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My Blog

In this blog, I am writing about how algorithms can help in the fight against climate change.

Planned Blog Posts

As always, I have way more ideas than I have time to realise. These are the blog posts I have planned for at the moment:

  1. Singularity Unversity
  2. Big World, Small Planet
  3. The Bill Gates Equation
  4. The Rise of Renewable Energy (Reference IEA report) and exponential growth. It is possible to do something about climate change? here is about the optimism in climate change (al gore)
  5. Georaphical smoothing of wind power. Use the AMEO dataset to make an interactive visualization of how the smoothing effect works. Use fourier analysis to show how the frequency content of the signal is shifting towards lower frequency as the signal is aggregated with more and more wind farms.
  6. The Energy Transformation (structural change of energy system)
  7. The Grid Stability Problem (TSO - SVK)
  8. Syntetic inertia wind turbines Canada
  9. Write about job satisfaction and entrepreneurship, use the vien diagram
  10. System integration problem
  11. Flexibility is Key (key for allowing for transformation, what are the sources of flexibility?)
  12. Day-Ahead Electricity Market (from physical problem to market design)
  13. Intraday Electricity Market (not really a market more a horizon)
  14. Artificial Intelligence (what is artificial intelligence)
  15. Artificial Intelligence in Energy (include MIT Review)
  16. PPAs and GOs. What is it and what is it for? Different ways of setting up the PPA etc.
  17. The Electricity Forecast Problem (what is the problem and how can it be defined)
  18. Uncertainty in Electricity Forecasts (why is it needed? refer to paper)
  19. Regional windpower data in sweden
  20. Intraday trading
  21. Meteorology - wind profile
  22. knapsack problem
  23. Mixture density networks and probability. Keras, edward, tensorflow...
  24. Climate models and WRF
  25. autocorrelation
  26. multiple weather
  27. SHMI API (multigrid) (try geoviews by bokeh)
  28. Navier stokes
  29. IEA insights
  30. Algorithmic trading
  31. Bayesian statistics
  32. Computational fluid dynamics


Equations can be typeset using the LaTeX compiler MathJax.

Interactive Plots

This blog is capable of handing interactive plots with plotly. To add an interactive plot, first one has to get the div using a plotly function according to:

import plotly
div = plotly.offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div')

Using python, the div can be saved to a file:

text_file = open("example_plot.html", "w")

This this file should be placed on the following path: _includes/_plots/. Finally, in order to include it in a .md blog post, the following code can be used:

<body> {% include _plots/example_plot.html %} </body>

I want to have the following tags:

  • Math
  • Data
  • Visualization
  • Meteorology
  • Machine learning
  • Electricity market
  • Python
  • Time Series
  • computing
  • CFD
  • Game Theory
  • Forecasting

On Writing blog posts

General advice on writing blog posts:

  • Start by sketching out what you want to include in the post.
  • Write about stuff that you, yourself want to learn more about.


My blog about algorithms and energy.







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