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100 Days Of Code - Log

Day 1: January 2, 2017

Today's Progress: Starting a project to implement basic DataStructure on C++

Thoughts: I really struggled with data structure and normally I just understand the concept but not how it implement. Overall, it's great opportunity to start working on it from scratch and improve it when I get the grip on it.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 2: January 3, 2017

Today's Progress: Restructure Linked-list, Added Stack and Queue class

Thoughts: Starting to get the grip on how to use template, as I'm not normally apply template while working. Basic functions of linked list and stack are there, will add on more functionality in coming days. Queue has some bug on enqueue and dequeue will look into it tomorrow.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 3: January 4, 2017

Today's Progress: Refactoring Linked-list (Part1) and Queue class

Thoughts: Basic structure for linked-list is quite important as many of others data structure implementation could reuse linked-list class. Queue class crashed yesterday has been fixed today, but linked-list class structure still have some bug on it. Will look into that tomorrow.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 4: January 5, 2017

Today's Progress: Refactoring Linked-list (Part2), Stack and Queue class

Thoughts: Feel accomplishment when the queue class could implement using two stack class and getting familiar with template specialization on class and function. Today also been try to implement the stack class using linked-list class too. The backbone of the structure is really important.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 5: January 6, 2017

Today's Progress: Refactoring Linked-list (Part3), Added Hash Table structure

Thoughts: Trying to implement hash table class using template, somehow it doesn't work well. So, implement it with string input first and improve it when I got idea to do so.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 6: January 7, 2017

Today's Progress: Reading and implemented Binary Tree class

Thoughts: Still confused with some of terms describe in tree data structure, will read more on it tomorrow. Today was kinda rush, not much time to do more coding and reading.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 7: January 8, 2017

Today's Progress: More Reading and implemented more functions for Binary Tree class

Thoughts: Understand more terms in tree structure but still confused a lot with the implement on traversal and recursion. Will read more in coming days to be familiar and understand how it really work.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 8: January 9, 2017

Today's Progress: Fixed wrong node delete in pop function for Binary Tree class

Thoughts: Resistance today, doesn't have much focus on study for the tree. So, instead fix for the bug in the class. I must overcome the resistance.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 9: January 10, 2017

Today's Progress: Fixed compile error in levelOrderTraversal function and make better test case for Binary Tree class

Thoughts: Was planning to fix the bug on stack destructor but doesn't work well. Anyhow, the bug in binary tree class is solved. Somehow, it seems that I still doesn't know a lots of stuff. The more I code, the more I'm lost.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 10: January 11, 2017

Today's Progress: Added destroyTree, search and method to check if tree is a binary search tree

Thoughts: Want to implement another structure but does not have much time to read up on it, so add more functionality to tree class before proceeding. In coming days, will spend more time on reading on others data strucure like graph, AVL tree, n-Ary tree if time is allowed.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 11: January 12, 2017

Today's Progress: Added functions to get successor and predecessor of a given node (Binary Tree) class

Thoughts: Reading on graph structure will implement it in coming days. Need more practice in tree recursion and traversal concept, it could be confusing sometimes.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 12: January 13, 2017

Today's Progress: Added skeleton for Doubly Linked list and Reading on Graph data structure

Thoughts: Can't focus much today. So, created a skeleton for doubly linked-list and will complete it tomorrow. Will continue reading on graph tomorrow.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 13: January 14, 2017

Today's Progress: Added skeleton for Graph and Reading on Graph data structure

Thoughts: Resistance day again! Manage to hold against it which do some reading on graph and code in the basic skeleton of the graph structure

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 14: January 15, 2017

Today's Progress: Added more functions (addVertex, addEdges, isLinkBetweenVertex, getAdjacentVertex) for Graph

Thoughts: Trying to implement the graph adjacent list using own method even though the space-time performance not perfect. Will improve it further when I code it down the road.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 15: January 16, 2017

Today's Progress: Complete doubly linked-list implementation

Thoughts: Finished what the task left off 3 days ago which is completing doubly linked-list. Was stuck initially because wrong concept and code without thinking (same old problem), manage to google information on wikipedia and finish it using pseudocode provides.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 16: January 17, 2017

Today's Progress: Added skeleton class for Heap data structure and Reading on Heap data structure

