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adding initial support for freebsd
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Azulinho committed May 10, 2015
1 parent 35032f9 commit 5462cd3
Showing 1 changed file with 307 additions and 2 deletions.
309 changes: 307 additions & 2 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
import base64, hashlib, os, re, string, tempfile, subprocess, types, threading, sys
import tempfile, functools, StringIO
import fabric, fabric.api, fabric.operations, fabric.context_managers, fabric.state, fabric.version
import platform

# NOTE: Reporter is a custom module that follows the logging interface
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
STATS = None

package=["apt", "yum", "zypper", "pacman", "emerge", "pkgin"],
package=["apt", "yum", "zypper", "pacman", "emerge", "pkgin", "pkgng"],

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -748,7 +749,10 @@ def file_md5(location):
# NOTE: In some cases, sudo can output errors in here -- but the errors will
# appear before the result, so we simply split and get the last line to
# be on the safe side.
sig = run('md5sum %s | cut -d" " -f1' % (shell_safe(location))).split("\n")
if 'Linux' in platform.uname():
sig = run('md5sum %s | cut -d" " -f1' % (shell_safe(location))).split("\n")
if 'FreeBSD' in platform.uname():
sig = run('md5 %s | cut -d" " -f4' % (shell_safe(location))).split("\n")
return sig[-1].strip()

# =============================================================================
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1167,6 +1171,46 @@ def package_ensure_pkgin(package, update=False):
def package_clean_pkgin(package=None):
sudo("pkgin -y clean")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PKG - FreeBSD
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def repository_ensure_pkgng(repository):
raise Exception("Not implemented for pkgng")

def package_upgrade_pkgng():
sudo("pkg -y upgrade")

def package_update_pkgng(package=None):
#test if this works
if package == None:
sudo("pkg -y update")
if type(package) in (list, tuple):
package = " ".join(package)
sudo("pkg upgrade " + package)

def package_install_pkgng(package, update=False):
if update:
sudo("pkg update")
if type(package) in (list, tuple):
package = " ".join(package)
sudo("echo y | pkg install %s" % (package))

def package_ensure_pkgng(package, update=False):
# I am gonna have to do something different here
status = run("pkg info %s ; true" % package)
if status.stderr.find("No package(s) matching") != -1 or status.find(package) == -1:
package_install_pkgng(package, update)
return False
if update: package_update_pkgng(package)
return True

def package_clean_pkgng(package=None):
sudo("pkg delete %s" % (package))

# =============================================================================
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1307,6 +1351,11 @@ def command_ensure(command, package=None):
# =============================================================================

# =============================================================================
# Linux support (useradd, usermod)
# =============================================================================

def user_passwd(name, passwd, encrypted_passwd=True):
"""Sets the given user password. Password is expected to be encrypted by default."""
encoded_password = base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (name, passwd))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1345,6 +1394,35 @@ def user_create(name, passwd=None, home=None, uid=None, gid=None, shell=None,
if passwd:

def user_create_bsd(name, passwd=None, home=None, uid=None, gid=None, shell=None,
uid_min=None, uid_max=None, encrypted_passwd=True, fullname=None, createhome=True):
"""Creates the user with the given name, optionally giving a
specific password/home/uid/gid/shell."""
options = []

if home:
options.append("-d '%s'" % (home))
if uid:
options.append("-u %s" % (uid))
#if group exists already but is not specified, useradd fails
if not gid and group_check(name):
gid = name
if gid:
options.append("-g '%s'" % (gid))
if shell:
options.append("-s '%s'" % (shell))
if uid_min:
options.append("-u %s," % (uid_min))
if uid_max:
options.append("%s" % (uid_max))
if fullname:
options.append("-c '%s'" % (fullname))
if createhome:
sudo("pw useradd -n %s %s" % (name, " ".join(options)))
if passwd:

def user_check(name=None, uid=None, need_passwd=True):
"""Checks if there is a user defined with the given name,
returning its information as a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1404,7 +1482,139 @@ def user_remove(name, rmhome=None):
sudo("userdel %s '%s'" % (" ".join(options), name))

