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Sebastian Ene edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 4 revisions

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Why building another RTOS ?

The main advantages are:

Small memory footprint (~ 4kB of RAM)

Sensors support

Preemptive scheduling

Dynamic memory allocator

Kconfig feature selection tool

Apart from these, you can start building features ahead of hardware by using the simulator target. This enables you to build a user space process running on the host machine (either Linux or MacOS) that runs the Calypso OS simulation. This build has simulated interrupt support and acts like real hardware and you can leverage the powerful host debugging tools from your computer.

Getting Started

If you don't have a hardware board don't worry. You can start using the simulator config target or the versatilepb which is using QEMU. This target versatilepb has limited support (only the console print is working for the moment) but further support should be added in the near future.

Download the sources with git clone and update the submodules for this project:

git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive

For simulator build:

make config MACHINE_TYPE=sim

After the build finishes it outputs build.elf which can be run on your host as an executable:


Another good starting point if you want to play with the QEMU sources is to fetch my branch and build the NRF52 machine support that I've added.

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