Thoughts: Need to divert a bit from graph and tree temporary as brain can't digest too much equation, therefore reading on heap and added skeleton class implementation on it. Will complete the Heap class tomorrow and move on to others data structure in coming days.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 17: January 18, 2017

Today's Progress: Complete implementation for Heap data structure (bugs inside it)

Thoughts: There's some issues on bubbleUp and bubbleDown algorithms, it doesn't work as it should be. Will fix this bug and close this tomorrow.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 18: January 19, 2017

Today's Progress: Fixed bugs on Heap data structure (bubbleUp and bubbleDown) and value duplication verification

Thoughts: Finished implementation on Heap. Will move on to another data structure tomorrow.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 19: January 20, 2017

Today's Progress: Added skeleton class for Array data structure

Thoughts: Implemented some of the basic function and play around with operator overloading. Not really use operator overloading, will do more practice on it and complete Array class tomorrow.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 20: January 21, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed Array data structure

Thoughts: Still not get use to operator overloading will practice more and more. Still thinking whether to divert to do some algorithms or continue more data structure in coming days.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 21: January 22, 2017

Today's Progress: Added makeHeap function for Heap class and Reading on Priority Queue

Thoughts: Found that priority queue concept is about the same as maximum or minimum heap but with different implementation will having different worst time performance. Will stop data structure start algorithms project from tomorrow.

Link to work: Data Structure

Day 22: January 23, 2017

Today's Progress: Created Algorithms project and implemented linear search algorithms

Thoughts: Divert from data structure and start to do algorithms before going for advanced data structure like graph. Will implement at least one algorithms each day.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 23: January 24, 2017

Today's Progress: Added binary search algorithms

Thoughts: Not much time to do coding in the coming days as the chinese new year is coming soon. Will try my best to code at least one algorithm each day.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 24: January 26, 2017

Today's Progress: Added bubble sort algorithms

Thoughts: Missed 25th January as taking transport back to native. Manage to add one algorithm today. Will try my best to spare some time to code during the Chinese new year.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 25: January 27, 2017

Today's Progress: Added selection sort algorithms

Thoughts: Spare some time to add another sort algorithms, cleanup unused files and warnings.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 26: January 28, 2017

Today's Progress: Added insertion sort algorithms

Thoughts: Spare some time to add another sort algorithms on first day of chinese new year.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 27: January 29, 2017

Today's Progress: Added shell sort algorithms

Thoughts: Spare some time to add another sort algorithms on second day of chinese new year.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 28: January 30, 2017

Today's Progress: Added skeleton class for merge sort algorithms

Thoughts: Not much time to implement the whole class so code the merge sort algorithm in skeleton first and complete it tomorrow.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 29: January 31, 2017

Today's Progress: Complete Merge Sort Implementation (have bug on merge operation)

Thoughts: There's some problems in merge operation where some value doesn't copy to the original array. Will debug it tomorrow.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 30: February 02, 2017

Today's Progress: Fixed Merge operation in merge sort

Thoughts: Miss one day again as the previous day full of outdoor activities and drove whole days.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 31: February 04, 2017

Today's Progress: Added skeleton class for quick sort algorithms

Thoughts: Miss one day again as the previous day full of outdoor activities. Manage to add a skeleton class for quick sort. Will resume to code everyday start from next weeks.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 32: February 06, 2017

Today's Progress: Complete Quick Sort Algorithms implementation

Thoughts: Miss one day again as the previous day taking transport back to Singapore. Did some readings on quick sort implementation in details.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 33: February 07, 2017

Today's Progress: Implemented Counting Sort Algorithms

Thoughts: Did some readings on conting sort implementation and going to implement radix sort tomorrow.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 34: February 08, 2017

Today's Progress: Added Radix Sort Algorithms (Bugs on ascending order)

Thoughts: Reading on radix sort. results in ascending is not correct, will debug it tomorrow.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 35: February 09, 2017

Today's Progress: Fixed bugs in Radix Sort Algorithms

Thoughts: Will check on any others sorting or searching algorithms and implemented it in coming days. Else, will shift back to continue on data structure reading and implementation on graph or start multithreading projects.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 36: February 10, 2017

Today's Progress: Added Bucket Sort Algorithms Implementation

Thoughts: Will try to implement some search algorithms tomorrow.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 37: February 11, 2017

Today's Progress: Added Jump Search algorithm implementation

Thoughts: Going to implement interpolation search tomorrow.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 38: February 12, 2017

Today's Progress: Added Interpolation Search algorithm implementation

Thoughts: Will stop algorithms project as most of the search and sort algorithms have been implemented. Going to start multithreading project from tomorrow onwards.

