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Repository files navigation


a static site generator


What it does

Makes it easy to rapid develop frontend projects, and host them on github pages.


  • Builds a searchable list of projects
  • Autoreload
  • Pug, SCSS/Autoprefixer, Babel
  • Test individual projects

How to use



All projects can be viewed from the index.html in the root directory. Each individual project also has an index.html. Using a browser plugin for Atom works well here.

Creating a new projects

Don't forget to use npm install!

npm run gulp:new Duplicates the boilerplate, builds the site, and starts gulp watch` open

Editing existing projects

npm run gulp:watch Watches for changes to existing projects

Project structure

Make changes to the src folder

   ├── index.html // view your project
   ├── index.pug // add plugins here if you like
   ├── bin/
      ├── css.css // compiled sass and autoprefixed
      ├── js.js // compiled used babel
      └── html.pug // only a copy from src
   └── src/
       ├── css.scss // SASS
       ├── js.js // BABEL
       └── html.pug // PUG/JADE/HTML