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MOCASSIN Build-VM Setup Guide


The following guide explains how to setup a build VM for MOCASSIN with remote compilation of the simulator executable on the RWTH Aachen HPC system. Steps that are specific to the RWTH system and may require changes for other environments are marked explicitly. All shown command line inputs are for the PowerShell.

Setting up Virtual Box and a x64-Win10 VM

Important: Execute the following steps in the host machine or the VM as instructed. All other chapters are execute on the VM only.

  • Download the Windows Media Creation Tool

  • Start the tool and follow the displayed steps to download a Windows 10 x64 ISO to a local drive

  • Download and install Virtual Box for your host system

  • Start Virtual Box and select the New dialog from the tools menu

  • Name the new VM and select Microsoft Windows as the operating system and Windows 10 (64-bit) as the version

  • Follow the instructions of the setup dialog and select 4 GB of virtual RAM and the recommended 50 GB as the virtual hard drive size

  • Select the newly created machine on the selection menu on the left and and click on the optical drive (SATA Port 1) and select the Win10 ISO downloaded earlier as shown below

  • Start the VM and follow the Windows 10 (64-bit) installation process. Create and installation of Windows 10 Pro without a product key. It is recommended to create an Offline-Account with a User without a password.

  • Close the VM when the installation process of the OS is completed and remove the ISO from the virtual optical drive of the VM.

  • Open the Settings dialog of the VM and go to System > Processor and set the number of processors available to the VM to at least two cores as shown below.

  • Optional for VPN login: Open the Settings dialog of the VM and go to Network > Adapter 1 and switch the adapter type from NAT to Bridged Adapter as shown below (Leave all settings at the default value for wired connections or set the Adapter type to MT Server for WLAN connections). This setting allows the VM to enter a VPN without the host system having to enter the same network.

  • Start the VM and from the Virtual Box Menu Bar at the top select Devices > Insert Guest Addition CD Image as shown below.

  • Go to This PC in the running VM and install the Guest Additions by double-clicking the CD drive. Use the default settings during installation and reboot the VM.

  • Eject the Guest Additions Disk and set the display resolution of the VM to your liking.

  • Optional: Set the User Account Control in the VM's Windows 10 to the lowest setting to prevent constant confirmation prompts by the system.

Installing PowerShell 7+ and setting up SSH for the VM & remote hosts

  • Start a Windows PowerShell session as an administrator

  • Start the install process of PowerShell 7+ by executing the following command, follow the instructions and ensure that adding the PowerShell to PATH is enabled during installation. Close the elevated PowerShell session after completion of the installation.

    iex "& { $(irm } -UseMSI"
  • Start a PowerShell 7+ session as an administrator and enable the ssh-agent service to start automatically, start the service, and check if its running by executing the following commands:

    Get-Service "ssh-agent" | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic
    Start-Service "ssh-agent"
    Get-Service "ssh-agent"
  • Create the default SSH folder, generate a new SSH Key for the VM, and add it to the ssh-agent executing the following commands (you have to choose and input a passphrase for the key multiple times):

    cd $HOME
    mkdir ./.ssh
    ssh-keygen.exe -t rsa -b 4096 -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
    ssh-add.exe "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
  • Execute this step for all remote Linux hosts you want to create simulator compilations for: Register your machine as a known host to the remote Linux build target by running the following commands. Replace [HOSTNAME] by the address of the target machine and [USERNAME] by your login name for that machine (you will be prompted for a password):

    $PUBKEY_CONTENT = (Get-Content "$HOME/.ssh/" | Out-String)
    ssh "$USER_AT_HOST" "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && echo '$PUBKEY_CONTENT' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
  • Optional: Test the connection by entering the following command, the VM should then connect to the remote target without prompting for a password:


Installing Git and cloning the MOCASSIN repository

  • Download and install Git for Windows. During installation set that the SSH applications found on PATH should be used. Leave all other options at their default values.

  • Clone the MOCASSIN repository master branch into "$HOME/source/Mocassin" by executing the following commands:

    cd $HOME
    mkdir source
    cd source
    git clone ""

Installing the tools for documentation conversion

  • Download the latest version of KaTeX as a zip file and extract the contents of the "katex" folder to "$HOME/source/Mocassin/build/katex"
  • Download and install the latest version of Pandoc using the MSI.

