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What is codegen?

It is a database first code generator for an ORM Layer.

How does it work?

It uses 2 steps.

  1. Inspect MySQL and create or update a JSON configuration file, that represents the database.
    • This file may be changed to use some advanced features, which are not fully automagically possible with MySQL inspection.
  2. Read the config file and generate the code.

Usage for project know-api

platform and tenant settings have been merged into one config file. tool has been refactored to use relative paths.

Install codegen

cd cmd/codegen
go install

Update from Database

# goto know-api folder
codegen update

Generate code

# goto know-api folder
codegen gen

Special Use-Cases

Removing a Table from a DB

codegen does not remove anything from the settings file automatically, because manual change is allowed. Therefore a removal of a table can not be handled by codegen alone.

  1. Remove the table from the DB
  2. Remove the corresponding settings from your codegen.json
  3. Remove any previously generated files for that table.