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Eric Bodden edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 1 revision

This page describes how to install and use the TamiFlex plug-in for Eclipse.


The plugi-n allows you to:

  • Start the Play-out Agent and Play-in Agent from within Eclipse
  • Inspect the reflection logs


To install the plugin, point your eclipse installation to one of the following update sites:

Latest stable release

  • TODO

Current version from Mercurial

Using the Play-out Agent

Let us assume that we have a little Java project with the following setup:

Now select Run As - Run Configurations...:

Next, select Java Application with Play-out Agent. You will find all setting related to the agent in the respective tab:

For now, we leave the settings unchanged and just hit Run. The Reflection View opens and shows all reflective calls:

Clicking on a call item will open the respective code location:

Next, we will show you how to actually dump a reflection log to disk, along with the class files that the program under test loads. First let us create a new folder out:

Next we set this folder as output folder in the run configuration:

After we hit Run again and refresh the out folder, we get the following:

Double-clicking the file refl.log will open the log file in the view:

To remove the previous log entry from the view, simply right-click the entry and select Remove log from view:

Using the Play-in Agent

Using the Play-in Agent is just as simple. Just create a new run configuration and set the class folder out as input folder:

When you hit Run, the agent will show you that it replaced the files: