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Site that displays status history of FFXIV worlds. Includes maintenance, preference state and ability to character new characters on each world. Live site can be found here:

Docker deployment

Before deployment

  • create fws_site/settings/ file and define add your own secret key there with SECRET_KEY = '<your-secret-key>'. You can use
  • Your website hostname needs to go in ALLOWED_HOSTS list in the appropriate settings file under fws_site/settings/ (e.g. and in the server_name directive in deployment/fws_nginx.conf. Ideally it should be the only thing in those lists.


  1. Install docker, python, pip, and pipenv if you haven't already. This varies by distribution and preference.

  2. Install dependencies from Pipfile. Alternatively only install django, since it's the only one currently required.

    # Install all dependencies
    pipenv install
    # Only install django
    pipenv install django
  3. Prepare project by running script. This will create required directories and files for deployment.

    • Only docker is required beyond this step, everything else installed in steps 1 and 2 can be safely removed.
  4. Initialize database by running:

    docker compose --file docker-compose-prod-manage.yml run manage migrate
    docker compose --file docker-compose-prod-manage.yml run manage loaddata --app ffxivws --format json worlds.fixture.json
  5. Start the web server:

    docker compose --file docker-compose-prod-revproxy.yml up --remove-orphans
    • use --file docker-compose-prod.yml instead if you're going to set up your own reverse proxy
    • you may append -d option at the end of that command to run it in detached mode