Link to work: Algorithms

Day 39: February 13, 2017

Today's Progress: Starting to work to multithreading

Thoughts: Need to read more on how multithreading works and do more practice on it.

Link to work: Multithreading

Day 40: February 14, 2017

Today's Progress: Completing the test code for multithreadings without semaphores, mutex and critical sections

Thoughts: Doing some readings and watch video regarding multithreadings concept and how it works before proceed further

Link to work: Multithreading

Day 41: February 15, 2017

Today's Progress: Understanding on mutex, dead-lock, atomic operation on multithreading

Thoughts: Doing some readings and watch video regarding mmutex, dead-lock, atomic operation on multithreading. Not much to code until the concept is fully understand.

Link to work: Multithreading

Day 42: February 16, 2017

Today's Progress: Learning on unique_lock, conditional_variables, future, promise, and async syntax in C++ 11 multithreading

Thoughts: Multithreading could not either easy or complicated. Need to implement only if you know how to use it. More to go.

Link to work: Multithreading

Day 43: February 17, 2017

Today's Progress: Understanding on Callable Object, packaged_task, time constraint in C++11 threading library

Thoughts: Today learning was kinda stuck as not much doing on the real program. Will deep in to more concept and try to do some project involving multithreading.

Link to work: Multithreading

Day 44: February 18, 2017

Today's Progress: Setting Up Java SE 7 and BlueJ IDE, Start learning on Java basics

Thoughts: Detour from multithreading for few days to learn about Java basics.

Link to work: Java

Day 45: February 19, 2017

Today's Progress: Setting Up Python IDE and learn python

Thoughts: Another detour from multithreading and Java to learn some basic for python.

Link to work: Programming-Foundations-with-Python

Day 46: February 20, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed Programming-Foundations-with-Python in Udacity

Thoughts: Before going back to either multithreading and Java learning would like to learn more on Python basic which does not covered in the udacity course. It might takes next few days to do so.

Link to work: Programming-Foundations-with-Python

Day 47: February 21, 2017

Today's Progress: Setting CUDA development IDE with VS2015 and started "Intro to Parallel Programming" course in udacity

Thoughts: Another detour from previous 3 projects. Going to dive in a little knowledge on GPU programming.

Link to work: GPU-Programming

Day 48: February 22, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue "Intro to Parallel Programming" course in udacity

Thoughts: Kinda blur on the most of the gpu concept and computation. Was thinking should I go do some course on basic computer science knowledge first instead.

Link to work: GPU-Programming

Day 49: February 23, 2017

Today's Progress: Starting 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Stop what I do so far. As next week will be a big day, need to learn some computer sciences basic for preparation.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 50: February 24, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Not much coding but more on understanding on computer science concept and python syntax.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 51: February 25, 2017

Today's Progress: Learned some basic bash commands and continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Fixed some problem set in 'Intro to computer science' course and learn some simple bash commands in windows and linux.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science];[Bash Crash Courses]

Day 52: February 26, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Fixed some problem set in 'Intro to computer science' course as well and revised on C++.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 53: February 27, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Not much time to go though more lesson on 'Intro to computer science' course as it's been a long after technical skill checking.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 54: February 28, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Will take some time to learn on some of the concept which I am not strong enough to perform well in technical skills reviews on C++ while continue the udacity course in parallel.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 55: March 01, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Gathering information about what topics to strengthen and work on it while at the same time continue udacity course.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 56: March 02, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Not much problems solving today as some personal work come out.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 57: March 03, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Doing more problems solving today.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 58: March 04, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Study the methods on how to fix an difficult algorithms step by step.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 59: March 05, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Manage to finished lesson 3 in one day with good understanding on it.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 60: March 06, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Doing exercise on algorithms on list

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 61: March 07, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: working on another exercise on algorithms for list

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 62: March 08, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: started to working and doing exercise on algorithms for lesson 4

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 63: March 09, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Completed lesson 4, going to do some exercise on algorithms for lesson 4 tomorrow

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 64: March 10, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Started lesson 5 and doing some algorithms exercise

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 65: March 11, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Continue lesson 5 and doing some logical thinking and mathematical problems

