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:mod:`~marvin.utils.general.maskbit.Maskbit` contains the schema for a MaNGA flag (e.g., MANGA_DAPPIXMASK) and provides convenience functions for translating amongst mask values, bits, and labels.

Getting Started

:mod:`~marvin.utils.general.maskbit.Maskbit` is most frequently encountered as an attribute on a :ref:`marvin-tools` object (e.g., :attr:`` is an instance of :mod:`~marvin.utils.general.maskbit.Maskbit`).

from import Maps
maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
ha = maps['gflux ha']

#     bit         label                                        description
# 0     0         NOCOV                         No coverage in this spaxel
# 1     1        LOWCOV                        Low coverage in this spaxel
# 2     2     DEADFIBER                   Major contributing fiber is dead
# 3     3      FORESTAR                                    Foreground star
# 4     4       NOVALUE  Spaxel was not fit because it did not meet sel...
# 5     5    UNRELIABLE  Value is deemed unreliable; see TRM for defini...
# 6     6     MATHERROR              Mathematical error in computing value
# 7     7     FITFAILED                  Attempted fit for property failed
# 8     8     NEARBOUND  Fitted value is too near an imposed boundary; ...
# 9     9  NOCORRECTION               Appropriate correction not available
# 10   10     MULTICOMP          Multi-component velocity features present
# 11   30      DONOTUSE                 Do not use this spaxel for science>

It is also possible to initialize a :mod:`~marvin.utils.general.maskbit.Maskbit` instance without a :ref:`marvin-tools` object:

from marvin.utils.general.maskbit import Maskbit
mngtarg1 = Maskbit('MANGA_TARGET1')

#     bit                  label                     description
# 0     0                   NONE
# 1     1       PRIMARY_PLUS_COM        March 2014 commissioning
# 2     2          SECONDARY_COM        March 2014 commissioning
# 3     3     COLOR_ENHANCED_COM        March 2014 commissioning
# 4     4         PRIMARY_v1_1_0   First tag, August 2014 plates
# 5     5       SECONDARY_v1_1_0   First tag, August 2014 plates
# 6     6  COLOR_ENHANCED_v1_1_0   First tag, August 2014 plates
# 7     7           PRIMARY_COM2         July 2014 commissioning
# 8     8         SECONDARY_COM2         July 2014 commissioning
# 9     9    COLOR_ENHANCED_COM2         July 2014 commissioning
# 10   10         PRIMARY_v1_2_0
# 11   11       SECONDARY_v1_2_0
# 12   12  COLOR_ENHANCED_v1_2_0
# 13   13                 FILLER                  Filler targets
# 14   14                RETIRED            Bit retired from use>

Maskbit Schema

:mod:`~marvin.utils.general.maskbit.Maskbit` makes properly applying masks easy by providing the schema for a flag:

from import Maps
maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
ha = maps['gflux ha']

# 'Targeting bits for all galaxy targets.'

#     bit                  label                     description
# 0     0                   NONE
# 1     1       PRIMARY_PLUS_COM        March 2014 commissioning
# 2     2          SECONDARY_COM        March 2014 commissioning
# 3     3     COLOR_ENHANCED_COM        March 2014 commissioning
# 4     4         PRIMARY_v1_1_0   First tag, August 2014 plates
# 5     5       SECONDARY_v1_1_0   First tag, August 2014 plates
# 6     6  COLOR_ENHANCED_v1_1_0   First tag, August 2014 plates
# 7     7           PRIMARY_COM2         July 2014 commissioning
# 8     8         SECONDARY_COM2         July 2014 commissioning
# 9     9    COLOR_ENHANCED_COM2         July 2014 commissioning
# 10   10         PRIMARY_v1_2_0
# 11   11       SECONDARY_v1_2_0
# 12   12  COLOR_ENHANCED_v1_2_0
# 13   13                 FILLER                  Filler targets
# 14   14                RETIRED            Bit retired from use

Mask, Bits, and Labels

It also contains the mask value, the corresponding bits, and the corresponding labels for the :ref:`marvin-tools` object:

ha.manga_target1.mask    # 2336
ha.manga_target1.bits    # [5, 8, 11]
ha.manga_target1.labels  # ['SECONDARY_v1_1_0', 'SECONDARY_COM2', 'SECONDARY_v1_2_0']

Array of Mask Values

Let's look at a flag with a mask that is an array and not just a single integer:

#     bit         label                                        description
# 0     0         NOCOV                         No coverage in this spaxel
# 1     1        LOWCOV                        Low coverage in this spaxel
# 2     2     DEADFIBER                   Major contributing fiber is dead
# 3     3      FORESTAR                                    Foreground star
# 4     4       NOVALUE  Spaxel was not fit because it did not meet sel...
# 5     5    UNRELIABLE  Value is deemed unreliable; see TRM for defini...
# 6     6     MATHERROR              Mathematical error in computing value
# 7     7     FITFAILED                  Attempted fit for property failed
# 8     8     NEARBOUND  Fitted value is too near an imposed boundary; ...
# 9     9  NOCORRECTION               Appropriate correction not available
# 10   10     MULTICOMP          Multi-component velocity features present
# 11   30      DONOTUSE                 Do not use this spaxel for science>

ha.pixmask.mask  # == ha.mask
# array([[1073741843, 1073741843, 1073741843, ..., 1073741843, 1073741843,
#     1073741843],
#    ...,
#    [1073741843, 1073741843, 1073741843, ..., 1073741843, 1073741843,
#     1073741843]])

# [[[0, 1, 4, 30],
#   ...,
# [0, 1, 4, 30]]]

#   ...,

ha.pixmask.mask[17, 32]    # 1073741843
ha.pixmask.bits[17][32]    # [0, 1, 4, 30]
ha.pixmask.labels[17][32]  # ['NOCOV', 'LOWCOV', 'NOVALUE', 'DONOTUSE']

Translating Amongst Mask Values, Bits, and labels

With MANGA_DAPPIXMASK, you might want to translate individual mask values, bits, or labels:

ha.pixmask.values_to_bits(1073741843)  # [0, 1, 4, 30]
ha.pixmask.values_to_labels(1073741843)  #['NOCOV', 'LOWCOV', 'NOVALUE', 'DONOTUSE']

# Translate one label
ha.pixmask.labels_to_value('NOCOV')  # 1
ha.pixmask.labels_to_bits('NOCOV')   # [0]

# Translate multiple labels
ha.pixmask.labels_to_value(['NOCOV', 'UNRELIABLE'])  # 33
ha.pixmask.labels_to_bits(['NOCOV', 'UNRELIABLE'])  # [0, 5]

Making a Custom Mask

You might want to produce a mask (e.g., to produce a custom mask for plotting):

# Mask of regions with no IFU coverage
nocov = ha.pixmask.get_mask('NOCOV')

# Mask of regions with low Halpha flux and marked as DONOTUSE
low_ha = (ha.value < 1e-17) * ha.pixmask.labels_to_value('DONOTUSE')

# Combine masks using bitwise OR (`|`)
my_mask = nocov | low_ha

fig, ax = ha.plot(mask=my_mask)

See the :ref:`marvin-plotting-tutorial` (e.g., :ref:`marvin-plotting-custom-map-axes`) for more about custom masks.


Class Inheritance Diagram

.. inheritance-diagram:: marvin.utils.general.maskbit.Maskbit


.. autosummary::



.. autosummary::
