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CREATE_PROJECT: Modify XCodeProvider to add the various folders as gr…
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…oups, instead of file-references, hardcoding the root as the group "CustomTemplate"

This also modifies the hashes, so that subfolders get unique hashes, even if they have the same name as some other folder in the tree (i.e. there are multiple folders named "sdl" in the various subfolders of backends/platforms).
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somaen committed Apr 9, 2015
1 parent 9ef6e59 commit 7e7347f
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 10 deletions.
50 changes: 40 additions & 10 deletions devtools/create_project/xcode.cpp
Expand Up @@ -173,30 +173,60 @@ void XCodeProvider::writeFileListToProject(const FileNode &dir, std::ofstream &p

// Init root group
_groups.comment = "PBXGroup";

// We use only the last path component for paths, as every folder gets its own group,
// and subfolders then only need to specify their path relative to their parent folder.
std::string path = getLastPathComponent(;
std::string name = path;
// We need to use the prefix-name to make sure that the hashes become unique for folders
// that have the same name.
std::string prefixName = objPrefix;
std::string groupName;
// Special case handling for the root-node
if (indentation == 0) { // Indentation level 0 is the root
// Hard-code the name, so that we can use it as mainGroup
name = "CustomTemplate";
// Should already be "", but lets make sure.
assert(prefixName == "");
groupName = "PBXGroup_" + name;
} else {
groupName = "PBXGroup_" + prefixName;
// Create group
std::string name = getLastPathComponent(;
Object *group = new Object(this, "PBXGroup_" + name , "PBXGroup", "PBXGroup", "", name);

Object *group = new Object(this, groupName , "PBXGroup", "PBXGroup", "", name);
// List of children
Property children;
children.hasOrder = true;
children.flags = SettingsAsList;

group->addProperty("name", name, "", SettingsNoValue|SettingsQuoteVariable);
group->addProperty("sourceTree", "<group>", "", SettingsNoValue|SettingsQuoteVariable);

// Sub-groups below the root need to have their relative path set (relative to their parent group)
if (indentation != 0) {
group->addProperty("path", path, "", SettingsNoValue|SettingsQuoteVariable);
int order = 0;
for (FileNode::NodeList::const_iterator i = dir.children.begin(); i != dir.children.end(); ++i) {
const FileNode *node = *i;

std::string id = "FileReference_" + node->name;
FileProperty property = FileProperty(node->name, node->name, node->name, "\"<group>\"");

ADD_SETTING_ORDER_NOVALUE(children, getHash(node->name), node->name, order++);
ADD_BUILD_FILE(id, node->name, node->name + " in Sources");
ADD_FILE_REFERENCE(node->name, property);

// If it is a folder, create a group with a hash made from the concatenated name of the node and
// all its parents, this way, the various folders with the same name (i.e. sdl a bunch of places
// in backends) gets unique hashes, instead of the same hash becoming the child of multiple groups.
if (!node->children.empty()) {
ADD_SETTING_ORDER_NOVALUE(children, getHash("PBXGroup_" + prefixName + node->name + "_"), node->name, order++);
} else {
// Otherwise, simply hash the filename, and hope that we don't get conflicts on those. (Seems to work so far)
ADD_SETTING_ORDER_NOVALUE(children, getHash(node->name), node->name, order++);
// Iff it is a file, then add (build) file references. Since we're using Groups and not File References
// for folders, we shouldn't add folders as file references, obviously.
if (node->children.empty()) {
ADD_BUILD_FILE(id, node->name, node->name + " in Sources");
ADD_FILE_REFERENCE(node->name, property);
// Process child nodes
if (!node->children.empty())
writeFileListToProject(*node, projectFile, indentation + 1, duplicate, objPrefix + node->name + '_', filePrefix + node->name + '/');
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