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One-page Web 2.0 project without with Flickr for backend and social part (followers, comments, likes).

Original JavaScript viewer with small changes can be used to show content.


What Status Notes
Design the web app TODO
Viewer to work separately DONE
Viewer to accept export format DONE
Implement the web app 10% in progress
Get good domain name DONE can host stuff for now, no need to pay or register
Host the web app DONE
Dropbox API DONE investigations, abandoned, see Flickr instead, test
Flickr API 20% test

Design outline

Useful hint: "seene://capture" opens Seene app in capture mode (if it was open before; if not -- just opens the app)

User opens

First time: presented with a dialogue, requesting permission to see his feed. Then: sees a feed of stuff from people she follows, can like/comment (for now by going to Flickr site/mobile app).

Viewer options

Storage options

Flickr (going for this)

  • sufficiently well-known, people might already have an account there
  • 1TB free storage
  • good collaboration inside, followers, favorites
  • albums and groups
  • fantastic API, with comments and likes

Plan and some tests

"title":" ",
"originalsecret": "01e6da512c",

Additional test, lots of extras requested

  • nonofficial docs on extras
  • this way it returns full URL to original image, along with other fields
  • filter this to only Seenes
  • one way to do that is make sure it is square, that these fields have same value: "height_o":"1936","width_o":"1936"
  • other way would be to look at tags... but people don't like to spend time on setting that....


  • sufficiently well-known, people might already have an account there
  • free account of 2Gb is enough for about 2K of Seenes, older stuff can be removed or moved to separate account
  • has good API
  • has public links;
  • has comments on public links web and in mobile app (one need Dropbox account to write a comment)
  • has convenient ways of uploading from mobile device (including auto-upload)
