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Simple Device Drawing Protocol

Current version: 4

Terminology & Conventions

  • vendor: any implementation (device) which has a display it exposes via the SDDP
  • consumer: any interface for connecting with and driving an SDDP vendor's display
  • prefix: a prefix appended to all channel names

Hereafter, anything in monospaced font has special meaning (matching docopt where appropriate/possible):

  • literal string
  • <SymbolicName>
  • (optional|option1|...|optionN)
  • [required|option1|...|optionN]

Any vendor & consumer that have been configured with the same prefix will be able to communicate with each other. In this way, different SDDP deployments can be logically separated on the same physical bus.

Hereafter, this prefix will be referred to symbolically as <Prefix>, and concretely we'll use sddpExample.

Theory of Operation

A request/response model, wherein once the connection has been established and the bulk of communication is one-way (consumer-to-vendor), the responses consist of simple ACKnowledgment messages (currently used to facilitate connection monitoring & reconnection logic).


Connection initialization handshake

Consumer request:

Channel <Prefix>:ctrl-init
Message Form <ConsumerId> request <DisplayID> <ProtocolVersion>

Vendor's response:

Channel <Prefix>:ctrl-init:request:resp
Message Form <DisplayID> [ok|reject] <ConsumerId> (RejectionReason)

A vendor must only publish its response message once it has initialized the established channel & is ready to recieve message on it.

Upon successful handshake, both sides must be listening on a newly-established, unique channel for further communication. This establishment channel will be named:


Finally, the consumer must listen on and the vendor must publish message acknowledgement to channel:


(the establishment channel name postfixed with ":ack")

Optional vendor response in ack messages

The protocol supports optional response data from the vendor on the :ack channel, both as a future-proofing mechanism as well as a way to allow custom command implementation.

Accordingly, this response data will consist of all bytes following the acknowledged sequence number and a single ASCII/UTF8 space (32d, 0x20). For example, if acknowledging sequence number 142 with a response of "Foo":

142 Foo


A consumer - here using the ID sddp.ConsumerA - who wishes to establish a connection with a display vending with the ID sddp.Display1 would publish the following on channel sddpExample:ctrl-init:

sddp.ConsumerA request sddp.Display1 3

If the display identifying as sddp.Display1 is accepting of the request, it will respond with the following on channel sddpExample:ctrl-init:request:resp:

sddp.Display1 ok sddp.ConsumerA

If however the display rejects the connection request for any reason, it will respond accordingly on sddpExample:ctrl-init:request:resp, in this case rejecting for a protocol version mistmatch:

sddp.Display1 reject sddp.ConsumerA bad_protocol_version

Assuming an ok response from sddp.Display1, both sides would begin listening on and sddp.ConsumerA publishing draw commands to:


while sddp.Display1 would be required to publish its acknowledgments to sddpExample:estab:sddp.Display1|sddp.ConsumerA:ack.

Established connection

Once a connection is established between vendor & consumer, the vendor needn't send any further message save for the required acknowledgments.

Acknowledgements must be received in monotonic order & a timely manner for the connection to be maintained, otherwise the consumer is expected to end the current connection and reattempt.

General message form

From consumer to vendor:

<SequenceNumber> <DrawCommand> (SpaceDelimitedArgumentList)

and the acknowledgment is expected to simply consist of the sequence number being acknowledged, nothing else.

Draw commands


Draws [string] (may contain spaces) on the connected display at [column] and [row].

writeat [column] [row] [string]


Clears the display.



Toggles the display.

toggleDisplay [on|off]


Toggles the cursor.

toggleCursor [on|off]


Toggles the cursor blink.

toggleCursorBlink [on|off]

Management commands


Informs the vendor that the consumer is disconnecting; this will be the last message sent by the consumer this session. Unlike draw commands, an acknowledgement is not required from the vendor; it may be sent without consequence, but likely will not be recieved by anyone.

Full example transcript

Demonstrating the entirety of traffic sent when running the hello-world JavaScript example.

$ redis-cli --csv -h <redacted> 'psubscribe' 'sddpExample*'
"pmessage","sddpExample*","sddpExample:ctrl-init","sddp.ConsumerA request sddp.Display1 4"
"pmessage","sddpExample*","sddpExample:ctrl-init:request:resp","sddp.Display1 ok sddp.ConsumerA"
"pmessage","sddpExample*","sddpExample:estab:sddp.Display1|sddp.ConsumerA","1 clear"
"pmessage","sddpExample*","sddpExample:estab:sddp.Display1|sddp.ConsumerA","2 writeat 3 0 Hello"
"pmessage","sddpExample*","sddpExample:estab:sddp.Display1|sddp.ConsumerA","3 writeat 4 1 World!"
"pmessage","sddpExample*","sddpExample:estab:sddp.Display1|sddp.ConsumerA","4 writeat 10 3 6:21:14 PM"
"pmessage","sddpExample*","sddpExample:estab:sddp.Display1|sddp.ConsumerA","5 disconnect"

On an LCM2004A 4x20 character display, execution of the above would result in:

hello-world executed on an LCM2004A 4x20 character display (white text on blue background)

Change History

Version Release Date Functional Changes
4 May 25 2021 Add disconnect, ack message optional responses
3 May 3 2021 First public release
2 Not released
1 Not released


  • Capability negotiation
    • Compression (non-ASCII encoding?)
  • Vendor inputs

Notes, caveats & errata

As of this version, the transport layer is assumed to be Redis pub/sub and accordingly the discussion below may use concepts and/or language specific to this transport layer.





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