# =============================================================================
# BSD support (pw useradd, userdel )
# =============================================================================

def user_passwd_bsd(name, passwd, encrypted_passwd=True):
"""Sets the given user password. Password is expected to be encrypted by default."""
encoded_password = base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (name, passwd))
if encrypted_passwd:
sudo("pw usermod '%s' -p %s" % (name, passwd))
# NOTE: We use base64 here in case the password contains special chars
sudo("echo %s | openssl base64 -A -d | chpasswd" % (shell_safe(encoded_password)))

def user_create_passwd_bsd(name, passwd=None, home=None, uid=None, gid=None, shell=None,
uid_min=None, uid_max=None, encrypted_passwd=True, fullname=None, createhome=True):
"""Creates the user with the given name, optionally giving a
specific password/home/uid/gid/shell."""
options = []

if home:
options.append("-d '%s'" % (home))
if uid:
options.append("-u '%s'" % (uid))
#if group exists already but is not specified, useradd fails
if not gid and group_check(name):
gid = name
if gid:
options.append("-g '%s'" % (gid))
if shell:
options.append("-s '%s'" % (shell))
if uid_min:
options.append("-K UID_MIN='%s'" % (uid_min))
if uid_max:
options.append("-K UID_MAX='%s'" % (uid_max))
if fullname:
options.append("-c '%s'" % (fullname))
if createhome:
sudo("useradd %s '%s'" % (" ".join(options), name))
if passwd:

def user_create_bsd(name, passwd=None, home=None, uid=None, gid=None, shell=None,
uid_min=None, uid_max=None, encrypted_passwd=True, fullname=None, createhome=True):
"""Creates the user with the given name, optionally giving a
specific password/home/uid/gid/shell."""
options = []

if home:
options.append("-d '%s'" % (home))
if uid:
options.append("-u %s" % (uid))
#if group exists already but is not specified, useradd fails
if not gid and group_check_bsd(name):
gid = name
if gid:
options.append("-g '%s'" % (gid))
if shell:
options.append("-s '%s'" % (shell))
if uid_min:
options.append("-u %s," % (uid_min))
if uid_max:
options.append("%s" % (uid_max))
if fullname:
options.append("-c '%s'" % (fullname))
if createhome:
sudo("pw useradd -n %s %s" % (name, " ".join(options)))
if passwd:

def user_check_bsd(name=None, uid=None, need_passwd=True):
"""Checks if there is a user defined with the given name,
returning its information as a
or 'None' if the user does not exists.
need_passwd (Boolean) indicates if password to be included in result or not.
If set to True it parses 'getent passwd' and needs sudo access
assert name!=None or uid!=None, "user_check: either `uid` or `name` should be given"
assert name is None or uid is None,"user_check: `uid` and `name` both given, only one should be provided"
if name != None:
d = run("getent passwd | egrep '^%s:' ; true" % (name))
elif uid != None:
d = run("getent passwd | egrep '^.*:.*:%s:' ; true" % (uid))
results = {}
s = None
if d:
d = d.split(":")
assert len(d) >= 7, "passwd entry returned by getent is expected to have at least 7 fields, got %s in: %s" % (len(d), ":".join(d))
results = dict(name=d[0], uid=d[2], gid=d[3], fullname=d[4], home=d[5], shell=d[6])
if need_passwd:
s = sudo("getent passwd | egrep '^%s:' | awk -F':' '{print $2}'" % (results['name']))
if s: results['passwd'] = s
if results:
return results
return None

