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How to Save Waypoints

sean85914 edited this page Aug 1, 2019 · 1 revision

[Terminal 1] $ roslaunch arm_operation urX_real.launch robot_ip:=[ur ip] tool_length:=[tool_length]
[Terminal 2] $ rosrun arm_operation get_current_pose _file_name:=[file_name]
Save current pose joint values after user press 's', stop after user press 'e'

The result file will be saved in package://arm_operation/data/[file_name].txt

To traverse through the logged waypoints, run
[Terminal 3] $ rosrun arm_operation set_pose _file_name:=[path_to_file]/[file_name].txt
The node will subscribe topic /set_pose/index_to_go (std_msgs/Int16), which tell the service where to go w.r.t. the given index specific in the file.

Note: Please publish subsequent index after the movement is finish

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