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fix phpstan condif

fix phpstan condif #3

Workflow file for this run

name: Laravel
branches: [ 1.x ]
branches: [ 1.x ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup PHP, with composer and extensions
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 #
php-version: '8.1'
extensions: mbstring, dom, fileinfo
coverage: xdebug #optional
- uses: getong/mariadb-action@v1.1
host port: 3308 # Optional, default value is 3306. The port of host
#container port: 3307 # Optional, default value is 3306. The port of container
#character set server: 'utf8' # Optional, default value is 'utf8mb4'. The '--character-set-server' option for mysqld
#collation server: 'utf8_general_ci' # Optional, default value is 'utf8mb4_general_ci'. The '--collation-server' option for mysqld
mariadb version: '10.3' # Optional, default value is "latest". The version of the MariaDB
mysql database: 'testbench' # Optional, default value is "test". The specified database which will be create
mysql user: 'default' # Required if "mysql root password" is empty, default is empty. The superuser for the specified database. Can use secrets, too
mysql password: 'secret' # Required if "mysql user" exists. The password for the "mysql user"
- name: Redis Server in GitHub Actions
uses: supercharge/redis-github-action@1.1.0
# Redis version to use
redis-version: 6 # optional, default is latest
- name: Install Dependencies
run: composer install --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-scripts --no-progress --prefer-dist
# - name: Test & publish code coverage
# uses: paambaati/codeclimate-action@v2.6.0
# env:
# CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID: fe3081a529c6c268974ebebb2f0137c3b3f6351cdc8a2712d8eb86ec78f7bf22
# with:
# coverageCommand: vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml
# debug: false