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Optimize load-and-stream
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load-and-stream implements no policy when deciding which SSTables will go in
each streaming round (batch of 16 SSTables), meaning the choice is random.

It can take advantage of the fact that the LSM-tree layout, with ICS and LCS,
is a set of SSTable runs, where each run is composed of SSTables that are
disjoint in their key range.

By sorting SSTables to be streamed by their first key, the effect is that
SSTable runs will be incrementally streamed (in token order).

SSTable runs in the same replica group (or in the same node) will have their
content deduplicated, reducing significantly the amount of data we need to
put on the wire. The improvement is proportional to the space amplification
in the table, which again, depends on the compaction strategy used.

Another important benefit is that the destination nodes will receive SSTables
in token order, allowing off-strategy compaction to be more efficient.

This is how I tested it:

1) Generated a 5GB dataset to a ICS table.
2) Started a fresh 2-node cluster. RF=2.
3) Ran load-and-stream against one of the replicas.


$ time curl -X POST ""

real	4m40.613s
user	0m0.005s
sys	0m0.007s


$ time curl -X POST ""

real	2m39.271s
user	0m0.005s
sys	0m0.004s

That's ~1.76x faster.

That's explained by deduplication:


INFO  2023-02-17 22:59:01,100 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #79d3ce7a-ea47-4b6e-9214-930610a18ccd] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=3445376, received_partitions=2755835
INFO  2023-02-17 22:59:41,491 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #bc6bad99-4438-4e1e-92db-b2cb394039c8] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=3308288, received_partitions=2836491
INFO  2023-02-17 23:00:20,585 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #e95c4f49-0a2f-47ea-b41f-d900dd87ead5] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=3129088, received_partitions=2734029
INFO  2023-02-17 23:00:49,297 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #255cba95-a099-4fec-a72c-f87d5cac2b1d] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=2544128, received_partitions=1959370
INFO  2023-02-17 23:01:33,110 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #96b5737e-30c7-4af8-a8b8-96fecbcbcbd0] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=3624576, received_partitions=3085681
INFO  2023-02-17 23:02:20,909 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #3185a48b-fb9e-4190-88f4-5c7a386bc9bd] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=3505024, received_partitions=3079345
INFO  2023-02-17 23:03:02,039 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #0d2964dc-d5e3-4775-825c-97f736d14713] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=2808192, received_partitions=2655811


INFO  2023-02-17 23:12:49,155 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #bf00963c-3334-4035-b1a9-4b3ceb7a188a] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=2965376, received_partitions=1006535
INFO  2023-02-17 23:13:13,365 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #1cd2e3ac-a68b-4cb5-8a06-707e91cf59db] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=3543936, received_partitions=1406157
INFO  2023-02-17 23:13:37,474 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #5a278230-6b4b-461f-8396-c15df7092d03] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=3639936, received_partitions=1371298
INFO  2023-02-17 23:14:02,132 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #19f40dc3-e02a-4321-a917-a6590d99dd03] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=3638912, received_partitions=1435386
INFO  2023-02-17 23:14:26,673 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #d47507eb-2067-4e8f-a4f7-c82d5fbd4228] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=3561600, received_partitions=1423024
INFO  2023-02-17 23:14:49,307 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #d42ee911-253a-4de6-ac89-6a3c05b88d66] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=2382592, received_partitions=1452656
INFO  2023-02-17 23:15:10,067 [shard 0] stream_session - [Stream #1f78c1bf-8e20-41bd-95de-16de3fc5f86c] Write to sstable for ks=keyspace1, cf=standard1, estimated_partitions=2632320, received_partitions=1252298

Signed-off-by: Raphael S. Carvalho <>
Message-Id: <>
  • Loading branch information
raphaelsc authored and tgrabiec committed Feb 20, 2023
1 parent 917e085 commit fbeee8b
Showing 1 changed file with 11 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "message/messaging_service.hh"

#include <cfloat>
#include <algorithm>

static logging::logger llog("sstables_loader");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,6 +125,16 @@ future<> sstables_loader::load_and_stream(sstring ks_name, sstring cf_name,
const auto reason = streaming::stream_reason::repair;
auto erm = _db.local().find_keyspace(ks_name).get_effective_replication_map();

// By sorting SSTables by their primary key, we allow SSTable runs to be
// incrementally streamed.
// Overlapping run fragments can have their content deduplicated, reducing
// the amount of data we need to put on the wire.
// Elements are popped off from the back of the vector, therefore we're sorting
// it in descending order, to start from the smaller tokens.
std::ranges::sort(sstables, [] (const sstables::shared_sstable& x, const sstables::shared_sstable& y) {
return x->compare_by_first_key(*y) > 0;

size_t nr_sst_total = sstables.size();
size_t nr_sst_current = 0;
while (!sstables.empty()) {
Expand Down

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