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Weekly Report ‐ Week 10

Sandeepan Dhoundiyal edited this page Sep 11, 2022 · 1 revision

Tasks completed during the past week:-

This week was spent on two tasks:

  1. Incorporating the steps for importing the QGIS processes into the ZOO-project's docker setup.

  2. I have been having trouble integrating the required code with the ZOO-project's docker setup. As such, I decided to take a step back and start with the basics. I wrote a Hello World script[1] and created and ran it through a docker image[2].

  3. Next, I moved on to compiling the commands for installing all the dependencies and running the python script for importing the processes from QGIS desktop[3] into a single .sh file[4]. The execution of the script for importing the processes results in an error, "cannot find proj.db". This error had been solved previously by installing the gdal from the conda-forge. However, right now I am not sure why it has come up again, as gdal is already installed. This issue will be debugged and I will move to addressing the move onto incorporating the python script and .sh file into the docker setup.

  4. Adding additional processes:

4.1 Minor changes were made to the code for the python script for sampling points inside polygons. Currently, this process isn't working as I am unsure what the method parameter is. This will be looked into as well, and solved.

4.2 A python method[5] for the qgis:randomselection and a config file[6] have been implemented.

4.3 A simple script was written to compile descriptions of additional processes[7]. These include IDW[8], TIN interpolation[9], contour polygons[10], knn based concave hull[11], statistics by category[12].

Tasks for next week:

  1. Resolve the "cannot find proj.db" error and incorporate the .sh and python scripts into the docker setup.

  2. Prepare a slide stack for FOSS4G and present the work at the conference.

  3. Get the process for sampling points inside polygons working.

Blocked On:

The docker setup is a critical issue, which I need to resolve before any QGIS algorithm can be integrated as a ZOO-service.











