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A Slider in React

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A few months ago we launched the Omnibox, a single reconfigurable ticket-buying interface that replaced our old static listings and a thicket of popup windows. The Omnibox is written entirely in React, Facebook's new user interface framework, and in doing this we had to come up with our own solutions to user interface elements and innovate where we could.

One of the products of our work on the Omnibox is the price slider component, which allows users to filter tickets by price:

But for an event with large price ranges - the Super Bowl, for example - a simple linear slider would be unwieldy. Tickets are likely sparsely populated across the full domain of prices and, more importantly, users are far more interested in lower-priced tickets than the exorbitantly priced ones in the long tail of ticket prices.

We solved this problem with two features of the slider: firstly, the upper limit of the price slider was truncated to the 90th percentile of ticket prices, and only dragging the slider handle to its right end will reveal all tickets greater than that price:

Secondly, the slider scale is no longer assumed to be linear. The implementation currently deployed to the SeatGeek site positions the slider on the horizontal axis using the square root function, making lower prices take up more space than the less-desirable higher-priced tickets.

Today we're happy to release this two-handled slider implementation written in React; it has no dependencies other than React itself.


The Slider component can be rendered into the DOM like any other React component. It works on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer down to IE9. It takes the following arguments, the types of which are all enforced by React:

(optional) Number outerWidth

  • Specifies the total width, in pixels, of the entire slider component

Number width

  • Specifies the width, in pixels, of only the slider track

Number leftwidth

  • Specifies the number of pixels to be left empty on the left side of the slider handle

Number rightwidth

  • Specifies the number of pixels to be left empty on the right side of the slider handle

Number leftNumber

  • The leftmost number that the slider can represent

(optional) Number rightNumber

  • The rightmost number that the slider can represent

(optional) Number initialLeftNumber

  • The initial left number that the slider will be set to. While not enforced, it should be equal to either the left or the right number or be between them

(optional) Number initialRightNumber

  • The initial right number that the slider will be set to. While not enforced, it should be equal to either the left or the right number or be between them

(optional) Function scalingFunction

  • A function that takes two arguments, the first representing the x-position of the slider and the second the width of the slider. Use this to control the mapping of the domain of numbers the slider represents onto the range of pixel locations of the slider. By default, this is set to the non-linear
function(x, constantBase) {
    return Math.pow(x, 2) / Math.pow(constantBase, 2);

(optional) Function inverseScalingFunction

  • A function that should be the inverse of the operation of the scalingFunction. By default, it is set to:
 function(x, constantBase) {
    return Math.sqrt(x) / Math.sqrt(constantBase);

(optional) Function onSliderUpdate

  • A callback function that is called every time the slider is updated by user interaction with the handles or entering a value into the input boxes. If onlyUpdateOnRelease is set to true, this function is called only when the user release the mouse button on the slider handle and the mouseup event is triggered. If it is set to false
  • The function is called with an argument that is an object of the following structure:
    leftNumber: this.state.leftNumber,
    rightNumber: this.state.rightNumber

where leftNumber and rightNumber are the new left and right numbers that the slider represents.

(optional) Boolean onlyUpdateOnRelease

  • If set to true, only updates when the user releases the handle and when the user finishes his input. Otherwise, update on every change such as mousemove

(optional) String unit

  • If a string is provided, the numbers that the slider represents will be prefixed with this string. A common usage is to prefix the numbers with $

(optional) Boolean subset

  • If the slider's rightmost value is meant to represent only a subset of the full range, then setting subset to true will trigger a > symbol when the slider handle is pulled to the rightmost edge of the track