ void ScriptPatcher::processScript(uint16 scriptNr, SciSpan<byte> scriptData) {
enablePatch(signatureTable, "CD: fix rope during Igor rescue (1/2)");
enablePatch(signatureTable, "CD: fix rope during Igor rescue (2/2)");

// Similar signatures that patch with a different lofsa address
// Similar signatures that patch with different addresses/offsets
enablePatch(signatureTable, "CD: fix guild tunnel access (3/3)");
enablePatch(signatureTable, "CD: fix crest bookshelf");
} else {
enablePatch(signatureTable, "Floppy: fix guild tunnel access (3/3)");
enablePatch(signatureTable, "Floppy: fix crest bookshelf");
Expand Down

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