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Insurance Cross-selling Ranking Project

This repository contains all materials developed for the Insurance Cross-selling Ranking project. This aims to be an end-to-end data product intended to showcase data science skills.

Business Context

A marketing campaing aiming to increase cross-sell rates within an insurance company is going to be held. The featuring product for such campaing is vehicle insurance and is expected to target current life insurace policyholders. During the first iteration of such campaing, data pieces involving demographics (gender, age, region), Vehicles (Vehicle Age, Damage), Policy (Premium, sourcing channel) and of course, end output for this campaing (customer is interested or not), were collected. Converstion Rate for the campaing was about 12%, so it makes sense to assume that the company is interested on a second iteration and thus there is room for improvement based on what was learnt.

Project Objective

This project proposes an automatic way to rank clients on next iterations of such campaing, sorting them by likelihood of being interested in the product. The implementation of the this proposal would imply that reaching the top 20% of the ranked clients will lead to the 90% of the expected outcome of the entire campaign. Being able to prioritize clients would be of tremendous use to the managers as communication strategy can be adjusted accordingly leading to optimized business model, resources usage and revenue.

Business Impact

As described above, business context implies carrying out a marketing campaign. Let us assume these assumptions:

  • 1M clients are to be reached telephonically to be told about the product
  • average of 12 calls per hour per agent
  • average agent salary 20 USD/hour

In such cases The estimate cost of such campaing without using our solution is about $1.6M USD. The estimate cost using our solution is about $330K USD. This is, campaing costs are reduced by about 80%.


If the Google Apps Script API is enabled in your gmail account settings, you are more than welcome to try it out here. Please, be mindful that the API was deployed on a free tier resources, so it might take a while (30-60 secs).

You can propose your own selection of values for the variables, but if you need a starting point, there you go:

Male	33	1	15	0	1-2 Year	Yes	28267	154	269
Female	69	1	28	0	1-2 Year	Yes	25126	124	98
Male	23	1	26	0	< 1 Year	Yes	46132	160	180

Once pasted, hit the Sebmatecho buttom on menu and select the Get Prediction option. You will get a predicted probability for such person to be interested into the producted being promoted.


The data used for this project was obtained from Kaggle (description and further details available here) and it involves an insurance company's database containing information about existing customers who were targeted in the first iteration of cross-selling campaign. The dataset includes the following variables:

  • Gender: Gender of the customer
  • Age: Age of the customer
  • Driving License: 0 (Customer does not have DL), 1 (Customer already has DL)
  • Region Code: Unique code for the region of the customer
  • Previously Insured: 1 (Customer already has Vehicle Insurance), 0 (Customer doesn't have Vehicle Insurance)
  • Vehicle Age: Age of the Vehicle
  • Vehicle Damage: 1 (Customer got his/her vehicle damaged in the past), 0 (Customer didn't get his/her vehicle damaged in the past)
  • Annual Premium: The amount customer needs to pay as premium in the year
  • Policy Sales Channel: Anonymized Code for the channel of outreaching to the customer ie. Different Agents, Over Mail, Over Phone, In Person, etc.
  • Vintage: Number of Days, Customer has been associated with the company

For training data, the target variable was given by

  • Response: 1 (Customer is interested), 0 (Customer is not interested)

Variable selection

A random forest was used to select the most relevant features for this project. The main idea is that every feature would contribute to the impurity, the more a feature decreases the impurity, the more important the feature is. According to the model, the variables vintage, annual_premium, age, region_code, sales_channel, vehiche_damage and vehicle_age were to be considered. Thus, such variables were used for this iteration of the project.


The model used in this project is an XGBoost model that was fine-tuned using a Bayesian optimization approach. The model was trained on the historical data obtained from previous campaigns, and the output is a ranking score that ranks the customers by their probability of purchase. As the main problem is to sort the list of clients the metrics Cumulative Gain Curve and Lift Curves were used to assess model performance.

Also, assuming a traditional threshold of 0.5, this model can be seen as a classification model, so ROC and AUC metrics are also used (and thus these were the initial assessment method on Kaggle's original competition).

The selected model performed consistently higher on all considered metrics and thus was selected for deployment.

Other considered models:

XGboost (baseline)


Logistic Regression

Model Understanding

Being mindful that every model is an approximation of reality instead of the reality itself, it should be stated that most interpretations we can make out of a model, would apply to the model only, rather than the target features true nature (George Box would say: every model is wrong, but ... ). Still, is of value to listen what good models have to say about data and the observed relations between features as such suggestions, when used with data expertise, lead to great empirical understanding of data (... some are useful).

As a way to ease the interaction with the selected model while providing some intuition about the variables, the SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) library was used. Such library (initially proposed here) is a great resource for further understanding the model's inner behaviour, opposing the black-box approach where users will are only left with a prediction with not much explanation. Such library computes Shapley Values in a Cooperative Game Theory framework to approximate the credit to be allocated to each feature.

Model Intuition

For the deployed model, variables previously insured and vehicle damage, are the most important features. The bars are based on average absolute values of SHAP values, this is, the mean impact of each feature across the +700K rows of the original database.

This is also reflected by the Beeswarm plot, cleary showing two clusters for each of the previously insured and vehicle damage features. So, when previously insurance is low (no previously insured), SHAP value increases, this makes sense as people with no insurance are more likely to get one when offered. Also, when vehicle damage is high (customer got vehicle damaged inthe past), SHAP values are high.

Model Individual Impact

To check such impacts, let's go back to google sheets app. Let's focus on the profile of a 33 years old male with driving license in the region code 28 whose car is less than a year old and with a current yearly premium of 33255. Let's explore the predictions given to such scenario variying the top three most important features.

In case that what's important is not necessarily the prediction by itself, but the rationale behind it further analysis can be made to explain model's suggestions depending of specific needs.


The model was deployed through a FastAPI API that is hosted on Render. The API accepts a JSON file containing the variables for each customer and returns a JSON file containing the ranking score for each customer. The API was tested using Pytest. Tests are still to be included in the repository.

Project Deployment

A bayesian fined tuned XGBoost model (predicting the probability of clients being interested in the product) was deployed through a FastAPI API hosted on Render and is available to use on a google sheets spreadsheet.

The general overview and some of the technologies used for deploying this project is presented as follows:

Future work

This project could use the following steps for a next iteration:

  • Writing test for the API functionalities and the InsuranceClass class
  • Propose ranking models based in neuronal networks
  • Expand the API usage to allow final user to select model to be used
  • Develop infrastructure for seasonal retraining of the model with fresh data


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