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TPM: Typescript Definition Package Manager

TPM provides a library to find typescript definitions. The TPM library can be used to create other tools, like TSD. It also provides its own command-line tools and grunt tasks to install definition files, to demonstrate how the library can be used, and to make it usable before other tools integrate them.

I wouldn't mind if TPM was merged into another tool, so long as it included all the features.

TPM is currently usable as a definition manager. Please also see TSD for another project with similar goals. We are working together to create a single unified tool.

Command-line Tool

TPM has its own definition installer to demonstrate how to use the library, and to provide early access to features.

Install the tpm command globally:

npm install -g typescript-tpm

Install dependencies by reading any .json file that is similar to package.json. This installs the dependencies to types/:folder/:file.d.ts by default.

tpm install         # defaults to package.json and types/

tpm install package.json -o types/
tpm install bower.json -o types/

To read the devDependencies field as well, just add the --dev flag. Make sure to add it to the end.

tpm install [something.json] --dev

Create a single reference file pointing to all other reference files. Your application only needs to reference this single file to contain all definition files. The output defaults to types/all.d.ts. The input files are required.

tpm index types/**/*.d.ts -o types/all.d.ts

Grunt Tasks

All of the command-line options are available as grunt tasks. This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install typescript-tpm --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named tpm-install or tpm-index to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

// dest is optional on both of these, the default is shown here
    "tpm-install": {
      options: {dev: false},
      all: {src: "package.json", dest: "types/"}

    "tpm-index": {
      all: {src: ["types/**/*.d.ts"], dest: "types/all.d.ts"}

tpm-install installs the definitions for a given package.json or bower.json. You may pass in dev:true in the options to read the devDependencies as well.

tpm-index creates a reference file pointing to all the definition files specified, so you only have to include one.

If you prefer, you can create a task that combines both of these into one step:

grunt.registerTask("tpm", ['tpm-install', 'tpm-index'])

Then, you can install definition files and build the index by typing

grunt tpm

API: Finding Definition Files

TPM has the ability to look up definition files (from DefinitelyTyped) by name, or by NPM, bower, or other package name. This will allow tools to install the definition corresponding to any dependency automatically.

This happens in two steps. First, download the index. This is constructed from the most recent data available online. Cache this and then use it to get definitions.

import tpm = require('tpm')
var cachedIndex:IDefinitionIndex
tpm.loadIndex().then(function(index) {
    cachedIndex = index

Do not read the index directly. Instead use findDefinitions to read from a cached index. This is synchronous, as it just uses the cached index.

var angularVersions:IDefinitionVersion[] = tpm.findDefinitions(cachedIndex, "angular")
var jqueryVersions:IDefinitionVersion[] = tpm.findDefinitions(cachedIndex, "jquery")

This would return an array of definitions, one per version if there are more. Usually it will just return 1. The URL is provided for convenience. Other tools can generate their own URL.

// IDefinitionVersion[]
        "name": "angular",
        "aliases": ["angularjs", "angular-browserify"],
        "path": "angularjs/angular.d.ts",
        "url": ""
        "commit": "master",
        "version": "latest",

name - the name of the package on DefinitelyTyped.

aliases - other names that map to this definition

path - the path to the definition within DefinitelyTyped

version - this will contain version information if multiple versions exist. Otherwise it will be "latest"

commit - almost always equal to "master". If the definition no longer exists on DefinitelyTyped, but did at some previous commit or in another branch, commit will refer to a commit or branch where the definition exists

url - for convenience, a download URL is provided for the definition file. Other tools can generate their own url from the data.

Default Definition Names

The DefinitelyTyped repository is read dynamically. This repository hosts corrections and aliases to it in the data directory. We do not need an alias for every package. We only need them if they differ from the name of the file on DefinitelyTyped.

The name of the definition file is used as the default name. For example, on DefinitelyTyped, the name of the AngularJS definition is angular, because its file is /angularjs/angular.d.ts. Angular Resource is named angular-resource and the file is /angularjs/angular-resource.d.ts.


This repository hosts the mapping of other names to the default names.

For example: angular-browserify should map to the angular definition. To specify an alias, edit data/alias.ts then send us a pull request.

export var all:IAlias[] = [
    {name: "angular", alias: "angular-browserify"},

API: Utilities

Get the contents of a definition


Download a definition to a file path.

downloadDefinition(definition:IDefinitionVersion, filepath:string):Q.IPromise<void>

Download a definition to a folder. If folder is "types/" then it will download to "types/jquery/jquery.d.ts"

downloadDefinitionToFolder(definition, folder):Q.IPromise<void>

Create a single reference file pointing to other reference files. Your application only needs to reference this one file. Note that this can be used to reference your own definition files too!

createReferenceFile(typeFilePaths:string[], indexFilePath:string):Q.IPromise<void>

// example contents of indexFilePath if definitionFilePaths contained these three files
/// <reference path="app/mytypes.ts" />
/// <reference path="types/jquery/jquery.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="types/jquery/jquery.d.ts" />

Find definitions given a hash of dependencies to versions, like what is found in the dependencies field of package.json or bower.json.

// dependencies is a hash of "name: version", etc
findPackageDefinitions(cachedIndex:IDefinitionIndex, dependencies:IDependenciesHash):IDefinitionVersion[]


0.1.7 Added support for --dev and dev:true to parse `devDependencies


Versioning: more information in alias files, matching up versions in generateFullIndex. Correct versions in findPackageDefinitions


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Typescript client-side dependencies made easy







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