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Boilerplate Project to showcase sequelize, handlebars, mysql, heroku in an MVC architecture.

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Eat-Da-Burger it is a web app which showcase the capabilities of some important web technologies working together such as:

NodeJS, Express, Handlebars, Sequelize, MySQL and Heroku in action.

Web App Usage

  • The user will have a Text Box available to type and submit the name of the Burger of his/her like.
  • All these burgers will pile up in the left side of the window with a button to activate the action of devour the Burger.
  • Once a burger is Devoured this will be piled up in the right side of the window.
  • All the Burgers will be stored in the database.

Deployed App


Sequelize CLI

sequelize init:models & sequelize init:config & sequelize init:migrations

sequelize model:create --name Burger --attributes burger_name:STRING,devoured:BOOLEAN

Process Repositoy Created Create .gitignore Create npm init npm install express sequelize mysql2 express-handlebars

Sequelize Initialization

# Create all the sequelize directories: config, models, migrations and seeds
sequelize init
# Create only the required migrations.
sequelize init:models & sequelize init:config & sequelize init:migrations

Create the db directory and create inside the sql file with the Data Base or Schema Creation. Run the sql and Create the Schema.

Edit the file config/config.json with the development Database information: User, Password, Host, Port, etc...

  • Initialize the Models with sequelize-cli Create the Burger Model
    From inside the project Directory: sequelize model:generate --name Burger --attributes burger_name:string,devoured:boolean
    Note: Make sure not to use spaces between the commas in the attributes definition.
    Edit model and migration files to be consistent with the table definition. Add defaultValue: false, in devoured attribute.

Execute the Migration to create the table sequelize db:migrate sequelize db:migrate --env development

To production: sequelize db:migrate --env production

Migration File Reference Query Interface Reference

Create the Server JS

create server.js Get Dependencies required and configured: express port configuration static directory defined Parse application body urlencoded json handlebars set it and require it express define the engine as handlebars with the layout and partials directories and default layout name. set the view engine set the views directory require the routes file make express app to use them.

Requiring our models directory NOTE our entry point will be index.js const db = require("./models") Syncing our sequelize models and then starting our Express app

  • Create the Handlebars Files
    • Create the views directory.
    • Create the views/layouts/main.handlebars files as default layout.
    • Create the views/index.handlebars as entry point to render.
    • Create the views/partials/burgers/burger-block.handlebars to include rendering into index.
  • Create the public/assets directory and include all static files required. styles and javascript for the frontend.
  • Create the routes files.
    • htmlRoutes.js file containing get routes.
    • apiRoutes.js file containing post routs for API request.
    • Include the models call in these files to use them there.
  • Update server.js to make the calls to the routes files.


create routes create public create public/assets create views create db/schema.sql

create the Models with sequelize-cli

Deployment Ready

Include the JAWS MySQL add-on service to the Heroku Project

Edit the file config/config.json and update the database_production information with JAWS MySQL Info: User, Password, Host, Port, etc...

To production: sequelize db:migrate --env production


Boilerplate Project to showcase sequelize, handlebars, mysql, heroku in an MVC architecture.






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