Installing the tools for .NET

  • Download the latest version of Visual Studio Community 2019 and choose .NET Desktop Development and .NET Cross Platform Development as the target usage during the installation.

  • Install the VSSetup PowerShell Module by using the following command and answering the prompt with Yes:

    Install-Module VSSetup -Scope CurrentUser
  • Download and install the .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack

  • Type Windows Features into the Windows search bar and open the Turn Windows features on/off control. Find and activate the .NET Framework 3.5 option and let Windows download and install the files. (This step is required for WiX Toolset 3.11.2 and below and may not be required for future versions)

  • Download and install the latest version of the WiX Toolset.

  • Go to "$HOME/source/Mocassin/src/ModelBuilder" and open the Mocassin.ModelBuilder.sln file with Visual Studio Community 2019. The system is going to migrate the solution, ignore the errors about the WiX Project not being supported. Set the build config to "x64" and the the Solution Explorer right click the "Mocassin.UI.GUI" project and select Build. Make sure that the build process succeeds and close Visual Studio.

Setting up GNU GCC and CMake for Windows

  • Download and install the latest version of CMake for Windows and check "Add CMake to PATH for current user" during the process

  • Download and install the latest version of MSYS2 into "C:\msys64" which brings the MinGW64 Toolchain. Just follow the excellent guide on which also covers the installation of the MinGW64 toolchain using the pacman command.

  • Optional: After settings up the toolchain it is recommended to test if the commands gcc and make are functioning. For that run MSYS MinGW 64-bit from the start menu and type in the following commands:

    gcc --version
    make --version
  • Add "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin" to be auto-added to path with the PowerShell profile using the following command in the PowerShell (Correct quotation is important!), this makes the tools gcc and mingw32-make available from the PowerShell:

    '$env:Path += ";C:\msys64\mingw64\bin"' >> $profile

Setting up and testing the build system

Important: For this step it is recommended to install Visual Studio Code as a code editor on the VM and install the affiliated PowerShell Extension.

  • Make sure that is a known package source for dotnet by entering the following commands:

    dotnet nuget list source
    # Execute this line only if the entry is missing from the list
    dotnet nuget add source "" --name ""
  • Download the nuget.exe CLI from, place it into "$HOME/source" and make it available with the PATH:

    '$env:Path += ";$HOME\source"' >> $profile
  • Create a copy of the build-mocassin-template.json to get the active json file that controls the MOCASSIN build scripts by running the following command:

    cp "$HOME/source/Mocassin/build/build-mocassin-template.json" "$HOME/source/Mocassin/build/build-mocassin-active.json"
  • Open the created build-mocassin-template.json file and make the following changes to the file:

    • Find the "LinuxRemotes" array entry and add all target remote host information. The "PreBuildCommands" will be executed on the Linux host before the build process is started.

    • Find the "Scripts" array entry and set all "IsActive" entries to true

    • Your JSON file should now contain the entries as shown below:

      "LinuxRemotes": [
              "Name": "centos",
              "Host": "",
              "PreBuildCommands": [
                  "module unload gcc",
                  "module load gcc/10"
      "Scripts": [
              "Path": "./subscripts/build-documentation.ps1",
              "IsActive": true
              "Path": "./subscripts/build-solver-linuxremote.ps1",
              "IsActive": true
              "Path": "./subscripts/build-solver-local.ps1",
              "IsActive": true
              "Path": "./subscripts/build-gui-installer.ps1",
              "IsActive": true
              "Path": "./subscripts/build-nuget-local.ps1",
              "IsActive": true
  • Open the PowerShell profile file in a code editor of your choice. for VS Code type in the following line in the PowerShell:

    code $profile
  • Add the following PowerShell code to the file and save the file:

    function Build-Mocassin {
        param (
            [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)]
            $SourcePath = "$HOME\source\Mocassin"
        begin {
            Write-Host "Building Mocassin in: $SourcePath"
        process {
            Write-Host "Updating repository and restoring ... "
            Set-Location $SourcePath
            git pull
            Set-Location "$SourcePath/src/ModelBuilder"
            dotnet restore
            Set-Location $SourcePath
            Write-Host "Running build scripts with active config JSON"
            Set-Location "$SourcePath/build"
            & "./build-mocassin.ps1"
  • Open a new PowerShell session and test the build process by entering the following command:

