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#  # ##### ##### #   #
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#  # #####   #   #   # V0.0.6


Welcome to 'killeverythingthatmoves' (ketm) v0.0.6

What is ketm

It is just another arcade-like-2D-space-shooter.
Because its based on libSDL, it can be compiled for many different
plattforms. Tested Plattforms so far:

* Linux/i386
* Linux/PPC
* FreeBSD/i386
* NetBSD/i386
* BeOSx
* Win32

(If it doesn't compile on YOUR plattform, drop me a mail and we see
if we can port it...)

This is work in progress, so if you don't like this version, wait a bit and
check out a later version (see below where to get it).

Where can I get the latest version?

Direct you browser to

Status/Is it playable?

A bit, but not much fun yet. (No real levels, just a testbed for the
enemy-formations). Anyway its stable and runs without throwing
coredumps around.

How to Play?

Start the game with ketm.
You can use some command-line options:

-h:  get this help
-f:  fullscreen mode
-j:  enable joystick-support (preliminary)
-d:  enable debug messages (forced in this alpha version)
-16: force 16 bit screen (default)
-24: force 24 bit screen
-32: force 32 bit screen

In the game you need only cursor-keys and space. With ESC you can abort
a game.

What is your primary development plattform?

At the moment: Linux (SuSE 7.1)
Sometimes I work also on Win2K (with the cygwin environment) or FreeBSD 4.3

Are there Ports to other Plattforms?

Yes, e.g. BeOS. For more information take a look at the ketm homepage.

How to compile ketm on unix/linux systems?
Just type make :)
You will need a recent version of the SimpleDirectMedia-Library (libSDL),
I use V1.2.0 but a recent 1.1 beta shout work also. If you don't have
libSDL on you system, you can get it at

If you using FreeBSD:
I'm not very familiar with FreeBSD, but if you get an error
message like "undefined reference to 'main`... you'd better use
the GNU-make (gmake) to compile ketm.

How to compile ketm on windows?

I use mingw32 to cross-compile the win32 version under linux.
Its also possible to compile it on the native plattform, but
the only compiler I tested is the cygwin-gcc port
Don't know if it compiles with VC++ or Borland C++.

Whats new since 0.0.1

	* joystick support
	* ingame-switching fullscreen/window
	* hiscore-table
	* new weapon for player: killray
	* some bugfixes (details see Changelog)

Whats new since 0.0.2

	* some bugfixes
	* changed default bitdepth to 16
	* removed option "-8", because it made the game look horrible
	* added another framewait method to get the same gamespeed
	  on all machines (thanx to Benjamin Niemann for you suggestion)
	* some new enemys
	* a boss (not finished yet...)
	* a new player sprite (thanks El Fabio)
	* added a new bonusitem (increase speed)
	* "visual-bonus-feedback" :)

Whats new since 0.0.3

	* some new enemys (again thanks to Fabien for the sprites)
	* some new weapons
	* player extras (for now: homing missile and shield)
	* and the obligatory bug fixes

Whats new since 0.0.4 (0.0.5 was not released to the public)
	* new background
	* new screen format: 320x480
	  why? 1) portait mode looks better and
	       2) game is playable on slower machines (I think a
		  300Mhz Machine should do it. Not tested yet)
	* again some new enemys
	* level-information is in external, editable dat-files now.
	* bugfixes, bugfixes and bugfixes


* Fabien Devaux <>
	Great 3D-Artist, he did most of the sprites with
	Blender (

* David Marshman <>
	He does a great job with porting ketm to BeOS and
	(coming soon) MaxOS X

* DraX <>
	He wrote the configure-script

* and of course everyone who encouraged me to continue with ketm

Can I contribute to this project?

Yes, please.

If gimp, povray or blender are your best friends, then you can help me with the
sprites for enenmys and background-tiles for the (hopefully) coming-soon background map.
(take a look in TODO)

If you are a professional game player, play. Tell me what you like and
what you dislike. Tell me, if you've found a bug.

Why don't you split ketm into code and data tarball?

I *will* do that. But at the moment the data part changes heavyly from
version to version. I will provide separate tarballs when the data
part (images/sound) has a bit more stabilized. (Say: Version 0.1.0)


GNUish, See file "COPYING"

Who is responsible for this piece of crap?

Walter Haslbeck <>


Kill everything that move






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