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A Minesweeper Clone


To play this minesweeper clone, run the script '' with two command line arguments: the name which the score will be associated with in score logging and the difficulty. The set of difficulty options is currently (Easy, Regular, Difficult, Expert).

To see a summary of game statistics, run the script '' with the username in question as the command line argument.


When the game is ongoing...


When the game ends in defeat...


When the game ends in victory...



a shell such as bash, zsh, tcsh.

python 2.x


Unique Features of This Implementation

  1. It is impossible to lose on the first sweep. This is accomplished by defining the bomb locations after the first sweep. I consider this to be a quality design feature because there is little rhyme-or-reason to the first choice.

  2. Recursive sweeping of cells with zero adjacent bombs.

  3. Pythonic aesthetics in the naming of the classes and the appearance of the game.

  4. Depending on the state of the hasBoarders variable in platonic.boardParams, the board does or does not have visual edges between the cells. This is done by either making the cell size either small enough to preserve the backbround color from the initital rendering or by making the cells a bit bigger. That difference is made by the offset variable in the game.drawCells function.

  5. In the spirit of object-oriented architecture, the core logic of the game is separated from the state of the game which are separated from the visual appearance of the game. The core logic is specified in platonic.essence. The parameters that determine the definitions of the difficulty levels (and the named constants which map to these levels) are in the gameParams class. The game state

Explanations of Possibly Weird Design Choices

  1. A cell is swept upon the BUTTONUP event rather than the BUTTONDOWN event. It is so because the user may notice, between depressing and releasing the mouse button, that he or she meant to click on a different cell.

  2. Why don't the functions that map something to something else, such as mapToCell, pass a tuple and thereby be more concise? I chose to make x and y coordinates separate parameters so that I need not have a line that looks like "x, y = arg[0], arg[1]". Without this extra line, those functions can be one liner functions that consist soley of a return expression (which is elegant).

  3. If something else seems weird, let me know! My email address is

Things To Come (Maybe)

  1. The four difficulty levels and the density of bombs for each difficulty level are chosen arbitrarily. It would be better if these design decisions were more systematic.

  2. In the course of playing Minesweeper, there are times where one cannot sweep a cell with certainty. Those of us who like minimal chance in their games it would be beneficial to have a mode where these fifty-fifty situations are automatically resolved.

  3. A Minesweeper solution engine. This is probably a superset of the item above.

  4. A button to initiate a new game, rather than restarting every time from the command line.


A Minesweeper Clone






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