  • If the process is successful there should be a new folder "$HOME/source/Mocassin/build/deploy/1.1.X.Y", where X and Y are auto generated version numbers. You can navigate to the folder and use the "tree /F" command in the PowerShell to check the file tree. It should look like this, with some version number changes:

    Folder PATH listing
    Volume serial number is 7CC9-AC6A
    │   build.log
    │   tree.txt
    │   └───guide-pages
    │       │   api-mcs-file-contents.html
    │       │   api-model-project-and-context.html
    │       │   api-msl-evaluation-context.html
    │       │   api-preparing-for-analysis.html
    │       │   api-ready-evaluation-classes.html
    │       │   building-mocassin.html
    │       │   energy-model.html
    │       │   installation.html
    │       │   job-templates.html
    │       │   lattice-model.html
    │       │   mmcfe-routine.html
    │       │   movement-tracking.html
    │       │   parameterization-templates.html
    │       │   particle-model.html
    │       │   preface.html
    │       │   readme.html
    │       │   simulation-model.html
    │       │   structure-model.html
    │       │   the-simulation-database.html
    │       │   the-simulator.html
    │       │   transition-model.html
    │       │   ui-3d10-viewer.html
    │       │   ui-energy-control.html
    │       │   ui-job-template-control.html
    │       │   ui-lattice-control.html
    │       │   ui-managing-projects.html
    │       │   ui-parameterization-control.html
    │       │   ui-particle-control.html
    │       │   ui-simulation-build-control.html
    │       │   ui-simulation-control.html
    │       │   ui-structure-control.html
    │       │   ui-transition-control.html
    │       │   under-construction.html
    │       │   
    │       ├───figures
    │       │   ├───png
    │       │   │       JumphistogramCeria.png
    │       │   │       KmcFlowDiagram.png
    │       │   │       Logo.png
    │       │   │       MmcFlowDiagram.png
    │       │   │       ui-3d10-model-control.png
    │       │   │       ui-3d10-viewer-empty.png
    │       │   │       ui-3d10-viewer-parameterization-overlay.png
    │       │   │       ui-3d10-viewer-settings-overlay.png
    │       │   │       ui-assign-transitions-to-simulation.png
    │       │   │       ui-create-model.png
    │       │   │       ui-create-project.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-cellsite.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-doping.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-group-interaction.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-job-collection.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-job-config.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-job-translation-unit.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-kmc-transition.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-mmc-transition.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-occupation-exchange.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-particle-set.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-particle.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-stable-environment.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-state-change-chain.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-state-change-group.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-state-change.png
    │       │   │       ui-define-unstable-environment.png
    │       │   │       ui-deploy-msl-to-localhost.png
    │       │   │       ui-energy-control.png
    │       │   │       ui-interaction-customization.png
    │       │   │       ui-lattice-control.png
    │       │   │       ui-manage-model-project.png
    │       │   │       ui-mmcfe-config.png
    │       │   │       ui-mmcfe-eval-tool.png
    │       │   │       ui-model-validator.png
    │       │   │       ui-particle-control.png
    │       │   │       ui-refresh-defect-energy-grid.png
    │       │   │       ui-simulation-control.png
    │       │   │       ui-space-group-and-parameters.png
    │       │   │       ui-structure-control.png
    │       │   │       ui-targeting-a-job-template.png
    │       │   │       ui-targeting-a-parameterization.png
    │       │   │       ui-transition-control.png
    │       │   │       ui-transition-rule-customization.png
    │       │   │       ui-view-default-building-block.png
    │       │   │       
    │       │   └───raw
    │       │           JumphistogramCeria.svg
    │       │           KmcFlowDiagram.svg
    │       │           mmcfe-series-samples.svg
    │       │           MmcFlowDiagram.svg
    │       │           
    │       ├───katex
    │       │   │   katex.css
    │       │   │   katex.js
    │       │   │   katex.min.css
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    │       │   │
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    │       Mocassin.Mathematics.2021.9.29.nupkg
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    │       Mocassin.Symmetry.2021.9.29.nupkg
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    │       Mocassin.Tools.UAccess.2021.9.29.nupkg
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    │       Mocassin-1.1.7942.11770.msi
    │       Mocassin.Simulator
    │       Mocassin.Utility