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Genmoji is a website that uses the ChatGPT API to generate commit messages from code snippets or git diff. With Genmoji, developers can easily create informative and concise commit messages, using the gitmoji standard, without spending time and effort writing them themselves.


Using Genmoji is as easy as providing a git diff or code snippet and pressing the Generate button. It will attempt to derive a fitting commit message from the context and code provided.

Check the tool out here or go to

Optional additional context

You can nudge the model into providing a better suitable gitmoji or message by providing some additional context. It is completely optional and doesn't have to be thorough. It can even be a single word.

A simple example can be that when you see an incorrect gitmoji being used, you can nudge it in the correct direction by typing an important keyword like documentation which will then guide it into using :memo: as the correct gitmoji.


There is also a CLI version of Genmoji available. It can be used to generate commit messages from your staged changes.

  1. Download the latest binary from the releases page for your system
  2. Rename the binary to genmoji
  3. Copy the binary to a location in your $PATH
$ genmoji -h
   genmoji - Generate commit messages for your staged changes

   genmoji [global options] command [command options]


   generate  Generate a commit message
   commit    Generate a commit message and commit it
   config    Configure the app
   help, h   Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version