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File metadata and controls

265 lines (201 loc) · 9.67 KB


Miscellaneous tools for django.

existing stuff

local sync cache

Keep a local dict in a multi-threaded environment up-to-date. Usefull for cache dicts. More info, read DocString in ./local_sync_cache/

threadlocals middleware

For getting request object anywhere, use ./middlewares/

Dynamic SITE_ID middleware

Set settings.SITE_ID dynamically with a middleware base on the current request domain name. Domain name alias can be specify as a simple string or as a regular expression.

more info, read ./dynamic_site/README.creole.


Message storage like LegacyFallbackStorage, except, every message would have a stack info, witch is helpful, for debugging. Stack info would only be added, if settings DEBUG or MESSAGE_DEBUG is on. To use it, put this into your settings:

{{{ MESSAGE_STORAGE = "django_tools.utils.messages.StackInfoStorage" }}}

More info, read DocString in ./utils/

limit to usergroups

Limit something with only one field, by selecting:

  • anonymous users
  • staff users
  • superusers
  • ..all existing user groups..

More info, read DocString in ./

DOM compare in unittests

The Problem: You can’t easy check if e.g. some form input fields are in the reponse, because the form rendering use a dict for storing all html attributes. So, the ordering of form field attributes are not sorted and varied.

The Solution: You need to parse the response content into a DOM tree and compare nodes.

We add the gread work of Gregor Müllegger at his GSoC 2011 form-rendering branch. You will have the following assert methods inherit from: django_tools.unittest_utils.unittest_base.BaseTestCase

  • self.assertHTMLEqual() – for compare two HTML DOM trees
  • self.assertDOM() – for check if nodes in response or not.
  • self.assertContains() – Check if ond node occurs 'count’ times in response

More info and examples in ./tests/

small tools


Display the normal debug page and not the minimal csrf debug page. More info in DocString here: django_tools/views/

upgrade virtualenv

A simple commandline script that calls pip install —-upgrade XY for every package thats installed in a virtualenv. Simply copy/symlink it into the root directory of your virtualenv and start it.

Note: Seems that this solution can't observe editables right.

To use it, without installing django-tools:

~/$ cd goto/your_env
.../your_env/$ wget
.../your_env/$ chmod +x
.../your_env/$ ./

This script will be obsolete, if pip has a own upgrade command.

..all others…

There exist many miscellaneous stuff. Look in the source, luke!

Backwards-incompatible changes


Language code field and SelectMediaPath are renamed.

change: from django_tools.fields import LanguageCodeFormField to: from django_tools.fields.language_code import LanguageCodeFormField

change and rename: from django_tools.fields import LanguageCodeField to: from django_tools.fields.language_code import LanguageCodeModelField

change and rename: from django_tools.widgets import SelectMediaPath to: from django_tools.fields.media_path import MediaPathWidget


  • v0.21.1
  • v0.21.0beta
    • New: site alias function
    • refractory 'DynamicSiteMiddleware' to a own app (Backwards-incompatible change: change your settings if you use the old DynamicSiteMiddleware.)
  • v0.20.1
  • v0.20.0
  • v0.19.6
    • Add some south introspection rules for LanguageCodeModelField and jQueryTagModelField
    • fallback if message for anonymous user can't created, because django.contrib.messages middleware not used.
    • Bugfix in django_tools.utils.messages.StackInfoStorage
  • v0.19.5
  • v0.19.4
    • Bugfix for PyPy in local_sync_cache get_cache_information(): sys.getsizeof() not implemented on PyPy
    • Bugfix in template.filters.chmod_symbol()
    • Nicer solution for template.filters.human_duration()
  • v0.19.3
    • Add support for https in utils/
  • v0.19.2
    • Bugfix in utils/ timeout work-a-round
  • v0.19.1
    • utils/ changes:
      • Use a better solution, see:
      • Add timeout and add a work-a-round for Python < 2.6
  • v0.19.0
    • NEW: Add utils/ with helpers to get a webpage via http GET in unicode
    • Change README from textile to creole ;)
  • v0.18.2
    • Bugfix: Add missing template in pypi package
  • v0.18.0
    • NEW: Add DOM compare from Gregor Müllegger GSoC work into unittest utils.
  • v0.17.1
    • Bugfix in “limit_to_usergroups”: Make choices “lazy”: Don’t access the database in init
  • v0.17
    • Add the script “”
    • Add “limit_to_usergroups”
    • Add “local sync cache”
    • Add models.UpdateInfoBaseModel
    • Update decorators.render_to
    • render_to pass keyword arguments to render_to_response() (e.g.: mimetype=“text/plain”)
    • new argument “skip_fail” in get_filtered_apps(): If True: raise excaption if app is not importable
  • v0.16.4
    • Bugfix: get_db_prep_save() got an unexpected keyword argument 'connection’ when save a SignSeparatedModelField()
  • v0.16.3
    • Update BrowserDebug: Use response.templates instead of response.template and make output nicer
  • v0.16.2
    • Merge stack info code and display better stack info on browser debug page
  • v0.16.1
    • Update django_tools.utils.messages.StackInfoStorage for django code changes.
  • v0.16.0
    • NEW: path model field (check if direcotry exist)
  • v0.15.0
    • NEW: Add a flexible URL field (own validator, model- and form-field)
  • v0.14.1
    • Bugfix: make path in MediaPathModelField relativ (remove slashes)
  • v0.14
    • NEW: django-tagging addon: Display existing tags under a tag field
  • v0.13
    • Bugfix UnicodeEncodeError in Browser debug
  • v0.12
    • NEW: django_tools.utils.messages.failsafe_message
  • v0.11
    • NEW: Store data in a secure cookie, see: utils/
  • v0.10.1
    • New: Display used templates in unittest BrowserDebug
    • Bugfix: catch if last usermessages exist
  • v0.10.0
    • NEW: utils around django messages, see: /django_tools/utils/
  • v0.9.1
    • Bugfix: database column was not created: don’t overwrite get_internal_type()
  • v0.9
    • New: stuff in /django_tools/fields/
    • see also backwards-incompatible changes, above!
  • v0.8.2
    • New: widgets.SelectMediaPath(): Select a sub directory in settings.MEDIA_ROOT
    • New: fields.SignSeparatedField()
  • v0.8.1
    • Add “no_args” keyword argument to installed_apps_utils.get_filtered_apps()
  • v0.8.0
    • Add model LanguageCode field and form LanguageCode field in Accept-Language header format (RFC 2616)
  • v0.7.0
    • Add
  • v0.6.0
  • v0.5.0
    • Add template/ from PyLucid v0.8.x
  • v0.4.0
    • Add experimental “warn_invalid_template_vars”
  • v0.3.1
    • Bugfix: Exclude the instance if it was saved in the past.
  • v0.3.0
    • Add utils.installed_apps_utils
  • v0.2.0
  • v0.1.0

pip upgrade

To do a pip upgrade in a virtual environment, run this:

~$ cd /YourVirtualEnv/bin
~/YourVirtualEnv/bin$ source activate
(YourVirtualEnv)~/YourVirtualEnv/bin$ pip install --upgrade --verbose --editable=git+git://

The example used git readonly clone url. If you use subversion do this:

(YourVirtualEnv)~/YourVirtualEnv/bin$ pip install --upgrade --verbose --editable=

If you have git write access, use this:

(YourVirtualEnv)~/YourVirtualEnv/bin$ pip install --upgrade --verbose

...or just use our script (see above)

fast repo update

To made a fast repository update, you can run this simple shell script:

~$ cd /path/to/django-tools
/path/to/django-tools$ ./

the update script runs “git pull origin master” or “svn update”.


IRC #pylucid on