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SeeQucumber is a Gherkin based framework to manage manual test cases.

It generates the following artifacts:

  • Test Plan template from existing Gherkin feature files
  • Test Report from the results of manual testing


Seequcumber is available as an npm module.


$ npm install seequcumber


Seequcumber CLI has two primary options:

seequcumber --testPlan

Creates a new Test Plan from a directory of Gherkin files. Once the blank template is generated, it can be found in the current directory as a csv file. It's easily editable to add more required test cases (example).

seequcumber --testReport

Creates a new Test Report from a Test Plan and directory of Gherkin files. Once generated, the html report can be found in the current directory.

To evaluate if a required scenario has been completed, each scenario's "version tested" (example) is compared the "version to test" from the Test Plan (example).

This comparison uses a string sort (as opossed to a natural sort). It is required that the Test Plan's "version to test" matches the format of the feature file "version tested".

For example: Test Plan version to test: 0.40.0 Feature File version tested: 0.40.20190125 (version 0.40 built on Jan 25th 2019)

CLI Options

-tp, --testPlan Create a new Test Plan

-tr, --testReport Create a new Test Report

-d, --featureDir [dir]
Directory of feature files

-f, --testPlanFilename [filename]
Filename of the Test Plan used to generate a Test Report

-h, --help Usage information


seequcumber --testPlan --featureDir "./dir"
seequcumber --testReport --testPlanFilename "./myTestPlan.csv" --featureDir "/dir"

Feature File Formatting

Seequcumber extract scenarios from feature files used in manual testing.
It requires the following format:

  1. Feature tag @manual A tag indicating that this test is manual (as opposed to automated) is required. Example

     Feature: ...
         Scenario: ...
  2. Test Run Result Each Scenarios has steps with a table containing the manual test result. The table can contain several rows to indicate multiple executions on different versions. Example

    Scenario: ...
         When ...
  1. Results The result of the manual test.

    PASSED (or PASS)
    FAILED (or FAIL)
  2. Version The version of the software that was tested. Example (0.40 version built on January 01 2019)

  1. Tester (Optional)
    Name of tester who executed this test case.

  2. Defect (Optional) The ticket number(s) for defects filed for this step

Third-party libraries

The following third-party libraries are used by this module:

Seequcumber Development

Clone the repo and install dependencies:

git clone
cd seequcumber
npm install

Run the tests:

npm test