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 66: March 14, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Missed two days due to exhausted and sicked. Continue lesson 5 and doing some hash function generation algorithms

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 67: March 15, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Continue lesson 5 and Doing hash table implementation

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 68: March 16, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Complete lesson 5 and working on dictionaries implementation

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 69: March 17, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Started lesson 6 and working on recursion implementation

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 70: March 18, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Continue lesson 6 and more recursive exercise. Missed one day again due to travel.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 71: March 20, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Continue lesson 6 today. Resistance come again, missed one day. Will try to not making this happened again.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 72: March 22, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Complete lesson 6 today. Learning concept on pagerank

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 73: March 23, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Started lesson 7 today

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 74: March 25, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Working some exercise and problem set which skipped or not yet finished for the course.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 75: March 26, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Intro to Computer Science' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Working some exercise and problem set which skipped or not yet finished for the course as well.

Link to work: [Intro to Computer Science]

Day 76: March 27, 2017

Today's Progress: Started 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Learning on some basics on software testing methodology.

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 77: March 28, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Generating some simple test case for an queue class.

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 78: March 29, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Continue lesson 1 and learning more about assertion

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 79: March 30, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Completed lesson 1 and learning basics concept about white-box testing, black-box testing, regression testing, integration testing.

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 80: March 31, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Started lesson 2 and learning basics concept about testing coverage

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 81: April 1, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Continue lesson 2. Splay tree and coverage metrics

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 82: April 2, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Completed lesson 2. Going through all kinds of testing coverage methods(Branch coverage, MC/DC coverage, loop coverage, path coverage, boundary value coverage, synchronization coverage)

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 83: April 3, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Started lesson 3. Going through Random testing concepts and examples.

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 84: April 4, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Continue lesson 3. Concept on input validity and exercise on luhns algorithms.

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 85: April 5, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Continue lesson 3. Concept on Fuzzing and FDIV flaws.

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 86: April 6, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Continue lesson 3. Concept on Generating random inputs and mutation based random inputs

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 87: April 11, 2017

Today's Progress: Continue 'Software Testing' course in Udacity

Thoughts: Finished lesson 3 and started lesson 4. Missed 4 days as travelling to others country with no internet access.

Link to work: [Software Testing]

Day 88: April 13, 2017

Today's Progress: C++ revisited

Thoughts: Refreshed on C++ pointers and computer memory concept.

Link to work: [Teach Yourselves C++ in 21 Days]

Day 89: April 14, 2017

Today's Progress: C++ revisited Day 2

Thoughts: Refreshed on C++ functions, static and local variables

Link to work: [Teach Yourselves C++ in 21 Days]

Day 90: April 15, 2017

Today's Progress: C++ revisited Day 3

Thoughts: Refreshed on C++ Arrays, and Inheritance.

Link to work: [Teach Yourselves C++ in 21 Days]

Day 91: April 17, 2017

Today's Progress: Learning on UML diagrams

Thoughts: Learning some basics concepts on UML diagrams and will do some practices tomorrow.

Link to work: [UML diagrams]

Day 92: April 18, 2017

Today's Progress: Learning on UML diagrams Day 2

Thoughts: Learning basics on Activity Diagram

Link to work: [UML diagrams]

Day 92: April 19, 2017

Today's Progress: Learning on UML diagrams Day 3

Thoughts: Learning basics on Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram

Link to work: [UML diagrams]

Day 93: April 20, 2017

Today's Progress: Learning on UML diagrams Day 4

Thoughts: Learning basics on Communication Diagram

Link to work: [UML diagrams]

Day 94: April 21, 2017

Today's Progress: Learning on UML diagrams Day 5

Thoughts: Learning basics on Timing Diagram

Link to work: [UML diagrams]

Day 95: April 23, 2017

Today's Progress: Learning on UML diagrams Day 6

Thoughts: Learning basics on Component, State Machine and Deployment Diagrams

Link to work: [UML diagrams]

Day 96: April 24, 2017

Today's Progress: Git bash crashes course

Thoughts: Learning basics on git commands Day 1

Link to work: [Git Tutorial]

Day 97: April 26, 2017

Today's Progress: Git bash crashes course

Thoughts: Learning basics on git commands Day 2

Link to work: [Git Tutorial]

Day 98: April 26, 2017

Today's Progress: Git bash crashes course

Thoughts: Learning basics on git commands Day 3

Link to work: [Git Tutorial]