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๐Ÿฆ๏ธ๐Ÿ…พ๏ธโŽ๏ธ๐Ÿ“–๏ธ The official documentation source repository for Twit-Tac-Toe.


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Twit-Tac-Toe logo failed to load

Twit-Tac-Toe documentation

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๐Ÿฆ๏ธ๐Ÿ…พ๏ธโŽ๏ธ๐Ÿ“–๏ธ The official documentation source repository for Twit-Tac-Toe.

Additional documentation

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Unused/extra assets

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There are some non-required assets that can be used in the game:

For those who enable background images in the game, 3 default images are included (you can add more if needed)


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Here are some challenges that you can do with friends/people nearby (as a party game/dispute resolution process)

X Challenge

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Get 2 players, one of them has to think that Twitter should be called X (they will control the X logo) and one of them has to think Twitter should be Twitter (they will control the Twitter logo) play 3 times (draws don't count towards the final goal) whoever gets 2 or more wins is the victor in the argument for the next 24 hours.


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The game has some built-in settings. For example, you can change the wallpaper/make it change wallpapers after each round, change the player logos, add a time limit, keep/manage scores, and set usernames.

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Built-in background images

If wallpaperOn equals true and wallpaperTransitions is equal to true you will be able to see 3 different wallpapers upon each game ending. If you change backgroundNumLimit to 4 or higher, the game will look for additional wallpapers. If they are not found, it will default to the first one. If you set the value to 1, wallpapers will never transition. If you set the value to 0 or lower, the game will load the background as solid black (or white, depending on your system theme of dark or light) changing BackgroundNum will change the background, although the game will do this on its own.

  1. [Twitter1]
Background 1 failed to load
  1. [Twitter2]
Background 2 failed to load
  1. [Twitter3]
Background 3 failed to load

About page

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The about page currently can only be called in the console while the about page is active by typing A or ABOUT it will run at the start of launching the program, but has not yet been programmed to run outside of this.

Game status

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The game operates with a string called game which always has one of these 6 values:

  • new - This is the start of a new game.
  • ongoing - The current game is ongoing
  • X Won - Player 2 (X) won by getting 3 in a row.
  • O Won - Player 1 (O) won by getting 3 in a row.
  • draw - The game ended in a draw
  • ended - The current game ended, and is waiting for the program to start a new game, or terminate the game session

Default players

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The game has 2 default players, which can be altered (currently only through simple source code modification) the 2 default players are:

  • X (1) - Musk
  • O (2) - Twitter

Other languages

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I will test this game in other programming languages in the future when it is deemed necessary.

Programming goals

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The goal is to have the program written in 140 lines or less. This number is in reference to the previous Twitter character limit. It should be less than 100, I will optimize it further as I go.

File info

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File version: 2 (2023, Friday, July 28th at 2:35 pm PST)

File type: Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 235

Current article language: English (EN_USA) / Markdown (CommonMark) / HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language 5.3)

Encoding: UTF-8 (Emoji 12.0 or higher recommended)

All times are UTC-7 (PDT/Pacific Time) (Please also account for DST (Daylight Savings Time) for older/newer entries up until it is abolished/no longer followed)

Note On 2022, Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 am PST, the time jumped ahead 1 hour to 3:00 am.

Note You may need special rendering support for the <details> HTML tag being used in this document

File history

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Version 1 (2023, Thursday, July 27th at 7:18 pm PST

Note This file was written a day before it was published.


  • Started the file
  • Added the title section
  • Added the Additional documentation section
  • Added the Unused/extra assets section
  • Added the Challenges section
    • Added the X Challenge subsection
  • Added the Settings section
    • Added the Built-in background images subsection
  • Added the About page section
  • Added the Game status section
  • Added the Other languages section
  • Added the Programming goals section
  • Added the File info section
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (2023, Friday, July 28th at 2:35 pm PST


  • Converted all sections into dropdown sections
  • Updated the title section
    • Referenced the new project logo
  • Added the Default players section
  • Updated the File info section
  • Added the File history section
    • Added an entry for version 1
    • Added an entry for version 2
  • Added the footer
  • No other changes in version 2


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