def user_ensure_bsd(name, passwd=None, home=None, uid=None, gid=None, shell=None, fullname=None, encrypted_passwd=True):
"""Ensures that the given users exists, optionally updating their
d = user_check_bsd(name)
if not d:
user_create_bsd(name, passwd, home, uid, gid, shell, fullname=fullname, encrypted_passwd=encrypted_passwd)
options = []
if home != None and d.get("home") != home:
options.append("-d '%s'" % (home))
if uid != None and d.get("uid") != uid:
options.append("-u '%s'" % (uid))
if gid != None and d.get("gid") != gid:
options.append("-g '%s'" % (gid))
if shell != None and d.get("shell") != shell:
options.append("-s '%s'" % (shell))
if fullname != None and d.get("fullname") != fullname:
options.append("-c '%s'" % fullname)
if options:
sudo("pw usermod %s '%s'" % (name, " ".join(options)))
if passwd:
user_passwd_bsd(name=name, passwd=passwd, encrypted_passwd=encrypted_passwd)

def user_remove_bsd(name, rmhome=None):
"""Removes the user with the given name, optionally
removing the home directory and mail spool."""
options = ["-f"]
if rmhome:
sudo("pw userdel %s '%s'" % (" ".join(options), name))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1499,6 +1709,101 @@ def group_remove(group=None, wipe=False):
group_user_del(group, user)
sudo("groupdel %s" % group)

def group_create_bsd(name, gid=None):
"""Creates a group with the given name, and optionally given gid."""
options = []
if gid:
options.append("-g '%s'" % (gid))
sudo("pw groupadd %s -n %s" % (" ".join(options), name))

def group_check_bsd(name):
"""Checks if there is a group defined with the given name,
returning its information as:
'{"name":<str>,"gid":<str>}' if the group has no members
'None' if the group does not exists."""
group_data = run("getent group | egrep '^%s:' ; true" % (name))
if len(group_data.split(":")) == 4:
name, _, gid, members = group_data.split(":", 4)
return dict(name=name, gid=gid,
members=tuple(m.strip() for m in members.split(",")))
elif len(group_data.split(":")) == 3:
name, _, gid = group_data.split(":", 3)
return dict(name=name, gid=gid, members=(''))
return None

def group_ensure_bsd(name, gid=None):
"""Ensures that the group with the given name (and optional gid)
d = group_check_bsd(name)
if not d:
group_create_bsd(name, gid)
if gid != None and d.get("gid") != gid:
sudo("pw groupmod -g %s -n %s" % (gid, name))

def group_user_check_bsd(group, user):
"""Checks if the given user is a member of the given group. It
will return 'False' if the group does not exist."""
d = group_check_bsd(group)
if d is None:
return False
return user in d["members"]

def group_user_add_bsd(group, user):
"""Adds the given user/list of users to the given group/groups."""
assert group_check_bsd(group), "Group does not exist: %s" % (group)
if not group_user_check_bsd(group, user):
sudo("pw usermod -a -G '%s' -n '%s'" % (group, user))

def group_user_ensure_bsd(group, user):
"""Ensure that a given user is a member of a given group."""
d = group_check_bsd(group)
if not d:
d = group_check_bsd(group)
if user not in d["members"]:
group_user_add_bsd(group, user)

def group_user_del_bsd(group, user):
"""remove the given user from the given group."""
assert group_check_bsd(group), "Group does not exist: %s" % (group)
if group_user_check_bsd(group, user):
group_for_user = run("getent group | egrep -v '^%s:' | grep '%s' | awk -F':' '{print $1}' | grep -v %s; true" % (group, user, user)).splitlines()
if group_for_user:
sudo("pw usermod -G '%s' '%s'" % (",".join(group_for_user), user))
sudo("pw usermod -G '' '%s'" % (user))

def group_remove_bsd(group=None, wipe=False):
""" Removes the given group, this implies to take members out the group
if there are any. If wipe=True and the group is a primary one,
deletes its user as well.
assert group_check_bsd(group), "Group does not exist: %s" % (group)
members_of_group = run("getent group %s | awk -F':' '{print $4}'" % group)
members = members_of_group.split(",")
is_primary_group = user_check_bsd(name=group)

if wipe:
if len(members_of_group):
for user in members:
group_user_del_bsd(group, user)
if is_primary_group:
sudo("pw groupdel %s" % group)

elif not is_primary_group:
if len(members_of_group):
for user in members:
group_user_del_bsd(group, user)
sudo("pw groupdel %s" % group)

# =============================================================================
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