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PrivateDrop Base

The PrivateDrop Base framework is a Swift framework that supports Apple's AirDrop and the enhanced version PrivateDrop that adds an extra layer of privacy using private set intersection (PSI).


AirDrop and PSI have a couple of pre-requesites to be used properly:

  1. A certificate signed by Apple
  2. "Record data" signed by Apple, containing the hashed contact identifiers of the user
  3. Signed "Y"-Values (pre-computed PSI values)

Our test apps contain all those values and it is possible to use AirDrop (without PSI and without contact authentication/identification) without them. In this case AirDrop will run in the "Everyone" mode to send and receive files

Example Code:

let configuration = PrivateDrop.Configuration(
            recordData: /*Officially signed record data by Apple*/,
            pkcs12: /*Self-signed or officially signed certificate by Apple (if record data is used)*/,
            computerName: /*A custom name*/,
            modelName: /*Device model name: e.g. MacBook 10,3*/,
            contactsOnly: /*Boolean true or false*/,
            contacts: /*An array of all contacts used. ["+49 29424 92919", ""]*/,
            signedY: /*Signed PSI values that include contact identifiers*/,
            otherPrecomputedValues: /*Plist file matching the precomputed values*/)


To speed up the PSI communication it is recommended to precompute some values before communicating with other PrivateDrop devices.

let privatedrop = PrivateDrop(with: configuration)
privatedrop.precomputeContactValues {
    // Called when finished 

Launching a server (e.g. receiving files)

To receive files, you would need to (1) start the PrivateDrop server and (2) add a delegate to handle the incoming file requests and files. The example code will show how to do this:

    struct ReceiverDelegate: PrivateDropReceiverDelegate {
        // PrivateDrop is ready to receive files
        func privateDropReady() {

        // Has been discovered by a peer. The peer status contains if this is a contact or not
        func discovered(with status: Peer.Status) {
        // Received the request to receive a file. Call the userResponse callback with true to receive it
        func receivedAsk(request: AskRequestBody, matchingContactId: [String]?, userResponse: @escaping (Bool) -> ()) {


        // Received files at the given URL (is a file URL to a local path)
        func receivedFiles(at: URL) {

        func errorOccurred(error: Error) {

let receiverDelegate = ReceiverDelegate()
let privatedrop = PrivateDrop(with: configuration)
privatedrop.receiverDelegate = receiverDelegate

Finding peers and sending files

AirDrop normally works in two steps: At first, the sender discovers all surrounding receivers and secondly the user selects a receiver. AirDrop then sends a request to the receiver that asks the user if he/she wants to receive a file. If accepted, the file will be transferred. To perform these tasks with PrivateDrop follow the example code below. A sender delegate is needed for this.

struct SendingFiles: PrivateDropSenderDelegate {
    let privatedrop: PrivateDrop
    init() {
        self.privatedrop = PrivateDrop(with: configuration)

    /// Found a peer using Bonjour. Before a Peer can receive a file use `detectIfContact`
    func found(peer: Peer) {
        //Now discover if this peer is a contact or not. We use PSI for enhanced privacy 
        self.privatedrop?.detectContact(for: peer, usePSI: true)
    //Finished the PSI protocol with the peer
    func finishedPSI(with peer: Peer) {
        /// The PSI communication has finished. Now we know if we are in the peer's address book. 
    /// Contact checking finished for peer.
    func contactCheckCompleted(receiver: Peer) {
        /// The contact checking has finished. Now we also know if the peer is in our address book. 
        switch receiver.status {
            case .contacts(let contactIds): 
                // We only send files to contacts 
                do {
                    try self.privatedrop?.sendFile(at: fileURL/*local file URL*/, to: receiver)
                }catch {
                    //Handle errors here 
                    fatalError("Errors not handled")
    /// Peer declined the file by responding denying the ask request
    func peerDeclinedFile() {
        // The peer does not want to receive the file. 
    /// The file has finished sending
    func finishedSending() {
        // File has been sent 
    /// Stopped the execution because of an error that occurred
    func errorOccurred(error: Error) {}


let sendingFiles = SendingFiles() 
// Browse for privateDrop only receivers. 
sendingFiles.privatedrop.browse(privateDropOnly: true)

Usenix Paper

This work is part of our paper on PrivateDrop.
Alexander Heinrich, Matthias Hollick, Thomas Schneider, Milan Stute, and Christian Weinert, TU Darmstadt. PrivateDrop: Practical Privacy-Preserving Authentication for Apple AirDrop Proceedings on 30th USENIX Security Symposium. 📄 Link.


The framework that powers PrivateDrop






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