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A service discovery for the ECS cloud platform compatible with Prometheus.

How it works

This service gets the list of servers from the Aliyun API and generates a file which is compatible with the Prometheus file_sd mechanism.


You need your Aliyun access key/secret key (token). You can create this token in the console.

Installing it

Download the binary from the Releases page.

Running it

usage: sd adapter usage --config.file=ecs_sd_config.yml [<flags>]

Tool to generate Prometheus file_sd target files for Aliyun Ecs.

  -h, --help                    Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --output.file="ecs.json"  The output filename for file_sd compatible file.
      --config.file="ecs_sd_config.yml"       The ecs sd config file.
                                The listen address.
      --version                 Show application version.

Integration with Prometheus

Here is a Prometheus scrape_config snippet that configures Prometheus to scrape node_exporter assuming that it is deployed on all your Ecs servers.

- job_name: node

  # Assuming that prometheus and prometheus-ecs-sd are started from the same directory.
  - files: [ "./ecs.json" ]

  # The relabeling does the following:
  # - overwrite the scrape address with the node_exporter's port.
  # - strip leading commas from the tags label.
  # - save the region label (par1/ams1).
  # - overwrite the instance label with the server's name.
  - source_labels: [__meta_ecs_private_ip]
    replacement: "${1}:9100"
    target_label: __address__
  - source_labels: [__meta_ecs_tag_groupId]
    regex: ",(.+),"
    target_label: tags
  - source_labels: [__meta_ecs_region_id]
    target_label: region
  - source_labels: [__meta_ecs_instance_name]
    target_label: instance

The following meta labels are available on targets during relabeling:

  • __meta_instance_name
  • __meta_instance_id
  • __meta_instance_type
  • __meta_private_ip
  • __meta_public_ip
  • __meta_ecs_tag_xxx
  • __meta_ecs_region_id: the identifier of the zone (region).


PRs and issues are welcome.


Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.


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