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matthewD-AVI edited this page Sep 13, 2018 · 9 revisions


There is a growing need for effective software security. Pen testers have a distinct disadvantage versus their malicious counter part. The Manual Penetration Testing process is extraordinarily tedious, and inherently flawed. Not only is human error an unavoidable problem with any manual process, the amount of time that must be spent thoroughly testing an application can be enormous. Those labor costs get expensive quickly—and those manual audits can still be ineffective or incomplete. Automated penetration testing, by contrast, can reduce or eliminate significant labor costs while improving the test quality, and that’s why this tool automates the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerability Tests.

What is ADAPT?

ADAPT is an application security testing tool that performs Automated Dynamic Application Penetration Testing for web applications. It is designed to increase accuracy, speed, and confidence in penetration testing efforts. ADAPT automatically tests for multiple industry standard OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, and outputs categorized findings based on these potential vulnerabilities. ADAPT also uses the functionality from OWASP ZAP to perform automated active and passive scans, and auto-spidering. Due to the flexible nature of the ADAPT tool, all of these features and tests can be enabled or disabled from the configuration file.

How it Works

ADAPT uses Python to create an automated framework to use industry standard tools, such as OWASP ZAP and Nmap, to perform repeatable, well-designed procedures with anticipated results to create an easily understandable report listing vulnerabilities detected within the web application.

Automated Tests

* OTG-IDENT-004 – Account Enumeration
* OTG-AUTHN-001 - Testing for Credentials Transported over an Encrypted Channel
* OTG-AUTHN-002 – Default Credentials
* OTG-AUTHN-003 - Testing for Weak lock out mechanism
* OTG-AUTHZ-001 – Directory Traversal
* OTG-CONFIG-002 - Test Application Platform Configuration
* OTG-CONFIG-006 – Test HTTP Methods
* OTG-CRYPST-001 - Testing for Weak SSL/TLS Ciphers, Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
* OTG-CRYPST-002 - Testing for Padding Oracle
* OTG-ERR-001 - Testing for Error Code
* OTG-ERR-002 – Testing for Stack Traces
* OTG-INFO-002 – Fingerprinting the Webserver
* OTG-INPVAL-001 - Testing for Reflected Cross site scripting
* OTG-INPVAL-002 - Testing for Stored Cross site scripting
* OTG-INPVAL-003 – HTTP Verb Tampering
* OTG-SESS-001 - Testing for Session Management Schema
* OTG-SESS-002 – Cookie Attributes
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